Did you catch the introduction of Apex Legends' newest character, James "The Forge" McCormick back in January?...
Electronic Arts (Page 5)
Season 4 of Apex Legends, Assimilation, is underway, bringing with it a major map update and a new legend who's "Consumed by hate and obsessed with revenge." In other words, he's a competitive PvP gamer. Revenant is Apex Le...
Electronic Arts revealed its financials for its most recent quarter yesterday, and in the accompanying conference call, had some good things to say about Apex Legends' past and future.
[caption id="attachment_110518" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Photo: Stefan Dietz, The Oregonian[/caption] We all get bored in the airport.
Star Wars: The Old Republic turns eight years old today, which means that in about months it will pass Star Wars: Galaxies, which lasted about eight and a half years.
2019 was … certainly a year.
Apex Legends has slowed down considerably since its big surprise launch in February.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is approaching the $1 billion mark in total revenue.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's advanced classes continue to get the pre-expansion writeups, and today it's Operatives and Scoundrels who get put under the microscope in advance of the upcoming Onslaught expansion. The advanc...
Trooper and Bounty Hunter advanced classes are getting the once-over in Star Wars: The Old Republic once the Onslaught expansion goes live on Oct.
Last week's report by the UK government regarding loot boxes and their potential regulation is making waves this week as well.
We only do predictions around the start of the year, both for general F2P news and for what we think might go F2P next.
Apex Legends' Wraith-themed Voidwalker event is now live, and for the next two weeks, you can scavenge the ruins of an abandoned research site, enjoy a new limited-time mode, complete challenges to win loot, and, buy loot dire...
Last week, Apex Legends came under fire for some dubious monetization regarding its recent loot box shenanigans that required players to spend upwards of $150 to get the best new skins in the game.
Last month, we reported that Nexon had obtained a controlling share of Embark Studios, the Sweden-based developer founded by former Electronic Arts executive Patrick Söderlund.
Electronic Arts had several nice things to say about Apex Legends in its most recent financial statement, released yesterday alongside a press release announcing its biggest official esports initiative for the game to date. ...
It seems like the UK has way too many officials who are being quoted on the subject of loot boxes in gaming.
BioWare had a lot to say and show about Onslaught, the next expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, including a bunch of screenshots from the planets of Onderon, Dxun, Mek-Sha and Corellia.
When it first went free-to-play back in 2012, Star Wars: The Old Republic was lambasted for ...
Starting next week, Apex Legends players will be able to take part in the Legendary Hunt limited-time event.
Kotaku's Jason Scheirer landed an interview with Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, who earlier this month made it known that he intends to propose anti-loot-box legislation to Congress.
Is Apex Legends running out of gas?...
The next update for Apex Legends doesn't have the flashiest feature list, but it does address some of the community's concerns with audio issues, hit detection, and -- most importantly -- crashes. The audio engine will be 3...
Have you heard the latest “Anthem is going free-to-play” rumors?...
Electronic Arts released its Q1 and FY2019 financial statement yesterday, and on the follow-up earnings call, had all sorts of nice things to say about Apex Legends.
Star Wars: The Old Republic is bracing for a new expansion later this year, and the developers at BioWare are shifting into high gear to get it done.
Earlier this week, Respawn Entertainment CEO Vince Zampella admitted that content rollouts for Apex Legends were a bit lighter than he would have liked, but that comes with the benefit of healthier and happier employees.
On the same day that news of Epic Games' overworking of its employees in the wake of Fortnite: Battle Royale's success broke, Respawn Entertainment CEO Vince Zampella was at the GamesBeat Summit in Los Angeles, discussing how ...
A new player has entered the market for a majority stake of Nexon.
This weekend's Star Wars Celebration was jam-packed with all kinds of juicy reveals for fans -- and even non-fans, who saw their social media feeds explode after each new info drop.