It would seem that out of everything Heroes of the Storm has in it, it was still missing something...
It would seem that out of everything Heroes of the Storm has in it, it was still missing something...
Hearthstone's newest expansion, Kobolds & Catacombs, is now live!...
As revealed at BlizzCon, Blizzard's hit RTS StarCraft II is now free-to-play!...
Returning to the "roots of classic fantasy," the next expansion for Hearthstone will take players deep into the dungeons of Azeroth to face dangerous traps and vicious monsters.
Every MMO(-ish) game out there is doing a Halloween event, so we thought, "Why can't we?...
For most free-to-play online games, Halloween related events are well under way.
Ah, e-sports.
Knights of the Frozen Throne did pretty well for Hearthstone.
With Knights of the Frozen Throne launching just a couple of weeks ago, Blizzard didn't have any major new content reveals for Hearthstone at Gamescom.
The next expansion for Hearthstone is Knights of the Frozen Crown, as revealed by Blizzard last night at the Hearthstone Championship Tour.
When Blizzard introduced set rotation and the new Standard/Wild split in Hearthstone last year, it also announced that old card sets would no longer be sold.
If you've played enough Hearthstone, you know the thrill of seeing that golden border around a card from a freshly opened pack.
A pair of quality-of-life updates are heading to Hearthstone soon. Following in the footsteps of last year's well-received "Friendly Feud," players will soon be able to complete quests by playing with their friends.
Want some spicy BBQ wings and potentially inebriated baseball fans with your Hearthstone playoffs this spring?...
As you probably know by now, the Chinese law requiring game developers to disclose their odds for loot in their lock boxes went into effect this past week.
Say what you will about Hearthstone -- it's too random, it has too many unbalanced cards, that one deck always beats me -- but you have to admit Game Director Ben Brode isn't shy.
Heroes of the Storm 2.0 is set to go live after April 25.
Ever wanted to play an Amazon in Blizzard’s free-to-play MOBA, Heroes of the Storm?...
Having played Blizzard’s flagship free-to-play MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, off and on since early alpha, I can attest to how far the game has come.
The original StarCraft has been hailed as one of the greatest games of all time.
Free-to-play games are nice, but free things in free-to-play games?...
We've seen a few of the new legendary card type, quests, for Hearthstone's next expansion, Journey to Un'Goro.
Hearthstone's got a lot of randomness in it.
Welcome to the jungle!...
The next update to Hearthstone won't be introducing a new card set -- not yet, at least -- but it is going to make major changes to the game's Arena mode.
Blizzard's unveiled its plans for Hearthstone in 2017 -- and there's a lot to take in.
Blizzard has offered WoW Tokens for some time now.
Another Overwatch hero is headed to Heroes of the Storm.
Players impacted by the Hearthstone server meltdown earlier this month have received some compensation for their troubles. You might recall that the issue cost players up to four days' worth of progress and may have reveale...
Blizzard's Hearthstone servers in China melted this past week, forcing a rollback of all player data and wiping out over two days of progress.