After a cryptic tease on the newly created @TroveGame Twitter account Wednesday, Trion Worlds officially revealed their newest project, Trove.
After a cryptic tease on the newly created @TroveGame Twitter account Wednesday, Trion Worlds officially revealed their newest project, Trove.
Pax Prime brought more news regarding SOE's first of two sandbox MMOs, Everquest Next: Landmark.
I've just returned from a rather extensive first look at SOE's sandbox MMO Everquest Next.
While the official reveal of SOE's upcoming sandbox MMO Everquest Next isn't slated until noon tomorrow, John Smedley, President of SOE just had to tease fans with a little taste of what's to come. During the SOE Live welco...
The upcoming SOE Live convention (think Blizzcon but Sony) is set to go live starting tomorrow, August 1st.
Welcome to the Crystal Ball, MMOBomb's new semi-regular column where we pontificate on what we'd like to see in an upcoming free-to-play MMO or what we'd like to see added to an existing one!...