This weekend's Star Wars Celebration was jam-packed with all kinds of juicy reveals for fans -- and even non-fans, who saw their social media feeds explode after each new info drop.
This weekend's Star Wars Celebration was jam-packed with all kinds of juicy reveals for fans -- and even non-fans, who saw their social media feeds explode after each new info drop.
When Star Wars: The Old Republic's upcoming update 5.10.2 releases it will introduce the Guild Heraldry tool, giving guilds a way to create their own emblems.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's latest update, The Wretched Hive, sends players to Ossus to confront the mother of the mutated Geonosian warriors terrorizing the planet.
"Almost free-to-play" is probably pushing it, but that's the title that Edge Magazine (via GamesRadar) decided to go with when talking about Anthem in an interview with BioWare's Jonathan Warner and Ben Irving.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Jedi Under Siege update may have been out for a couple months now, but the dev team still has things to say about it -- particularly some of the stuff that went into designing it.
Star Wars the Old Republic is turning 7, and you know what that means...
SWTOR's Update 5.10, Jedi Under Siege, is set to hit servers on December 11.
SWTOR's next big update will take players to the ancient Jedi world of Ossus, where a full-blown war is about to erupt.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's newest update adds some new Huttball content and makes several changes -- the most notable being that free-to-play players are now able to talk freely in Group and Guild chats.
Breach is heading into testing, and QC Games wants you to be a part of it -- at some point, at least.
With summer nearly over and Galactic Legend having hit the SWTOR servers, Bioware is looking ahead at the things to come during the fall.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Galactic Legend update is now live.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's newest update was delayed slightly, but as they say, "A Jedi is never late, nor is he early.
Update 5.9.2 for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a.k.a.
Longtime BioWare employee James Ohlen left the company recently, reminiscing about his time there in an interview today with Game Informer.
Following more than two decades at BioWare, James Ohlen has left the company.
SWTOR's Galactic Legend Update has been made available to all Premium players on the public test server, and Bioware is looking for feedback -- particularly on the slew of PvP content that's being implemented with this update. ...
Today, Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Manager Eric Musco dropped more information on planned changes to warzones -- this time covering Huttball and Arenas. To improve Huttball, the development team is taking a look at be...
As part of their summer roadmap, the Star Wars: The Old Republic dev team is making a series of changes to Warzones.
In honor of Solo: A Star Wars Story's release on May 25, Star Wars: the Old Republic decided to bring back the Nar Shadda Nightlife event.
May the 4th, one of the most celebrated dates among nerds everywhere, is just a few days away.
Yesterday, the Star Wars: The Old Republic team decided to give players a taste of what's to come in the game's next major patch in a 40 minute long dev stream.
Evil, galaxy-conquering Sith not enough for you?...
Game Update 5.8 for Star Wars: The Old Republic will be arriving this month, and it brings with it not only some juicy storyline bits but also a major reworking of the Conquest system.
Despite the popular rumor, Star Wars: The Old Republic still doesn't appear to be shutting down this year.
If you haven't let your loved ones know that you care lately, Bioware believes they have the answer to that.
On the one side, you have Kotaku, which claims that its sources say that BioWare "has also discussed ending development" of Star Wars: The Old Republic and that there's just a "small team maintaining" it.
The newest content update for Star Wars: The Old Republic has landed on live servers.
A lot of people had a lot of very high hopes for Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Imagine that you're an MMO player who wants to level up your character quickly but doesn't want to miss any of the game's story line.