Arc Games (Page 5)

The Tzenkethi Are Headed To Star Trek Online

The Tzenkethi, an adversary race from the Alpha Quadrant that first appeared in Star Trek Deep Space 9, is finally making its way to Perfect World's free-to-play Star Trek MMO.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
STO Devs Post Overview Of Admirality System

With the addition of the new Admirality system, Star Trek Online offers players a new way to use all those ships they've earned access to during their time in the game -- sending them on assignment to retrieve assets and advance...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Neverwinter Dev Blog Outlines Assault on Svardborg Trial

A new chapter in Neverwinter's frost giant arc, Assault on Svardborg, is a level 70 trial that takes players into the lair of Jarl Storvald, where he sits upon his throne of ice. Rather than becoming entangled in the fight, Jar...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Agents Of Yesterday -- Artifacts Coming To STO October 25

Beginning October 25, Star Trek Online players will finally be able to access the latest Agents of Yesterday update, "Artifacts." The update introduces a new episode and story arc that will carry over into next year.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
