Easy Covenant Swapping, The Removal of Conduit Energy, And More Customization Incoming.
Easy Covenant Swapping, The Removal of Conduit Energy, And More Customization Incoming.
Blizzard fans have known for a few months now that the company decided to replace its annual convention with a virtual experience titled Blizzconline.
Grab your masks and your spookiest costumes, it's time to party.
StarCraft II is turning 10 and Blizzard is celebrating with a shiny new update.
Blizzard will be dropping patch 17.6 for Hearthsone tomorrow (July 14).
Blizzard dropped a new update for the CCG Hearthstone this week, adding the new Felfire Story Adventure focusing on Elise Starseeker's younger sister Aranna.
It's snowing in the Nexus and unless Blizzard is preparing Heroes of the Storm for some kind of Christmas in July event, that probably means a new hero is being teased.
Yet another convention has been cancelled thanks to the coronavirus.
While Hearthstone's Ashes of the Outland expansion -- and the Demon Hunter itself -- aren't due to hit Hearthstone until April 7, players can play the new prologue campaign and earn some goodies starting now.
When it comes to this whole social distancing thing thrust upon us by the coronavirus, it seems some are faring better than others.
It seems a bit more corporate shuffling has taken place at Activision Blizzard -- this time with employees gamers are probably less likely to be familiar with.
Hearthstone's Year of the Dragon is coming to an end, and that means it's anniversary time.
In today's patch, Blizzard introduced dragons to Hearthstone -- not only as a minion type but also as new Heroes.
StarCraft II's esports scene is in for a bit of a change.
Get ready to celebrate the real reason for the season in Heroes of the Storm.
Today's the day.
BlizzCon has come to an end and unfortunately (for us) there wasn't much in the way of free-to-play news.
World of Warcraft's Worldbreaker is headed to Heroes of the Storm, ready to destroy his foes in the Nexus.
To honor Geoff "iNcontroL" Robinson, the popular StarCraft player and caster who passed away in July due to a sudden illness, Blizzard has decided to gift all players of StarCraft II a few in-game items to remember him by. On O...
The Hearthstone Grandmasters is taking place currently, but the event isn't making news for the reasons we might normally expect.
Less than two weeks ago, Blizzard began testing a new Hero on the Heroes of the Storm PTR.
It's time for the good guys to strike back, in Hearthstone's newest expansion, Saviors of Uldum, which is now live.
A new Hero is joining the ranks of Heroes of the Storm soon.
Blizzard dropped a sizeable update for Heroes of the Storm this week.
Last week, Blizzard rolled its latest Heroes of the Storm patch out onto the PTR to run it through its paces.
Blizzard sent the most recent Heroes of the Storm patch to the PTR yesterday, giving players a chance to run the new content through its paces.
Hearthstone is having a mech-themed event, during which players have a chance to earn a gold copy of the new Legendary Mech SN1P-SN4P.
Heroes of the Storm's latest content update is live and after all the teasing, it's added a new Hero: Anduin, King of Stormwind. The new Ranged Healer comes to the Nexus ready to support his team.
For a limited time, Heroes of the Storm players can take part in a special cyber-themed event that takes place in the Caldeum Acropolis in 2103.
With all the recent changes around Blizzard's MOBA, Heroes of the Storm -- not to mention the rumors of more Acitivison Blizzard layoffs in the works -- it's pretty easy for fans to end up thinking we won't be seeing much of any...