The OWL is no more. Say hello to the Overwatch Champions Series.
The OWL is no more. Say hello to the Overwatch Champions Series.
There’s also a trip into Deepholm.
There's a spark of life coming from HotS.
New public events, a new zone, and Dragonriding goes worldwide.
A former executive claims age discrimination and violation of whistleblower protection laws.
/PLAYED 2023
It's a new form of character progression, offering new powers and class-specific features.
Over 4.5 Million characters created.
The WoW Classic Variety Show is coming.
Season of Discovery is live now in WoW Classic.
Blizzard isn't being very clear with players on why this change is coming next week.
What a weird week in multiplayer gaming...let's talk about all of it!
Today is his last day.
Is this the Classic Plus y'all were hoping for? I see why now.
There will be a special game mode and exclusive in-game items.
The final major raid in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion opening soon.
The headlines could therefore cease for good...almost two years later.
Florida Mayhem may be the last team to win the title.
Here we go again.
The nerfs and buffs are coming, and they don't stop coming.
Boost your score and become a hero master.
You'd be surprised how many players forgot about fall damage.
The developers at Blizzard aren't giving up on the game (yet) though.
Patch 27.2 introduces Anomalies — custom game rules that reshape each match.
It's not a good look for Overwatch 2 on Steam.
There's also new PvE content, and balance changes.
The new season — Invasion — launches August 10.
There's 145 new cards, including 11 Legendary minions as well as the Forge and Magnetic keywords.
Get ready to go hardcore.
Time for some Hide and Seek.