Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!
Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!
Prepare for Disney overload in Fortnite and a Disney Entertainment Universe.
This is possible through the Digital Markets Act, which takes effect in March.
Damn...you're really about to feel old with some of these big MMORPG birthdays!
It may not last long, but investors are more optimistic about Microsoft for now.
Fortnite players who haven’t requested their share of the $245M settlement still have time.
Anyone up for a “Death Race”?
You can now play as Boris, a bear/robot.
It's been a long time coming, but what does a post-E3 world in gaming look like?
The verdict determined that the company engaged in anticompetitive practices on Android.
Players can use their favorite cars from the sports game in this new experience.
Where we dropping in 2024, boys?
The game has been in early access on PC for the last year.
"Now On Epic" allows companies to earn 100% of their revenue for the first six months following release.
The change “opens up future plans for some Rocket League vehicles” in other Epic games.
If you're a creator, complete the questionnaire before your island gets removed!
Tickets are still available if you want to be there in person.
Metzen is back in charge, Pantheon has a big change, and Epic lays off hundreds.
The company is laying off about 16% of its staff.
At least that’s what some leaks indicate.
The FTC is now notifying people that they may be eligible.
Is there a chance in hell EA doesn't mess up monetization for the new Sims game?
And the victory royale goes to Donald Mustard.
This means nothing will change for consumers and developers, at least in the near future.
Players must now use utilized cursed energy to stay on top in Battle Royale Island.
Or, in legal terms, "anti-steering techniques."
This is just a rumor of course, but it comes from a reliable source.
Plus leaks suggest another epic crossover could be on its way.
The company argues that being ordered to stop its anti-steering practices was too harsh.
Fortnite will crossover with anything.