CEO Jacopo Pietro Gallelli updates players on what's been changed between mid-Spring to now.
CEO Jacopo Pietro Gallelli updates players on what's been changed between mid-Spring to now.
Get ready to compete and earn goodies for yourself and your guild.
"Some new, some returning, and some requested quality-of-life updates!"
It’s also offers players the ability to have their cake and eat it too when it comes to PvE in a sandbox world.
That’s also the closed beta.
Yes it's free...but remember it's still in beta.
Grab your sunglasses, an umbrella, and maybe even your snow boots.
Closed beta tests are created to improve a game, not for players to take advantage of a rare opportunity.
There will be new playable races, planets, and other features throughout the year.
Explore the new Aerhen continent, home of beautiful and dangerous biomes.
Adventure on the continent of Aerhen, where the monsters haven't "had a decent bite to eat" in some time.
40-square-km Aerhen has varied environments, weather conditions, and evil elementals.
In-game planets let you choose the level of PvP you wish to engage in.
Short Version: Fractured says gamigo embraces the game's vision "as is".
Housing is an essential and varied feature
Fractured Online first title to be overseen by new department.
Beta planned for new year, bringing new continents and races.
The stream addresses player concerns about the recently revealed partnership.
The company has taken on publishing Dynamight Studios’ open-world MMO.