There's also a neat look into New World's food consumption compared to the real world.
Amazon Games (Page 2)
Not everything is fixed, but the team is working on issues.
Make sure you play on standard cross play servers, though.
The trailer is very well done and it's causing me to speculate a bit.
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Make sure you're ok with how the guild you join handles loot, though. You could find yourself surprised.
As the Aeternum version launches, so does the MMORPG's first ever raid.
There's a few rules you should know about ahead of time.
When can you expect updates, what's coming later this year, and more discussed.
No, there won't be a pre-load for those that just jump in on launch day.
The trailer highlights the Azoth stalker mount.
PC and consoles get their first public chance to see the changes Amazon Games has made.
The team already explained this, but now they're giving even more details.
That’s across all platforms.
It brings with it a new 16-player Behemoth Raid.
Modes showcased included Castle Siege, 3v3 Arenas, and Battle for the Boonstone.
Progression will be capped at level 30.
There are the bug fixes and general updates as well.
What was once one of the most hyped MMORPGs hits the pile of "never came west at all" games.
Tier 4 will now arrive on October 9.
This is in addition to the "New Player" video series we covered earlier this week.
“Discovering Aeternum” teaches new players what they need to know, eventually.
A custom Xbox Series X will be given away via social media for those not in attendance.
A roadmap will come soon showing off the first 2 months after launch.
This test will feature crossplay between PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.
Travel To The Indigo Island Tomorrow And Explore An Underwater Sanctuary In Lost Ark’s August Update
The update also introduces a new progression system feature.
Nope, they won't be fixed.
One will be later than the other.
August may be a bit light on content, but September though November should make up for it.
The “Confidential” means there’s an NDA, but we’re also pretty sure they just liked the alliteration.