Fortnite (Page 10)

Epic Games Kicks Off 14 Days Of Fortnite

Epic Games is celebrating a year of Fortnite with a special 14 Days of Fortnite event -- both in Battle Royale and Save the World. In Battle Royale, the holidays have arrived, complete with a Snowball launcher and a holiday-lit...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Fortnite Adds Balloons As An Air Travel Option, Because, Why Not?

With the release of Fortnite's v6.21 patch, Epic games brings an end to the Fortnitemares event and adds a whole new way for players to get around -- using balloons. On November 4, the Fortnitemares challenges will come to an e...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Tomatohead Returns To Fortnite...Sort Of

Back when the rift hit Fortnite -- around the end of Season 4 -- and sucked all kinds of things into another dimension, it took with it Tomatohead, the mascot of Tomato Town.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
The Latest Fortnite Update Is All About The Big Booms

Get ready guys, Fortnite's v5.10 content update not only adds new goodies, but also brings the ol' Guided Missle out of the vault for some more fun with things that go "boom." (Of course, there are other things you can use it fo...

By QuintLyn Bowers -