Arc (Page 2)

Perfect World Discontinues Star Trek Online's Mac Client

After recent issues with the Star Trek Online Mac client, Perfect World has decided to drop it altogether. The company announced the decision on the game's forums stating that they "cannot promise to deliver an experience on ...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Neverwinter: Underdark Gameplay Trailer

Perfect World Entertainment has released an all new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Neverwinter: Underdark adventure written by R.A.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Perfect World Adds APB: Reloaded To Arc Platform

In the next step toward their ongoing crusade for world domination through free-to-play gaming, Perfect World Entertainment has added its first non-PWE game to its Arc platform: GamersFirst's APB: Reloaded. Path of Exile is...

By Michael Dunaway -
