AdventureQuest Worlds
Adventure Quest Worlds is a free 2D fantasy browser MMORPG from the same creators of AdventureQuest, DragonFable and MechQuest games. AdventureQuest Worlds' gameplay is surrounded around the in-game battles that occur. Unlike Artix Entertainment's previous games.
AdventureQuest Worlds is multiplayer which allows for freestyle battling with other players. Instead of turn-by-turn basis battles, it uses real time battling with simultaneous players/monsters.
Currently, Artix Entertainment has restricted Player vs. Player battling but has stated they may try it since this game is multiplayer. Players may only battle alongside other players against monsters. After a monster is defeated, the players that participate in that particular battle gain experience points and gold. The players currently can use either a melee attack or a spell attack to damage monsters.
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Minimum System Requirements
AdventureQuest Worlds is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play AdventureQuest Worlds, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like AdventureQuest Worlds

#1 plays on my older laptop
#2 uses the mouse rather than wasd or arrows - I could never get the hang of that
#3 is not turn based
what I dislike is - now that I have plodded my way up to level 40 range in Free to Play
I am encountering more and more quests unlocked for Free to Play But requiring quest items Only available to Pay to Play folks
the other thing that can be confusing is how to figure out where to find the quest locations- not readily obvious in game
Upside- there are wiki posts for almost all that information
Buyback shop is a complete rip off. Back in the day , if you had ac items (ac tagged items weren't applied to at this time) and wanted to buy more ac gear, you had to delete ac items to free up space if your back was full, especially if you wanted new sets. Years later, AE agree to let you store any ac items for free, also introduced the buy back shop with "Buy Back" being the operative word. Getting charged twice for items that wouldn't fit in our bank or bag because we were supporting AE by buying more ac gear, and they will not relent from letting players buy their ac items back for free. Huge rip off. They should of part charged us for items that were deleted after free storage for ac items was in effect. Allow players to get their ac items back from buy back for free.
There are some benefits to AQWorlds like being able to play it on the PC and the decent storylines. But I haven't seen much good storylines since the Chaos Storyline ended.
I get why most of the content of locked since Artix Entertainment needs money but asking for Adventure Coins and Membership and still locking alot of the events and items seems greedy. I'd like to see more items in the rare shops for nonmembers and people who want to buy items for gold instead of adventure coins.
But if I had to rate Adventure Quest Worlds and all of Artix Entertainment Games as of now I'd probably rate them 2/10 and I'm only giving them 2 stars because I like that they didn't shut down the PC ports of their games like every other company seems to be trying to do otherwise I'd give them a 1/10 star for horrible customer service and horrible quality of games.
+ 3 Classes and more
+ Browser Game 2D RPG
+ Costumes
+ Pets
+ Guild
+ Crafting
+ Decent Storyline
+ Low Requirement System
- Small Community
- Repeated Dungeon
- Locked Content
- Lack of Customer Support
- Bug and Glitch
- Limited Customization
Star: 4/5 (Cool Game)
Horrible PvP (both group and 1 on 1) which are both pretty much dead.
Too much grinding
Botters everywhere
Too many people standing around that are AFK
Too many paid "Legend" players that are lazy and outright rude who don't like helping non-members with quests or boss battles
Lazy players in general who refuse to help with said battles or forming groups
Dress up game mostly
Takes too long to level up due to not having enough quests, bosses, enemies that have high exp rates
Pay to play: Normally I don't have a problem with it if there are good things to get and it is properly balanced but AQW is pay to play to get pointless stuff)
If you do pay and get special classes, armors ect..ect as soon as your membership runs out they are too stupid to let you use what you bought therefor you either need to renew your membership or sell the member items you got
Mods that are lazy and unhelpful and if you apply to be a mod (which is rare they put out applications for the position) they only bring in personal friends
Far too many 1% drop rate B.S. (especially Binky if you got the hardcore paragon pet)
Weapons and armors don't boost character stats
Leveling up barely raises your stats. I have seen too many low level players with OP classes take down higher players including paid members so getting max level or being a paid member is kinda pointless
On the bright side, the game is vivid and bright. The designers obviously spend a great deal of time on armors, weapons and scenery. Moreover, I absolutely love the idea of having multiple classes available to each Player Character. The way that they implement this is unique, and allows anyone to switch from tank to DPS or heals as they feel like it. It's easy, and there's no tedious re'speccing. I'd like to see more of this in other MMO's.
The initial 13 Lords of Chaos story, whilst hardly original, was nonetheless moderately interesting, with a few plot twists. Some of the bosses actually had mechanics, which is something I was not expecting from a 2-d Adobe game. It provided loads of story content, and it was fairly easy to go in order, given how everything was numbered 1-13.
