Roblox is a massively multiplayer 3D game environment with of thousands of games that use physics to simulate the real world, and a virtual economy with millions of highly customized characters. Players on Roblox demonstrate incredible creativity limited only by their imagination, using core building components to create their own elaborate online games, social hangouts, and custom virtual items.
Roblox is a virtual playground and brings the popular building-blocks style of play into a MMO. Players can design and create their own worlds and items while interacting with other players. Different games have different goals and elements of fun. Most of them have a little player vs player action while you complete your other goals. Roblox is a browser game type but players must download and install a special Roblox browser.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
He “would always trust parents to make their own decisions”.
3 days agoOther notable investors include Google, OpenAI, AI Collaborative, and Project Liberty Institute
1 month agoParents will be able to remotely view their child’s account and monitor access to chat features.
3 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1
Memory1 GB
Storage20 Mb
A recent processor (2005+) with a clock speed of 1.6 Ghz or better
GraphicsDirectX 9 minimum and Shader Model 2.0.
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Roblox

I have never been called an "alt", definitely a noob but you know you're in better shape then that person who called you one. 95% of the community are 12 - 16 yo assholes. 5% of the community is better, however most of the 5% only come on every so often -- AS THEY ACTUALLY HAVE A LIFE.
There are hackers, yes, but they can't suddenly hack your accounts without knowing your info. You probably fell for one of those "free robux" sites, even a "ROBLOX testing client".
There is Online Dating, and the people who do that are often referred to "OD'ers" by the community.
I would NOT recommend ROBLOX to anyone who doesn't have money to pay for "Builders Club" (their membership) or "ROBUX". Also I would NOT recommend anyone who is sensitive to insults. This is not the game to socialize, unless your definition of socializing is "insulting others".
The Devs have been greedy ever since Shedletsky/Telamon retired and one of their co-founders passed away.
You will not be able to afford anything in the catalog as it will take 10 days just buy an shirt or pants.
If you like being called names for just playing the game, or for being too good at something ( swordfighting, gunfighting, etc ) then go ahead and play it.
For those of us that are old enough to click on every button you will notice the forumers are absolutely shit. Stay away from the forums if you don't want to even be namecalled ( you will be called an alt in some point of time ) on every other post you type on any of the forums. Some forums I highly suggest staying away: OT, C&G, and RT.
Have some money to spend when you joined the site? Want to purchase membership on the first week or even on day 1? Congrats! You'll get called an alt instead of a noob and everyone will want to know your main account, which of course, you don't have one.
There is another problem with ROBLOX that destroys the fun for the legit players.
They unofficially use game admin commands or use cheats in a place/game to ruin everyone elses fun. I highly suggest staying away from Sword Fights on the Height Original ( uploaded by Shedletsky ), as that place is INFESTED with exploiters. It will be very hard sometimes to find servers that doesn't have exploiters or servers that was already exploited. And Shedletsky doesn't give one shit to our complaints as we try to enjoy his places/games legitly.
I can rant on forever, but I think I'll stop now because I think you understand what you'll get into when you have read this comment.
STAY AWAY if you won't spend a dime on this site.
ESPECIALLY STAY AWAY if you want to play with a good community that aren't full of assholes.
i like how its free though
You can't build anything. You have to buy a "builder's club" membership to actually get to build something. If you don't want too stoop down to the developer's level, you can search for specific servers to build, but even then the 6-year old admins will think they are kings of the world and decide to trash your building for no apparent reason, kill you, and keep killing you everytime you respawn until you quit the game. Then you decide, "Meh, I'll just join another server" but the thing is, most of them are STOLEN!! You join a friendly server on farming cherry trees and then you spawn into a generic zombie survival server. It's almost impossible to find the server you want, because most of them are just copy-pastes of other servers!
The chat is complete crap along with the community. Every game I joined I would find the chat spamming up with "lul tis as fuun@2323!" or some stupid crap, constant fighting over which brand of gummy bears is the best, and little kids who think they are funny. I once got banned from a server because some kid couldn't handle the fact I said the word "crap" .
Overall, it's a cheap money scam, unoriginal, has probably the worst community I've ever seen in my life, and get's boring extremely quickly. I wish I hadn't wasted those few hours of my life.
used to be fun but the updates are crap now i look cool its just that i can't buy anything new any
Climbing up the ladder with membership or not is difficult either way, seeing as how a lot of work and effort has to be put into the games players build. Constantly updating your game is something you'll have to get used to. Moving that out of the way, there are sales that go on several times during the year, along with special holiday events like: Egg Hunts, Halloween event, Thanksgiving event and Christmas event.
Customization is far, but requires you to stack up some game currency. Graphics are constantly improving, and the performance is also being updated.
ROBLOX is definitely a good game to play, add me on ROBLOX if you see this post.
username: xXZerzavyXx
thx XD
Price / It is completely free, it is easy for anyone to get money in its economy if you atleast log in once a day, report the brats in the comunity, etc If you want more out of the game, like anyother MMORPG you can buy a membership and get more out of your playtime.
Community / Overall atleast 6 / 10 are rage brats that arent even 12 years old and talk a ton of shit all the time. If you buy the membership all these brats worship you. The other side of the community is generally nice and help you and are socialble. 99/100 times if you talk shit people will get angry and false report eachother. It is a nice community if you ignore the annoying people and report them.
Gameplay / In roblox you can create anything imaginable. Also there are ton of games that people have created from zombie survival to racing to PVP. I myself like the sci-fi games and building games. It is simple to learn the controls and adapt to the game. It is really fun if you are open to what games you play.
Pros / Great gameplay, massively multiplayer, infinitesimal games to choose from and easy to adapt to.
Cons / Bad community, sometimes glitchy, spammers, hackers, etc.
-ROBLOX has much better graphics than Mine Craft
-U could build more stuff in ROBLOX than mineshit
-More stuff 2 do in ROBLOX
-Dumb people play Minecraft
-AWESOME dudes play ROBLOX
Gameplay = Depends on the game. Generally, absolutely amazing.
Devs = Horrible. No community interaction unless you've risen to insane popularity or built something better than the devs can.
Game Building Aspect = Great, assuming you're good at programming Lua. Lua's pretty easy to learn, and Roblox has a built-in debugger, so it's not that hard to get used to.
Cash System = Pretty bad. While technically free to play, you can only have one place unless you pay monthly. Also, a lot of items are Builder's Club (the membership) only. Finally, it's hard for non-BCers to gain a place in the virtual economy, which uses a cash-currency called Robux, which you get daily if you're BC, or can buy for absurd prices. The only way to get a lot of Robux is to be an economic genius, or have a HUGE wallet.
Overall = It's fun, but I wouldn't pay to play it. Btw, this is coming from a guy who Roblox somehow convinced to pay 30 bucks a month for the game. I completely regret that now.
Now they have the NBC packages...
I went on so many games and they kept bragging, which is why I quit playing (along with my friends).
Very fun and addictive would recommend to anyone.
this is the coolest game yo!
cuz u can play any type of you want! (it blocky -.-)
and my name there are Costantly
you should play SCP: lockdown there..
cuz it horror :L
Basically, an enjoyable freemium game.
I absolutely love this game, it's never empty, it's always filled with other players to explore and socialize with. It has a lot of content, ( User-Created content) An easy gaming system to adapt to, and the majority of the games to play are all different because it's made by the users. (Some are made by developers.)
My name is Ringo117
Overall, in my opinion, this game is really fun, yet, there are some things that can be improved.
Thank you.
With love - DontJudgeMe