The free update features a climactic finale between the Astral Ward and the Kryptis,.
The free update features a climactic finale between the Astral Ward and the Kryptis,.
ArenaNet is hard at work.
This isn't the first GW3 rumor...and likely won't be the last.
ArenaNet has identified fixes and areas of improvement for the future of the MMORPG.
More weapons, more story, more awesomeness.
A ton of new content, all for free if you own the MMORPG's latest expansion.
No, really… they’re gonna help.
There's a lot of feedback coming in.
The Year of the Dragon is upon us.
They're way better than the regular ones.
The WvW revamp is well on its way.
The first will drop in February.
Participate and earn new seasonal rewards.
Is it ok for MMORPG cash shops to sell these types of items?
The "slippery slope" debate has started, now we wait to see what ArenaNet does.
Get your hands on some new weapons for your class.
Save up to 75% off expansions and other content.
We've got a few more weapon proficiency previews for you, too!
Shooty shooty.
They'll be rolling out more information over time.
"Through The Veil" is bringing new story, a new zone, Convergence events and more.
Players will confront the Kryptis on their native grounds, experiencing fresh encounters and earning new rewards.
There's a new, easier, version of the Mad King's Clocktower as well.
Of course, there are fixes and quality of life changes as well.
Getting the WvW Restructuring permanently online is the first priority.
It's time to run those fractals.
ArenaNet also unveiled a roadmap for updates coming later this year.
Wizards are coming, and they’re bringing gifts.
We got a sneak peek, now so do you!
Don't worry if you don't have the Skyscale unlocked.