"Nuked from orbit" is not how most people want their runs in a battle royale game to end.
"Nuked from orbit" is not how most people want their runs in a battle royale game to end.
After having to choke down a healthy serving of humble pie following LawBreakers' demise, you might think Boss Key Productions CEO Cliff Bleszinski might be a little quieter regarding the company's new -- and seemingly well-re...
Today's Fortnite update adds a new feature to Battle Royale, for those players who'd just rather not spend a lot of time building things.
There's no doubt that Fortnite has taken over classrooms -- to the point that some have complained of the negative impact it's had on education.
The mobile version of Epic Games' Fortnite Battle Royale is doing pretty well post launch.
Remember Knives Out?...
With all the success stories -- and money -- Fortnite: Battle Royale is generating, we sometimes forget about that "other" Fortnite.
When it comes to April Fool's, the internet -- and gaming companies in general -- are usually up for a bit of silliness.
Fortnite Battle Royale is huge right now.
Fortnite Battle Royale is a big deal.
Frustrated by just how long it takes to be headshotted by a sniper or succumb to the wall o' death in Fortnite Battle Royale?...
So, Fortnite Battle Royale players, we have good news and bad news.
Want to kill 100 people on your commute to work?...
Epic Games has some serious plans for limited-time game modes in Fortnite Battle Royale.
Following a recent post on Reddit, with a video showing a five-player team ganging up on other players in Fortnite Battle Royale's solo mode, Epic Games has stated they will take actions against such players.
UPDATE, 3/8: Welp. Original article: Several news sites are reporting that H1Z1, Daybreak Games' battle royale title, has lost a huge chunk of its player base over the past several months.
Fortnite Battle Royale has exploded "far beyond our wildest growth expectations," Epic Games says.
It didn't take long for Epic Games to throw another limited event at Fortnite Battle Royale players.
Online petitions are about as useful as nipples on a man.
It was hinted at in a recent dev blog from Epic Games.
Fortnite Battle Royale patch v.2.3.0 releases today, bringing with it a selection of bug fixes and quality-of-life changes.
A new city and map update wasn't the only big change to Fortnite Battle Royale last week.
When they're not busy hauling cheaters off to court, the makers of Fortnite: Battle Royale are set on conquering the world.
Battle royale games are typically "take no prisoners"-type affairs.
When it comes to trying to be stealthy in battle, you can sneak all you want.