Realm of the Mad God

Realm of the Mad God is a free to play 2D browser based cooperative MMO shooter with RPG elements and retro styling straight from the 8-bit era. Fight monsters in groups of up to 85 players! Dodge blasts from devious monsters while you work with friendly teammates to take down the Mad God himself.

Realm is a major advance for MMOs, putting dozens of players into the middle of an intense action game straight out of the arcades. The game is free to play; jump in for 5 minutes or stay for hours.

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Additional Information

Realm of the Mad God
Wild Shadow Studios
Release Date
February 21, 2012
Windows, Browser
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP or later




100 MB HD space


2.33GHz or faster x86-compatible



Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

Minimum System Requirements

Realm of the Mad God is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Realm of the Mad God, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Kabam and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (44)

Do you recommend this game?
linkii 9 years ago
Well for most of you who have been playing heres something id advise of you: Do no go to the god lands (A.k.a the harder mobs who deal a crud of damage) until u have tier 4-5 and higher and for your Level go at 10-15 your hp will be high enough for you to take damage. (specially from the damn Medusa)
And if you think getting to level 20 and being a 6/8 is good think of instantly dying at oryx ( hes the Final boss but to get him you have to kill as many quest mobs as fast as you can He can to 250 damage so look out)

This is my commentary as an 8/8 white star (my class is wizard) oh yeah my name isnt registered so you cant search me if you try

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Haxel 10 years ago
Fantastic game! 7.5/10 Bad comunnitty.

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Call me frost 10 years ago
People are saying its hard and stuff in these comments...Im a 6/8 knight does that make me a god..?

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Rotmgpro 11 years ago
friggin epic game! Im epic at this RIP 8/8 dizzy :(

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Some really good realm player 11 years ago
One of the best MMO's in existance. Just dont forget it's origninal title: "The co-op mmo fantasy shooter." It describes it too well. And guys, stop complaning about the permadeath. just be glad you have the vault.

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CaIsUs89 11 years ago
I wish the Developer.. removes Perma-Death

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Some Guy 11 years ago
Well, this game is pretty epic, fast-paced, and generally cool. I like the pixelated style of the characters and skills. Though the Perma-Death discouraged me to play it. But the perma death lets you try out other classes and UNLOCK them, by reaching a certain level in some certain class. But, I'm warning some new guys, one hit from an enemy makes a huge difference.

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Zaedulus 11 years ago
People are leaving bad reviews since THEY are bad at the game.
I consider myself at least decently knowledgeable about the game (having had a 6/8 character and tops and being in a top guild [ 6/8 = 6 stats maxed out of 8 and tops = best equipment]) will address some more serious problems.

Since Kabam has bought the game, there have only been horrid updates (in my opinion) and the game has become much more P2W (such as buying tops in the nexus, and pets). You can get pets normally, but to do so requires much work and feeding compared to people who simply pay money to buy pet food.

I could deal with this, but recently I have been experiencing huge lag spikes which often force me to nexus, and sometimes even kill me. There was even a glitch at one point where invisible bullets could immediatly kill maxed characters.

As for permadeath, it is an essential part of the game, and once you have unlocked all characters it only means that you have just started. Leveling is quite easy as long as you take your time, but people often rush into areas to high level for them and get themselves killed. Leveling with a friend always makes it easier and more fun as experience is shared.

The game is co-op as though you complain about people "leeching of the dungeon" and such, there is always the option to solo a dungeon or rush it yourself (however the fore-mentioned people who wrote the complaint probably wont have the skills to do either and therefore are the real leeches ;) )


Has a "social" element
big variety of things to do
many items

Steep learning curve
Permadeath discourages new players
Lag Spikes

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hdffd 11 years ago
bad quality

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GryGandolf 11 years ago
great game coolest part is the endgame though

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Thederpman 11 years ago
Ok i have played this game for a year and i mean it has come a long way but to make this review shorter i will do a pro and con


+ Very fun and addictive
+ Very fast paced
+ A big map and many monsters to fight
+ A good amount of weapons that depend on tiers
+ Fun to play in big groups


- It is pay 2 win ( It doesnt really matter because there is no pvp)
- Its hard to find your friends in game

I know there are more pros than cons but for me its hard to find many cons.

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Jakkishh 11 years ago
Can't some one do a ripp-off with no perma death?

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Elite Death Bringer 12 years ago
good - addictive and fast lving.

