SMITE is a third person MOBA published by Hi-Rez Studios. Unlike other MOBAs, SMITE places the camera in a third person perspective behind the god. This allows for a unique playing experience since a player can only view what is in front of them, allowing an enemy to sneak up from behind for a gank. Players must also use the mouse to manually aim all their abilities and auto attacks.
In SMITE players choose a God to enter battle with. Once in game, players must work together to level up and defeat the enemy team's Minotaur by engaging in battle with it and killing it. To do this players must kill the enemy teams "minions" which spawn in waves throughout the entire game. These minions drop gold which players can then use to purchase items in order to become stronger. Players can also purchase active abilities (up to two) in-game to further customize and adapt to the match at hand.
At the end of each match whether your team wins or looses, you are rewarded points that you can use to purchase new gods. Save enough and unlock them all!
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
CEO Stewart Chisam's Twitter account seems to no longer be active.
1 month ago"...Performance of our Switch port was not up to our standards..."
1 month agoTechnically, the event is taking place in both Smite games.
3 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Memory2 GB RAM
Storage10 GB available space
Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
GraphicsATI or Nvidia graphics card with 512MB video ram or better and Shader Model 3.0+ support.
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Smite

Decided i'd give it another try while i wait for gigantic to be released and the game now is worse than it has ever been before
-The community is as dumb as it will ever get now, and by that i mean they dont even know how to play moba's but rather than try to learn or take advice they just want to bm and blame others and its like this basically every match now. You have to play gods that can carry 4 ppl or you have to expect to lose every match now.
-The game is dying, my average que time in normal (not league) matches is 3-5 minutes. Sometimes it goes to 10 minutes and if someone doesnt join it restarts. I've literally sat waiting to get into a game for up to 20 minutes before.
-Servers are unplayable, my entire month back in the game there wasnt a single day i went with no server issues, basically every match someone or everyone would get hard lag or ppl would be dc'd
-HiRez is still as shady as ever and supporting toxic behavior. I had 1 match against a hirez employee since i came back who literally was supporting a player on our teams toxic behavior and pushing him to continue it. Not that i should have been surprised
1.) Balance - HiRez has never figured out how to balance smite. Since forever hunters have always reigned supreme over every other god due item imbalances that offer them insane amounts of damage. For example: A hunter can do more damage with a basic attack than some mages can do with their abilities? Balanced? No. It's now even led to having hunters play mages spots in conquest making many of them obsolete. The game also strongly follows a meta, where players all use the same items and the same gods for matches because they are the best ones to use. Its not because they enjoy those gods its literally just because they are far superior to the others.
2.) Community - MOBA's all have toxic communities their is no doubt about it. However Smite has slowly pushed its way above the rest in vileness. Someone actually hacks smite and you have video proof to support the accusation? Too bad, the entire community will literally jump on your ass, spam you with reports, and accuse of being scum for believing that anyone can hack an online game and then they proceed to defend the hacker and try to convince HiRez they did nothing wrong. On top of this HiRez encourages BM (bad mouthing) against players and also encourages smurfing. Obviously smurfs will exist everywhere but for the game developers to say "hey we want you seasoned vets to go play new players so that you can beat them so badly they quit within a week and if you do this we will reward you with gems, favor, and special skins" is ridiculous and yes this does happen. Then you have the intelligence of this community. Forums for example are the prime source to see the IQ of Smites community. Someone can bring up an issue with a gods skill and the community somehow reads it as a "cry" thread about the OP losing a match (even if they were playing the god with the broken skill and won).
HiRez - They started smite as a small group and it showed a lot of potential. They have now grown a lot more so they can handle smite better. The problem is even with the increase in staff; smite is not changing for the better. In fact i'll go as far as to say smite has gotten worse since they increased their staff. They dont know how to do balance, and they dont care about how toxic their game is getting. On top of that if you look at their history; their games do not live for long. This is year 2 of smite meaning it might have 1 or 2 more before its dead or before they abandon it as well to move on to their next game.
If your a preteen kid or not smart enough to tie your own shoe then you'll fit right in to this game. If your looking for a good MOBA experience and possess any bit of intelligence then you'll have a better time in LOL or DOTA.
*I've played Smite for 2 years with few breaks in that time. My review is from personal experience in the game*
If you feel the same way then Smite is probably for you.
Smite is face paced 3rd person moba and that makes it so much more enjoyable for me.
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th’ Aonian Mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhyme."
Smite is the most amazing game i have ever played. Its third person camera makes it seem way more realistic than LoLs top down view.
The art design for the game is also magnificent plus the variety of gods and play styles is endless.
All-in-all smite is a must have moba
FYI my favorite god is Chronos due to his high basic damage, speed, crowd control, and his amazing ult that saves his life
"Favor" is the money you get after leveling and after battle.
BTW this is my first moba..
You shoud try it.
Im not saying its better from others its retartet. You know why?
But i can agree that when it hits full game it will be popular as hell. even now it got many players.
I've tried all the more typical MOBAs, and I found DOTA 2 to be the most slick, satisfying experience...that is, until Smite came along and created a near perfect fusion of concepts and styles. Smite takes the slightly awkward and stilted gameplay of traditional MOBAs and puts you in third-person view with first-person control and absolutely winning combo (for me, my tastes, and background).