From then on, however, I feel that this MMO had little to offer. The other stories were boring, lacking in substance, depth, and sustainability. It was very difficult to find in which order all of later storylines were supposed to be played. They were filled with pointless dialogue and corny jokes, even for a game geared towards younger audiences. As a developer, AE Entertainment also needs to learn to stop including self-inserts as major NPC's. It's annoying, especially given how the NPC's imply they are the developers/talk as the developers, and the devs should be more detached in that way. It's unprofessional.
Next we get to the combat system. It's not horrid, given what they're working with, but neither is it very good. There are only 5 basic abilities + several passives, to minimize ability bloat. That's understandable and maybe even acceptable, given the target audience.
It's not acceptable, however, to have DoT's, HoT's, buffs and debuffs, and not include a buff/debuff bar on or around the character icons. The only way to tell if they've worn off or if you have buffs for procs applied is by tiny little messages around the bodies of characters and enemies, telling when buffs/debuffs are applies, and a different one when they wear off. Given the two-dimensional nature of the game, other enemies or characters can block these from view.
You can't remap keybindings, and they use and awkward click system like Runescape for movement, instead of WASD. The Map feature has some of the worst implementations and most awkward design I've ever seen. In quests that you must pick things up in, you often are unable to do so. Quests are lost upon logout.
This is also a game clearly designed more towards PvE than PvP. AE has tried to force PvP in to satisfy players, but it just doesn't work, partly because some of their bosses have so many HP. In a game where no-one has more than 5k HP in PvP, and you can get criticals around 100k, it just doesn't work. The classes are completely imbalanced, with some doing an insane amount of damage, and other feel like hitting other players with a wet noodle. Moreover, it is the "extra classes", which must be purchased either with IRL money by way of buying merchandise, or an obscene amount of AC's (in-game currency which you also pay for IRL money for.), which are the most absurdly overpowered. Subscription alone does not suffice; Artix Entertainment has literally implemented a P2W game model for PvP. If the game was completely F2P, that would be one thing, but Subscribers/Members ('Upgrades') should not have to fork over additional cash just to be competitive in PvP.
All in all, I would give this game a 2/5. It had a somewhat interesting premise a class system, but it is simply to primitive and poorly implemented. Moreover, it seems to be on its way downhill.
• Level 50
• 1 Hadean Onyx of Nulgath (in tercessuinotlim)
• 1 Voucher of Nulgath (non mem)
• Complete an insane quest worthy of Nulgath the ArchFiend
1 void A
4 Roentgenium of Nulgath (Roentgenium of Nulgath ...1% drop rate)
Unidentified 10 – 200
Gem of Nulgath – 150
Dark Crystal Shard – 200
Tainted Gem – 200
1 Void B
Diamond of nulgath -200
Blood gem of the archfiend – 30
Totem of nulgath – 15
Elders blood – 2
So this class release is only targeted at a few, rather then generating gameplay for the hoard.
Thread just got locked on AE forums Q&A
Secondly, the community is not that great. There are a whole bunch of botters, players that think they are better than others since they have more badges, rare items and classes and don't get me started on those players that AFK at Yulgar's Inn.
All in all, this game isn't bad but it gets boring after awhile. The weekly releases are wierd and all over the place. It's hard to know what's going on. Also you reach a point where you get to a high level and have a bunch of cool items and classes but you just get damned bored of the game. The quests and storylines are decent, but most players play the game to get items and classes. This game is pretty much a dress up game that gets old. The coolest looking items are member-only or AC only. Also to farm or grind for an item faster, you need to spend real life money. I spent about $20.00 to buy a pet that makes farming WAY easier. But from my experience, the total of about $250.00 that I spent on this game was not worth it. Once you grind and get your item, class or whatever, you get tired of it and move on to the next cool thing and grind for that. It just repeats again and again. You just waste a ton of time grinding for items that you are just going to get tired of after awhile.
But if you are rich or have a lot of money, knock yourself out and play the game. But for others who don't want to waste money on a game, I wouldn't recommend playing AQW. Yeah, free players can get just as strong as people who spend real life money on the game, but the game is even more BORING if you don't spend real life money on the game. Most free items don't look nearly as good as items that cost AC's or are Legend-only.
I actually just made a new account about 3 days ago and got to level 28 but got bored and decided to quit once again. The game is just not the same as it used to be. Also as people have commented previously, Adobe Software may be shutdown in major browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox in the next year or so and Artix Entertainment might not do anything about it.
I have to say that I am glad that I quit AQW. It is not worth my time or money and I am much better off without it. I am also 18 years old now and the game is not really fit for my age group. I would say AQW is for 14 and under audiences. I know this review is a little messy and a bit biased but I hope you learned something valuable from it. Thanks for reading this review, and I wish you the best of luck in life and everything that you do. Cheers. =)
I find the game very bad...why ?