1) no daily chance as in daily spin,daily bonus,etc; even some currency drop from the one of many monsters that can kill you from full hp almost instantly. point is some way to get currency without paying or those stupid give information deals.
2) deadly cc for example a lowly god (slime god) hits you with slow and ur spd is reduce by like 80% instantly try dodging like that in godlands or even worse the confused that switches movement buttons. the problem is that the majority of players (70%+?) dont know how to control it during that state.
3)they refuse to add a way to prevent people from teleporting to you just because they said the game was meant to be cooperating with everyone yet its the complete opposite. plus its more of a way to increase your chance of dying.
4)No quest changing option, like it gives you a lame phoenix quest yet you're probably more interested in a cube god or lost lord but it gives a quest for the closest mid-level god even though you are high level. Even if a prefered event,god,etc is closer than that mid-level god for some it ignores it (probably cause ur farming alone and they dont want that)
- more to be added -

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Kralizec&Kvizac 12 years ago
What is great about this game is level of mastery you can achieve at dodging and shooting with exercise. After some time, you start milking the godlands (a spot on the map where only bosses spawn and drop good loot) and doing some dungeons.
When you get some skill, it becomes a bit too repetitive on the godlands and many dungeons and too hard to solo (and many players are uncooperative and rush through the dungeon only to get the loot).
There is a currency system based on stat-potions which you also get on godlands and in dungeons.
The drop is not random (each monster has a list of items it drops) and you must qualify for the loot by the amount of damage done.

The gamestyle doesn't enforce enough cooperativity.

The graphics is really great. And no matter how skilled you are, you will die at some point and the deaths can be really frustrating and stupid. (YAST or YAAD)*

* Nethack terminology (Yet another stupid death, Yet another annoying death).

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My Level 100 12 years ago
First off this game has a classical graphic style like the first zeldas so any retro gamer should love it its easy to start playing easy and short tutorial simple gameplay and easy to enjoy but there are always cons there is nothing perfect this game has a system where if you want good items or different classes or more storage space for prized possessions you gotta buy realmgold which cost real life money if you dont do that there is no way to get new items besides trading with other players you can get items from boss drops but its like any other mmorpg its random drops there is plenty of things to kill and huge player base at first sight this game looks really easy but when you enter a realm and travel inland it gets kind of threaten you can get gang banged by like 50 things at once so you got to be carefull

So if your looking for a simple retro style mmorpg try it out its definitely worth playing

i give it a 7.5 out of 10

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BrownMamba 12 years ago
Hey.. So actually it's all game over when u die in the game? Just askin coz i never played the game b4.. ^_^

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Tech 12 years ago
XD This game is so addicting. You only run out of things to do when you've unlocked all the characters. Until then it will be nonstop action, no blinking and don't forget to follow the "bridge"! :P Definitely a game to try.

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Justus 12 years ago

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Jim Jaw 12 years ago
its a great game but its a pain if u die

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Jesterhead1985 12 years ago
Repetitive mess with horrible graphics... run around in circles shooting pixelated blocks... yeea...

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Vinman23 12 years ago
Great game but need patience to get to higher levels

Plz don't reply

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Starman385 12 years ago
It's a really addictive game. I enjoy it a lot.
It would have been even MORE epic if it was 3D.
I give it a 9/10

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flamingking 12 years ago
ive pkayed alot but i keep dieng at lvl 1-2

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EpikWolf 12 years ago
btw dont message me cuz im using a fake email

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EpikWolf 12 years ago
im frigging epic at this game, hence my name, EpikWolf

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neilpogitheone 12 years ago
i like this im play this game in 2 hours very best

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lou 12 years ago
you have to be asked by a guild founder or leader such as myself to join their guild

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Larry 12 years ago
the game is amazing I just don't know how to join a guild.

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somebody you dont want to know 12 years ago
the game is awesome. i have 4 characters

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Person 12 years ago

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Person 12 years ago
this game is AWESOME. im in a guild called LivingColdFlash. i hav 17 stars.

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Kagako 12 years ago
Good game. The retro graphics are fun, game play is easy to get but the Permadeath is a pain. Although using the deaths to open new classes is cool.

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dan 12 years ago
Its kind of a pixelsalad. not my taste.

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theultimatedestroyer 12 years ago
I HATE THE PERMADEATH. But otherwise it is completely epic.

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