Get ready for a little Halloween chaos Gotham-style.
Get ready for a little Halloween chaos Gotham-style.
Old LIs can be converted into items needed for new ones.
Includes new Brawler class, level cap increase, and instances.
Also, you can get a load of free quests in LotRO!
Studio was founded by three former Lionhead employees.
Explore Batman’s past in leveled up versions of Batman Classic instances.
Lots of tweaks and changes for veteran players, too.
Become a lord of the boxing ring.
Half of EG7's revenue comes from live-service games.
DC Universe Online’s 41st episode is free to everyone.
Free NSO update is also live on PlayStation 4.
Beginning today, and running through August 24, DC Universe Online players have the chance to get ahead (or caught up) on the process of leveling up their Artifacts.
The first rule when talking about monetization for a free-to-play game is: "Don't talk about monetization, unless you're really, really, really ready to talk about monetization." If you give out vague information or leave out ...
It seems like everyone's getting into the Halloween spirit early.
Over a decade after their introduction, and a year after Standing Stone Games announced that they would be changed -- for what seemed like the eighth time -- The Lord of the Rings Online's legendary items might finally be gett...
Dungeons & Dragons Online is turning 50 today!...
We know that Daybreak Game Company has a license to produce a game based in the Marvel comics universe.
The next episode of DC Universe Online will be its 41st content drop and be titled House of Legends.
Today's PlanetSide 2 update is being dubbed the "NSO_Integration Update," as it makes a significant change to how the Nanite Systems Operative (NSO) faction works.
Standing Stone Games has opened up a new pair of legendary progression servers for The Lord of the Rings Online.
We already knew about The Lord of the Rings Online's legendary server, Ithil, closing down tomorrow (though you'll have until the end of the year to transfer characters off it).
The Lord of the Rings Online keeps on keeping on, with Update 30 going live later today.
The newest idea for an EverQuest progression server is so popular, fans are getting double the fun.
Daybreak daddy Enad Global 7 released its Q1 2021 financial results today, and everything is coming up roses.
Rogue Planet Games and Daybreak Game Company is celebrating 19 years of PlanetSide with ...
Last month, Dimensional Ink Games made the new episode of DC Universe Online free to all players; previous episodes had required a monthly membership.
Enad Global 7 CEO Robin Flodin has been making games since he was 11 and launched his first title before finishing university.
The final chapter of PlanetSide 2's Shattered Warpgate story launches next week, the culmination of an arc that started back in October and that we discussed with the devs in August.
If you're still partying -- or at least playing MMOs -- like it's 1999, then EverQuest has your hookup.
If Middle-earth was real, hobbits would be less likely to go on adventures -- as they do in the Lord of the Rings books and movies -- and more likely to stay at home for their entire lives.