UPDATE (7/6/2018): ArenaNet President Mike O'Brien issued a brief statement to say that "two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players" and are "no longer with the company." Price is clearly...
UPDATE (7/6/2018): ArenaNet President Mike O'Brien issued a brief statement to say that "two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players" and are "no longer with the company." Price is clearly...
The roller beetle was the highlight of our preview of Guild Wars 2's latest story chapter, leading to a lot of wild rides and some really bad puns.
When players logged in to Guild Wars 2 yesterday, they were hoping to tackle the latest episode of the game's Living Story.
In most MMORPGs, mounts are simple speed boosts.
ArenaNet's a little behind schedule with its latest chapter of the Living World for Guild Wars 2, but the wait seems to have been worth it.
Forget riding real, living, flesh-and-blood animals ...
Bless Online has had a rocky first few days.
Guild Wars 2's next Living World update has been pushed back a bit, according to an announcement from Game Director Mike Zadorojny posted on the game's forums.
We've heard of CEOs, CFOs, and COOs, but I can't say I've ever heard of a CDO.
Guild Wars 2 has loot boxes, as you probably know, and while they don't get anywhere near the hate of those in other games, ArenaNet has made some missteps along the way (and taken steps to correct them). They, along with m...
Guild Wars 2's big spring balance patch is now live, bringing with it pages upon pages of changes to every profession, as well as major changes to the Thief elite specialization, Deadeye.
Guild Wars 2 PvP esports fans now have a new way to get their fix, thanks to a group of players who decided to host their own tournament series.
Players hoping to get a Dervish class in Guild Wars 2 are going to have to keep waiting, it seems.
ArenaNet has gone on another small Guild Wars 2 account suspension spree.
Remember that whole Friend/Ship thing ArenaNet was doing for Guild Wars 2 fans?...
ArenaNet is making a few changes to Guild Wars 2's gathering tools.
The folks over at ArenaNet sure do seem to love the Super Adventure Box -- and Guild Wars 2 players do too.
When ArenaNet tried offering Mount Adoption Licenses for Guild Wars 2 in November, things didn't go so well.
It's nearly April Fools' Day, and in Guild Wars 2, that means it will soon be time to bring the Super Adventure Box back online.
Following the release of Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2's first expansion, further content releases were … sparse, to say the least.
The slightly delayed next installment in Guild Wars 2's Living World now has a title and a date.
It's amazing what an expansion can do for a game's financial outlook.
According to the internet, February is National Friendship Month (and yes, there's a specific Friendship Day in February too), so it kinda makes sense that ArenaNet has decided to have a friendship-related event for Guild Wars 2...
Population imbalances have long been an issue in Guild Wars 2's World vs.
How about some good gaming news for a change?...
It seems like we'll see some kind of regulation regarding loot boxes in video games sooner rather than later.
Stardew Valley was one of the best-selling games of 2017, so adding gardening to an MMO makes perfect sense in 2018.
One of ArenaNet's New Year's resolutions involves you...
Back in November, ArenaNet dropped the Hall of Chains raid into Guild Wars 2.
ArenaNet's in the holiday spirit, bringing Wintersday to Guild Wars 2 next week, and also gifting players with a small balance update targeting condition builds. The Wintersday patch brings the usual festivities back to Tyr...