Epic Games (Page 13)

Epic Games Kicks Off 14 Days Of Fortnite

Epic Games is celebrating a year of Fortnite with a special 14 Days of Fortnite event -- both in Battle Royale and Save the World. In Battle Royale, the holidays have arrived, complete with a Snowball launcher and a holiday-lit...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
NFL Uniforms Come To Fortnite: Battle Royale On Friday

With football players doing dances inspired by Fortnite: Battle Royale after scoring touchdowns, it only seemed fitting that Epic Games would seek a cross-promotional campaign with the NFL.

By Jason Winter -
Fortnite Adds Balloons As An Air Travel Option, Because, Why Not?

With the release of Fortnite's v6.21 patch, Epic games brings an end to the Fortnitemares event and adds a whole new way for players to get around -- using balloons. On November 4, the Fortnitemares challenges will come to an e...

By QuintLyn Bowers -