Blackrock Mountain is live, and today you'll get to watch me enter Hearthstone's latest adventure for the first time!...
Blackrock Mountain is live, and today you'll get to watch me enter Hearthstone's latest adventure for the first time!...
The first chapter of the next Hearthstone adventure, Blackrock Mountain, will go live next Thursday, April 2, adding a series of solo adventures and 31 new cards throughout its run.
The latest update for Blizzard's free to play MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, has hit the servers and quite a few changes were added.
The next time someone tells you you're wasting time between college classes playing video games, you might be able to tell them you're doing it to pay for your tuition.
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the ...
Blizzard ended the speculation today at PAX East by officially announcing Blackrock Mountain as the next single-player adventure for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Coming next month, Blackrock Mountain will feature five w...
The latest patch for Hearthstone contains a few interesting bits about possible future content, if you know where to look. According to Hearthpwn, Intrepid dataminers have uncovered info on three new card backs, titled Molt...
If you're the kind who likes to watch other people do things on the Internet, then you're in for a treat.
The Lost Vikings have been sucked into the Nexus and are now available as a hero in Blizzard's free-to-play MOBA, Heroes of the Storm. This classic trio plays a bit differently from other heros and is considered a specialis...
Patch for Hearthstone is now live, and its biggest change to the game is a slight reduction -- which sounds kinder and gentler than "nerf" -- in the power of the Undertaker, a 1/2 one-cost minion that formerly got +...
...but it was a tidy bit of speculation for a few days, wasn't it?...
Blizzard's outlined the path players will take to get to the ultimate prize in Hearthstone: the 2015 World Championships. The event will include the 16 top Hearthstone players, as determined by a series of qualifying events...
The technical alpha is dead!...
The datamining into World of Warcraft's 6.1 patch has already started and MMO Champion is reporting that a new "Veteran Edition" in the code could be paving the way for a free-to-play version of Blizzard's massive game. The...
While we are still operating under the assumption that Blizzard's upcoming team based shooter, Overwatch, will be free-to-play, the game could be in for a big change even before players have had a real chance to dive into the ...
See how Jason does with a run at the Arena using lots of the new cards from the Hearthstone expansion!...
Can't wait to get your hands on Hearthstone's Goblins vs.
Another Blizzard icon has hit the battlefield in Heroes of the Storm.
It looks like Blizzard decided to get tough on Hearthstone bots after all. After a round of criticism following its temporary suspension of botting accounts last month, Blizzard toughened up and "permanently banned several ...
At Blizzcon, Blizzard announced a few new Heroes and Battlegrounds for their free-to-play MOBA, Heroes of the Storm.
We've known about it for a while, but now it's official: Hearthstone will be getting an expansion this December, and it'll be full of explosive fun!...
Well, at least some good has come from Blizzard's new anti-bot stance in Hearthstone. Last week, we questioned whether a temporary ban was a severe enough punishment for players found to be botting in Hearthstone.
Blizzard has once again brought down the...
Blizzard created a new infographic today to celebrate Hearthstone's success.
If you've ever been schooled by an Unleash the Hounds Hunter or Mage Freeze deck in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, you can now relive those "fond" memories thanks to a short "History of the Hearthstone Meta" video recently c...
Bootleg Chinese World of Warcraft merchandise is nothing new, though the latest example of blatant copyright infringement isn't as grandiose as the illegal WoW theme park that opened up a couple of years ago. Some enterpris...
Blizzard's Titan is no more.
Just six months after its official launch, Hearthstone already has seen 20 million players pass through the innkeeper's doors.
In a move that's likely to be cheered by a lot of fans, Blizzard has announced a couple of changes to two of its most powerful -- and difficult to react to -- cards in Hearthstone. The changes were announced in a recent blu...
Curse of Naxxramas had some nice gameplay, but what CCG gamers really want is new cards -- lots and lots of new cards. Blizzard hears and obeys.