Players can request beta access now. As are pre-orders.
Players can request beta access now. As are pre-orders.
The tips would totally go to the devs, right?
Some are good, most are bad...but even some of the bad ones can be good, right?
Play with the people you like, avoid the people you don’t. Just don’t leave matches if you don’t want to be punished.
The patch introduces a changed landscape and new races.
They’re looking for everything from directors to concept artists.
There's also quite a bit of minion action coming!
This Week in WoW details a busy first week and announced the launch date for Dragonflight Season 4.
Put all your Brightly Colored Eggs in one basket.
Also, Dragonflight Season 4 is available on the PTR.
Those three measly missions from last year is all we're getting.
Here's my first impressions, mateys!
You get a hero, and you get a hero, and you get a hero. Everyone gets all the heroes.
Dead man may tell no tales, but they still get some booty.
Is Hearthstone really that old already?
New Cowboy Bebop skins will be available to purchase.
The update comes with plenty of improvements.
The post highlights eight new Hero Talent Trees.
No mail, trading, or auction house.
There's 145 new cards and a fresh keyword, Miniaturize.
The Mythic+ Dungeon speedrunning competition returns!
Expect three major expansions this year.
The Competitive system and overall gameplay is supposed to feel better with Season 9.
Blizzard outlined several changes to intended to help improve players’ understanding of the matchmaking system.
You better watch out!
We are so back!
Been wondering why Dragonflight's PTR isn't active? Here's why.
You can also practice self-love in Azeroth for a limited time.
Are you not entertained?
Show off these fancy achievements to your friends.