The update is a big one.
The update is a big one.
Welcome the first Killer with a third person camera.
There’s nothing like being tormented by a creepy doll.
Return of the Demogorgon.
A new customization option is also being introduced.
Are you prepared to step into the Void Realm?
Some changes based on feedback from the public test build.
There's also improvements for the Shattered Square and MacMillan Estate maps.
The Xenomorph fits right in.
Terrorize everyone as the Xenomorph or survive with Ellen Ripley.
Experience the Alien movie Dead by Daylight style, soon.
A thespian enters the arena.
“I’m Nicolas FRIGGIN’ Cage!”
The Skull Merchant awaits your arrival.
The new survivor will be introduced in DBD’s new DLC Chapter
The Skull Merchant, Adriana Imai, uses high-powered tech in her kill.
Pick up where you left off in Forged in Fog.
Players can start celebrating the annual event early and gain previously-released Lunar New Year cosmetics.
A rumor suggests Leatherface's appearance in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game is the culprit.
The patch will also change certain Killers and the Eyrie of Crows map.
The new Shattered Square map brings new death to a dark fragment of history.
Forged in Fog releases on November 22
Dead by Daylight is getting spooky.
And say 'Hello' to easier to earn perks.
Boogeyman levels of creepy here.
There's even a dating sim.
"We will not tolerate hateful activity" and "we absolutely condemn this behaviour."
No Med-Kits needed.
Stick a f-Ork in it.
Bethesda Softworks is suing Behaviour Interactive and Warner Bros.