Mirkwood gets a little less Mirk-y today with the release of Update 22: Legacy of the Necromancer for The Lord of the Rings Online.
Mirkwood gets a little less Mirk-y today with the release of Update 22: Legacy of the Necromancer for The Lord of the Rings Online.
Are you ready for some open-world, boss-hunting action in Daybreak Game Company's next title?...
Construction in PlanetSide 2 is getting ...
UPDATE, 3/8: Welp. Original article: Several news sites are reporting that H1Z1, Daybreak Games' battle royale title, has lost a huge chunk of its player base over the past several months.
Daybreak Game Company has yet another EverQuest progression server in the works.
Daybreak is now offering a boost to impatient EverQuest 2 players who would rather not wait to get their Tradeskill Signature Questline.
This April, DC Universe Online players will celebrate Superman's 80th anniversary by taking a part in the retelling of the story of his death.
Seven years is a long time in comics.
It's prediction time again!...
It seems like we've been tracking what Daybreak Game Company is up to with its next project for years now.
Dragon's Prophet is coming back!...
If EverQuest Next is the game that never was and H1Z1 is the game that will be -- it's still in early access!...
I'm a little sad that I haven't delved into The Lord of the Rings Online's Mordor expansion yet.
DC Universe Online is an odd beast.
UPDATE: Standing Stone Games has responded to player feedback on this controversy.
It's October, so that means it's time for Halloween festivities in all your favorite free-to-play MMOs.
Daybreak Game Company is putting the finishing touches on the newest update for PlanetSide 2 today.
As part of their continuing efforts to kill off the EverQuest franchise, Daybreak Game Company will no longer make old EverQuest II expansions available for free. That was the news from the EQ2 forums over the weekend, when...
Oh, EverQuest Next, will you never cease to torment us?...
Today's trailer for The Lord of the Rings Online introduces the game's new (and toothy) villain, Dulgabeth.
A new Powerset, inspired by the Aquaman family, has finally arrived in DC Universe Online.
EverQuest 2 just pushed out Game Update 104, which -- really?...
Daybreak Game Company's got a lot planned for its upcoming Critical Mass update for PlanetSide 2.
There are two things a online game has to be super-duper, extra-double-secret careful about messing with: its monetization and ...
From the time Frodo and Sam about five months to leave their homes in the Shire and reach Mordor.
It appears that one does not simply launch a Mordor expansion.
With all due respect to role-players and fashionistas, stats make the character in an RPG.
MMO developers are notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to details about their upcoming content, especially when it's a big expansion.
Back in August, we perused the Daybreak Game Company careers site and found several listings that seemed to indicate that DBG was working a new free-to-play first-person shooter.
Last month, The Lord of the Rings Online posted several musical selections from its first 10 years with commentary from composer Chance Thomas.