Take A Guess At WildStar's And Guild Wars 2's Q4 Sales

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor

Guild Wars 2 Revenant hammer

NCSoft's financial report for Q4 of 2015 is due out any day now, and two of its highest-profile games should have some very interesting news to report. On Sept. 29 -- one day before the end of Q3 -- WildStar went free-to-play, while Guild Wars 2 launched its first expansion in October. Both of those events should have had significant impacts on those two games' income for the October-to-December time frame... but how much?

That's a question we're going to let you try to answer.

Below you'll find two polls, asking you to guess at the income that will be reported for both games when NCSoft issues its next financial report. (Here's last quarter's.) If it keeps to the same pattern, that should be between the end of January and the middle of February, so we should have at least two more weeks.

For WildStar, here are its revenue numbers for the last four quarters, all in millions of Korean won: 5,491, 2,593, 2,075, 1,727.

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And here's the poll for Guild Wars 2. Its last four quarters were 19,272, 20,026, 22,470, and 20,699. For reference, the last time it managed a quarter over 35,000 (36,382) was Q1 2013, five to seven months after its launch; the previous quarter was a whopping 119,013.

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Take your best guess now and we'll see how it all shakes out once the financials are released!

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In this article: Ncsoft, WildStar, Guild Wars 2.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (7)

adrian87 9 years ago
Just making a personal note so i don't forget my vote:
i voted 2-2.5k and 25-30k

jomama 9 years ago
WIldstar is empty its dead, they will make no revenue. It has barely any players AND SO MANY BOTS IN PVP ITS BULLSHIZ. Wasting your time playing it. GW2 is fun as hell do that

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