"You bunch of mad, relentless, beautiful people really went and did it."
"You bunch of mad, relentless, beautiful people really went and did it."
There's a bright future in store for this gem of a game.
Would you rather have a Horizon MMO or a God of War MMO?
Finally, it’s official.
Star Trek Online and Perfect World MMO also post healthy numbers.
If you haven't yet made a New Year's Resolution, it's not too late.
It's that time again!...
We've probably all heard about how difficult it is for a game to transition from being a paid title to a free-to-play one.
A few months ago, Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime shared some thoughts about the early days of World of Warcraft, particularly its social nature.
We haven't talked whole lot about indie superhero MMORPG Valiance Online much since its free-to-play announcement four years ago.
Quarterly financial statements from game companies follow a pretty regular schedule.
It might be a new decade, but I'm going to make the same old mistakes and try to predict what I think will happen in free-to-play gaming over the next calendar year.
2019 was … certainly a year.
It's been a while since we checked in on how the City of Heroes rogue server situation has been going, hasn't it?...
City of Heroes is coming back!...
The City of Heroes drama rolls on -- now with extra (potential) legality!...
It might not be too long before you get a chance to cruise around Paragon City foiling the nefarious plots of supervillains, though not quite everything will be as it once was.
With all their melodramatic twists and turns, I've heard comic books referred to as "soap opera for geeks." This week, it's a superhero MMORPG that everybody's talking about, and its affairs bear a resemblance to the trashiest...
In comic books, death is rarely permanent.
Over on GamesIndustry.biz, Rob Fahey talked today about free-to-play games shutting down and the kind of consumer backlash that might ensue when that happens due to players “losing” the virtual items they paid for.
There's a new Alien game coming to mobile devices later this month.
Like its NCSoft cousin, City of Heroes, WildStar is shutting down.
Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios today announced that Champions Online has surpassed an important milestone, becoming the longest-running superhero MMORPG.
My glowing city sleeps, the faint buzz of neon the only sound.
With the imminent demise of Marvel Heroes Omega looming on December 31, 2017, we decided it was time to take a look back at some of the other MMORPG losses we’ve suffered throughout the years. We’re not strictly stickin...
Four of NCSoft's top MMORPGs were hit with DDoS attacks yesterday, rendering it nigh impossible to log into Aion, Blade & Soul, Lineage 2, and WildStar.
Hey everyone, I know it's Monday, but things aren't going too badly, are they?...
"When good cross-promotions go bad" could be the title of the latest NCSoft snafu.
Two of NCSoft's free-to-play games, MXM and Blade & Soul, are getting major updates next month.
Here's a simple question for you: Can you ever “go back” to an online game you once loved, but drifted away from?...