Ghost and Ares didn't go all that swimmingly, but maybe it isn't worth giving up on?
Ghost and Ares didn't go all that swimmingly, but maybe it isn't worth giving up on?
"It's about damn time..." I couldn't have said it better myself.
While that may not be all that surprising, what may be surprising is how hard Morhaime pushed against things.
If you're looking for something more casual, the story mode for the raid also drops today.
Cosmetics and a 10% XP are included in the benefits.
There's changes coming as the midseason patch approaches, including changes to tank survivability.
The group recommends banning in-app paid currencies or restricting access for minors.
Now the gearing up REALLY begins.
There's even more, but I couldn't fit it all in the headline.
Sigh. Timegated, and now this.
If you'd rather burn those levels quickly, you need to do it today.
Today and the next few weeks see the expansion truly open up to its fullest.
Lots to do, and we're just getting started.
Xbox Game Pass rewards coming September 17th.
Of course an expansion means new raids, dungeons, and now delves, but your alts are getting new love with Warbands.
An interesting change for a game that gets very few "new" eyes on it lately...
Or you can simply go say hello to all those characters you've left sitting there while you weren't subscribed.
SBMM has always been a sore sport for some players, but the alternative may be worse.
The big sticking point is AI.
A new "Director's Take" letter finally talks about 6v6 and if it could happen once again.
This follows just a few days after Bethesda did the same.
The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit still has yet to rule on the FTC's appeal.
There's additional news about Summer Games 2024 and the first Mythic Weapon skin.
This is all on top of the return of the Mercy breast cancer research skin.
Turn timers are also being increased while you learn to use Buddies.
It's been about 6 years since you were able to snag this skin.
Early Access will kick off on August 22nd
This comes just a week after parent company Microsoft closed four studios.
After a buyout and leadership changes, Blizzard and NetEase have mended fences.
The countdown until pre-order has begun.