This game is silky smooth on all accounts. The graphics, detail in character, animation, effects, environment, gameplay, and design are impeccable. A real work of art on all accounts.
I had trouble falling in love with LOL or even the beautifully rendered DOTA 2...but I fell head-over-heels, at first sight, with Smite. Exactly the fusion the doctor ordered.
Although community in every online game, especially in mobas, is usually unfriendly and aggressive, as a LoL and Dota2 player I'd say it's still much better than the other's mobas' communities. Yes, you may meet some assholes whose whole dictionary consists of "noob" and "f you", but you may also meet some very friendly people who will be helpful and cooperative.
Speaking of cooperation, Smite definitely beats every other moba with its ping and command system. There is a lot of voiced phrases like "Middle is missing", "Gank right", "Be careful left", "Ultimate is ready" etc. with quick and easy to remember shortcut access (VF2, VCC, VVVR). These commands are a GREAT communication tool. Just an example: today it allowed me to tell an allied Fenrir to go around the corner and gank after I'll initate. Telling this guy the whole plan took me not more than 2 seconds, without using chat or knowing this guys language. All thanks to pings and commands.
TL;DR: Smite is fun, it feels rewarding, and unlike all the copies of Dota/AoS it actually has some fresh ideas for a fast-paced, but NOT dumbed down gameplay.
Highly recommended for people who are fed up with Dota/LoL.
First is the change in perspective. It makes it difficult to see your ally's mistakes because simply, you are too busy worrying about your own skin. This makes for a better playerbase because there's less arguing about who made what mistake.
The third person perspective makes it for much more exciting gameplay than LOL or other top-down MOBAs. Players can find a much more engaging experience though this new perspective. Do not expect to be sitting at base and watching your allies. If you want to see action you need to be in the action and that makes this unique MOBA stand above the rest.
Ranged characters can either despise the fact that every attack is a skill shot, or love it. I for one love it! You cannot pelt enemy characters from behind a slew of minions(nor can they pelt you). My personal favorite God is Apollo, a ranged AD carry who can slide in and out of combat.
Champs(Gods in Smite) are diverse, hailing many different mythologies throughout the world, from greek to chinese to norse to mayan. Seeing these diverse mythological beings thrown into a melting pot to duke it out can be extremely exciting. Also, you can look forward to seeing mythological gods you know and love revamped makes each new gods appearence exciting and fresh.
My one negative about the game is the skins. Most are just the same exact toons with different color schemes(though they are starting to come out with newer better skins that are not just different paint jobs)
My other lament is that as you play one specific god, you gain worshipers and through those you gain a god mastery lvl, but gaining these lvls don't really offer much(though that too is changing where now you must attain a lvl mastery to gain skins).
Like LOL there are different maps, but something LOL doesn't have is the Arena(my personal favorite). Instead of attempting to siege turrets and such, it's a battle royal of 5 vs 5, where deaths and minion kills lower the enemy's score until one side reaches 0.
All in all, if you like MOBAs this is a MUST. If you haven't tried out SMITE, you are missing a very fun and engaging experience.
Horrible, horrible community.
I have spent 30 dollars on this game and don't regret it at all. I am happy to support such a deep and rich game.
A casual game lasts in average 30 mins (3 lane classic MOBA) and 15 mins (Battle arena)
Easy to get started where both hardcore gamers and casual players can have fun - cooperation, planning and fast reflexes are the key terms here!
Only downside I see in this game is that many players favor a particular character over others and will choose their preference instead of wanting to balance whole team performance...
It's utterly, utterly amazing. My only dip into an actual MOBA- the only other one I've played was "Awesomenauts" (not a "traditional" MOBA). But, I found myself right at home here. It's basically "Unreal Tournament" meets "League of Legends". If either (or both) appeals to you, I suggest you try this out! I wasn't sure, but then I saw Kali, and I fell in love with it.
It's in Beta, so there are still problems. For instance, I feel Hades, Loki and Zeus are overpowered. God forbid you get in a match with the three of them and you don't have the same three on your team- you're screwed from the gate.
And like with any online game, the community is full of self-entitled, egotistical man-childs. But, if you can ignore them (or come up with clever retorts), you'll be okay.
I may not be a MOBA player, but I can tell a lot of other people that play this aren't either. Some people think this game is all about the Player Kills.
Don't get mad if you weren't the one killing the most shit out there- this is about SKILL, not POWER. If you want to be a good "Smite" player, learn to balance out your deaths (avoid them completely if possible) and Kill Assists (people may steal your kills, but if THAT pisses you off, you're not a team player- this is NOT the game for you).
It's almost like sex for the first time- pace yourself, take it slow, be aware of everything around you, and DO NOT prematurely shoot your wad- you'll be okay.
This is the FIRST game of 2013 I highly endorse/recommend.
Smite isn't the problem--it's the community that it raised. The matchmaking is a large problem--it throws newbies in with vets all willy nilly..and then the vets rage when the newbie sucks and despite trying to learn, the vets will rage instead of trying to help. It's just way too cold. And yes, I'll admit it--I suck at MOBAs. But when no one attempts to help, they're not fixing the problem. Hostility is not the answer, but it's the one that community chooses.
contains strategy- mouse control
and even animations that can speak actions, unlike swing left and right-league of legends- based off luck, because its whoever gets most minion kills first...
And IT IS FREE.. I think, it makes it way more skill based than i.e. LoL because every skill is skill shots !