The event introduces the game’s first hoverboard.
The event introduces the game’s first hoverboard.
Improved map spawning and new maps are on the way.
There's adjustments to weapons, abilities, and Crucible tuning ahead of the Into the Light update.
Get your N7 gear and blast some baddies.
Players redeemed more than 220,000 Destiny 2 emblems.
Blackburn will “pass the torch” during the End-to-End playtest of The Final Shape.
It’s a little shocking it took this long for it to happen.
Bungie also announces the fifth-anniversary of Game2Give.
Or, Bungie could just be messing with you.
Venture into the Black Garden.
Some blasts from the past catch us up on their current favorite games and news stories!
That's a lot of attempts and not so many clears, Guardians...
Sing cosmic carols around the Holiday Oven while giving tasty gifts to your friends.
Seriously, do not buy The Day Before. You've Been Warned.
It's reported that morale isn't great right now...for obvious regions.
Additional perks and plans have been put on hold and employee morale may not be that high right now.
Delays suck, sure, but new content kicking off is always fun.
Seriously, we've know this was coming for a while.
This Week In Destiny is a massive update.
You can burn the world with this new high octane weapon.
Bungie is saying February for The Final Shape despite reports to the contrary.
Additional context to everything that happened this week.
Layoffs happen in gaming, but man did Bungie go about this the 100% wrong way.
Bungie hopes for a brighter future.
Not a great week for Bungie, and initial reports just look like it's going to get worse as we learn more.
Members of Bungie staff have tweeted about the layoffs.
Also, Bungie is changing Ghost Mods’ energy costs and Enhancement Prisms/Cores.
This year, players can take on Legend Haunted Sectors for some sweet loot.
Put on your masks and go get those goodies.
Apparently it wasn't good enough to get a release.