The Elder Scrolls: Legends isn't as much a "Hearthstone clone" as some other digital CCGs -- meaning that, yes, you do summon things that attack your opponent's things and his or her hero, but that's how virtually every CCG wo...
By Jason Winter -
The Elder Scrolls: Legends isn't as much a "Hearthstone clone" as some other digital CCGs -- meaning that, yes, you do summon things that attack your opponent's things and his or her hero, but that's how virtually every CCG wo...
Bethesda/ZeniMax and Dire Wolf Digital have updated The Elder Scrolls: Legends' website with a bunch of new information about the upcoming free-to-play CCG. You'll create your deck using two attributes, and that combination...
First Black Desert Online, and now Quake Live?...
It's never good when your parent company questions your company's or game's direction.
Very quietly, things are changing for The Elder Scrolls Online.
We haven't heard much about BattleCry since its unveiling over the summer.