Enjoy the cherry blossoms in this Spring inspired event.
Enjoy the cherry blossoms in this Spring inspired event.
Kakao Games encourages players to sign up for the newsletter to receive additional loot.
Games covered include Elyon, ArcheAge, some mobile titles, and the console game Eternal Return: Lumia Experiment.
The stream will include exclusive updates for several games including Eternal Return, Elyon, and ArcheAge.
Exciting news, for some, we guess.
With futuristic cycles and mech suits, at least the trailer looks cool.
Rather than just taking back incorrectly distributed credits, they took credits players bought as well.
In the plans is the Great Prairie of the West region among other things.
It's OK if you're tired of all this, we are too.
Fresh start servers have also been delayed "until further notice."
Exile conditions nerfed, as well.
Our viewers take to writing out their opinions on the latest news in multiplayer gaming!
A few rays of light in an otherwise dreary year.
PvE guild dungeons and PvP guild arenas coming next year.
Now scheduled for Friday launch; transferred player data not affected.
Things like when and how the land rush will be occurring.
You can enjoy a new trailer while you transfer things and get your free items.
Is it the final chance for the fantasy MMORPG to make good with players?
Transfer process begins Nov. 18, with gamigo's service shutting down on Dec. 1.
Trion and gamigo had published the game in the West since 2014.
Here's the latest group of polls for you to vote on to decide what was your favorite game of the last year -- or of all time!...
Get ready to explore an all-new zone filled with mysteries of ArcheAge's past -- and perhaps some clues to its future -- with the launch of the Akasch Invasion update.
Post-apocalyptic RPG/shooters Defiance and Defiance 2050 will soon be experiencing an apocalypse of their own.
Spring has arrived and pink petals fill the air.
Alright, Rift players, you can stop worrying (for the time being).
ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained are getting a new expansion later this month, which will finally let players bring a gun to a sword fight.
ArcheAge just launched in Southeast Asia last June, but it already needs a fresh start.
Honor the memory of Aranzeb with the return of the Gweonid Lantern Festival in ArcheAge.
gamigo is merging ArcheAge servers -- no, wait, it's server evolution -- next month.
If you're up-to-date in ArcheAge and have run out of new things to do, there's good news.