Hearthstone has reached the 70 million player mark, according to a post published on Battle.net earlier today.
Hearthstone has reached the 70 million player mark, according to a post published on Battle.net earlier today.
If you've been holding off on taking Heroes of the Storm 2.0 for a beta test drive, now you'll have to jump in as Blizzard Entertainment has released the revamped free-to-play MOBA.
Blizzard is in the process of remastering the original StarCraft into a new 4K version.
If you’ve been awaiting another Overwatch Hero to emerge in Heroes of the Storm, the wait is now over.
With Overwatch heroes already in Heroes of the Storm, it only makes sense for an Overwatch themed battleground to emerge.
Blizzard Entertainment and the Hearthstone team are offering fans a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into creating a new card for the game. In the video above, several members of the Hearthstone development team discuss ...
Hearthstone's latest expansion, "Journey to Un'Goro" has officially launched in the Americas, Korea, and China and card packs are now available for purchase in the game's store.
Blizzard Entertainment, in its apparently neverending quest to out-cute even the cats on the internet, has announced the latest hero to join the ranks of Heroes of the Storm.
Welcome to the jungle!...
Being a college student, the big rage is the extremely popular ULoL league, League of Legends' collegiate series.
Thanks to a very small entry on a very long list of voice acting credits, we may now know the name of the next expansion to come to Blizzard's free-to-play card game, Hearthstone.
The next Hero to join Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm is the World of Warcraft Blood Elf Valeera Sanguinar.
Diablo is turning twenty in just a few short days and Blizzard is celebrating the event throughout all of its IPs.
Here we go again.
Blizzard announced the newest expansion "Mean Streets of Gadgetzan" recently at Blizzcon and, now that the celebration of all things Blizzard is over, they're busy highlighting some of the cards related to one of the three facti...
Heroes of the Storm has a new mode coming...
Blizzard released a rather sizable new patch for it's free-to-play MOBA -- Heroes of the Storm -- today.
Hearthstone's new adventure, One Night in Karazhan, is now available!...
Another of the host of archangels from Diablo 3 is joining the battle in the Nexus.
A new adventure is in the works for Blizzard's free to play card game, Hearthstone.
Warcraft's first orcish warlock Gul'dan is headed to the Nexus.
A new Hero is slated to join the ranks in the Nexu, and he has some pretty sweet abilities.
Heroes of the Storm is preparing to kick off its first ranked play season on June 14.
A balance update aimed at making Tracer just a tad less overpowered will be hitting Heroes of the Storm, Wednesday May 4th.
Just in time for the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion -- or likely because of -- Blizzard announced that its free-to-play CCG, Hearthstone, has more than 50 million registered players. During PAX East, the World of Warcraft d...
In honor of Hearthstone's upcoming expansion, Blizzard announced today that they would be offering players chances to get their hands on up to 13 card packs for free.
April 1st...
An fresh patch has hit Blizzard's free-to-play MOBA, Heroes of the Storm, and this time it's adding a new hero and a new battleground -- as well as making quality of life changes and fixing those pesky bugs. The new battlegroun...
Draft lobbies are getting a major paint job in the upcoming Heroes of the Storm patch.
Blizzard revealed an all new map for its free-to-play MOBA Heroes of the Storm today.