Originally created by players as a way to celebrate Bungie's games, Bungie Day has carried over into something bigger that the developer not only participates in but uses as a way to celebrate with the community.
Originally created by players as a way to celebrate Bungie's games, Bungie Day has carried over into something bigger that the developer not only participates in but uses as a way to celebrate with the community.
The marriage between Bungie and Activision wasn't the smoothest ride, for a number of reasons that have been well documented.
Destiny 2 Guardians on PlayStation 4 can now pre-purchase this fall's expansion, Beyond Light, bringing it up to speed with D2 on PC, Xbox, and Stadia.
Destiny 2's wrapping up Year 3 and looking to plunge headlong into Year 4, details of which were revealed in a livestream today.
The next chapter of Destiny 2 is almost ready to reveal to players.
Destiny 2 kicked off another event for players today.
The way things are going today, we could all use a little more vigor in our life -- and maybe a little more Vigor, too. Bungie has announced the Guardian's Heart initiative for Destiny 2 players, to help raise funds for those...
If you don't have anything to do around 10 AM Pacific time this coming Monday (April 13), then that might be a good time to pop over to Bungie's Twitch channel where they'll be discussing a fundraiser intended to help those work...
Destiny 2 players can finally determine their worthiness as Season 10: Season of the Worthy goes live today on PC and consoles.
Bungie issued a statement today regarding the impact that the COVID-19 coronavirus would have on its game development.
In just one week, Destiny 2 players will take on the challenges to be found in the game's 10th round of seasonal content.
Destiny 2 Game Director Luke Smith penned a very long blog post today -- and by "today," we mean it was just put up today, because it clocks in at over 4,000 words and probably took days to write -- covering a wide range of to...
Last month, Bungie had to roll back player progress for Destiny 2 because of an error that popped up after an update went live.
Yet another Valentine's Day event is about to begin in another free-to-play game.
For all the “innovations” that online games have pioneered over the past few years to generate additional revenue, the one that's received probably the least disdain from gamers is the season pass.
A bungie cord is springy and, when stretched out, will quickly snap back into its original position.
In an effort to raise funds to assist with Australia's efforts responding to the ongoing bush fires, Bungie announced plans to sell a limited-edition T-shirt to raise funds for two organizations involved in containing the fires ...
Another year passes and it's time again for another look at the top sellers on Steam.
Destiny 2's got a quest that's so easy, it doesn't even require you to kill anything.
Destiny 2 players are a bit put off by the new store items that have been added in the Eververse -- or rather, the ratio of microtransaction items vs rewards.
2019 was … certainly a year.
The Dynamo mod for Destiny 2 was a little too dynamic, as Bungie found out this week.
Things have gotten a bit wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey in Destiny 2.
Bungie has pulled back the curtain on the next season of Destiny 2, the Season of Dawn, which begins on Dec.
Destiny 2's latest expansion, Shadowkeep, launched less than two months ago, but you can already get it on sale for 40% off in this week's Black Friday sale.
Destiny 2 players got the final chapter in the Vex Offensive storyline, and it was ...
I said previously that I was astonished just by the design of Destiny 2's worlds and how big and empty parts of them seemed.
Fortnite is bringing in less money than it ever did before, but it's still more than most other free-to-play (and non-free-to-play) games out there. That's the news from SuperData, whose latest blog post led with "Players a...
Jagex has some new high-level hires, and they're be set to work on RuneScape, as well as other projects.
Well, that was fast.