Your engineers got a new powerful weapon to tear through aircraft and waves of enemies.
Your engineers got a new powerful weapon to tear through aircraft and waves of enemies.
Everyone should get their own armored aircraft for Christmas.
Some of the most battle tested jets are coming later this month.
"We are glad that the popularity of War Thunder has only been growing over the years."
The update is available now.
The switch to the 2.0 Targem Engine drastically improves the spectacle of armored vehicle battles.
The post apocalyptic game is getting a big upgrade.
The new Champion is part of the Dieselpunk update.
The battle heads to the Pacific Ocean with carriers playing a big role.
Piloted or not, new vehicles and updated models bring War Thunder into a bit more modern age of combat.
One of the prominent symbols of the Soviet War sports an explosive arsenal.
Taking modern warfare a step further.
Rewards include four new models of military vehicles.
Applications to sign-up for the test are now available.
“I feel the need, the need for speed.”
Players can now fully transform any map in Enlisted with the new Mission Editor feature on PC.
Dozens of new military vehicles on the way, too!
"Crossout warriors switch from armored vehicles and lasers to carriages and ballistas!"
Dynamic wind, smoke shadows, blowing dust, and "improved grass"!
First of two three-month seasons already underway.
Single purchase will now net you permanent leveling bonus.
And a weapon that fires saw blades!
The haptic controller is taken full advantage of...even down to the feeling of your vehicle driving over pebbles.
And new wind effects will blow smoke in your eyes.
New battle pass and holiday event also kick off today.
It also adds a new vampire champion ... “Fangs” … get it?
There's even a new fire-breathing shotgun relic weapon to craft as Season 7's battle pass kicks off.
Take cover in a bomb crate or dig your own trenches.
Great way to tank your military career.
Plant mines or stop the other team from planting theirs.