It's complicated, the menu has too many options...
In the adventures, you never know when it begins and it ends, and don't know how to go back to the are left on your own with a map and stuff to do, but don't know where to start or what to do.
The interaction between players is almost non existing, nobody answers you, adding friends is useless in the game.
The forum is bad, the moderation is bad, they dont let people express themselves like a dictatorship.
The game is repetitive, almost always the same thing.
And last but not least, the quests are not explained, they tell you do this, you don't know where to go, what to do...
-Fun original art
-Fun PvP (Especially at Safiria server)
-Fun if you are a member
-Friend System
-Weekly release
-Great 1st story (13 lords of chaos arc)
-Somehow funny
-Massive adventure (massive enough to consume your time)
-SHRINKING FANBASE (used to be 19-30k players playing every saturday, now theres only 4-12k)
-The New Class designers (RUINED THE GAME FROM OP CLASSES)
-Money Consuming (Understandable since its the only source of money that the company gets)
-Unfair Class system (OP and non-OP)
-Rare System
-Enhancements system
-no Trading system
-Useless House system
-Guild system (Also useless)
-Fanbase (most players act immature)
-Really Bland 2nd story arc (Queen of Monsters arc)
-Pay to enjoy
-Reputation system (pretty much started the notting issue)
My Experience:
THE BEGINNING - I started back in mid 2010 at august during the August 2010 friday the 13th event, I was really enjoying the fun releases every week, i was pretty much failing or having low grades that time because of the Awesome game, to summarise, it was one of the best days of AQW, simple yet fun..
THE PEAK OF AQWORLDS - During 2011 was some of the funnest events EVER… I mean Ctrl+Alt+Del was really fun with many rewards for free players, Shamrock Fair with the New Evolved Leppy class, and especially They Might be Giants event (The best in my opinion) which taught me the meaning of patience just to get a class. The 2011-2012 days was simply MAGICAL.
THE ALINA ERA - early 2013 was still decent, fun releases…. but slowly the fun was taken over by realisticity, it was never fun but simple anymore, but more of a serious mmorpg approach during the early alina era…. also my first time paying as a member which is why i can’t really define those days precisely since i was enjoying my membership perks…. but i felt it… the shrinking of the fan base (only 15-28k players compared to the 20-30k during 2010), the boringness of the next few releases at the late 2013s to early 2014s, only thing that was fun was the Wheel of Doom release, which gave hope to free players…
FADING AND SLOWLY FORGOTTEN - I QUIT….. Early to mid 2014 I realised how boring AQW has become because of Alina…. AND THE ADDITION OF ZERELDO AND THE NEW CLASS DESIGNERS (WHO RUINED THE GAME BECAUSE OF THEIR OP CLASSES) I even almost gave my account away, but oh well….. it was my childhood. The 13 lords of chaos arc finale gave me a nostalgia feeling it was one of the few things during those times that made me enjoy the game again.. aside from the Return of The Devs Release. it was boring bland and messy…. it was not enjoyable anymore, but a show off your rares to be cool game.
MY RETURN - Late 2015 to this day…. I replayed the game, only 4-10k players playing… i pretty much feel a bit lonely, now the game is mainly for pVping at Safiria and showing off your rares, but right now i feel like quitting it again.
I don’t recommend you playing it….. but heres a thing…. GIVE AQ3D A TRY. period.
Also, AQW has plenty of classes to choose from, unlike most MMORPGs that restricts you to your starter class. Some classes are harder to get, requiring tons of effort and time to get, but at the end it is worth the while.
Months after the game launched in its primitive state, the developers added new areas and quests, including the beginning of a main storyline (which is quite awful, but not many play MMORPGs for such things), and with these additions, both paying and non-paying players got a selection of items to buy or earn. While the gameplay mostly remained the same, with this content and the growing number of new accounts, the game became rather enjoyable for casual players. It was fun to play on a weekly basis to see the new content and to make some friends, and just like other simple games, most players didn't log in everyday.
AE decided to make some changes to keep the playerbase engaged by re-balancing old classes, and introducing attributes. You can increase them by applying enchantments to your equipped items. There are different types of scrolls which make enchanting possible, and they could be bought by anyone with in-game currency. This added an opportunity for players to experiment with them and to find the most effective builds. While paying members could buy slightly superior scrolls, the difference was never too significant. Later on, new classes were added, but to earn those, you are required to farm, or to buy the class with ACs (in-game currency you can purchase with real money). While buying it is quicker, earning the class by playing is a better choice as many other items are unlocked during the process. Of course, new cosmetic items which also required farming were introduced as well. They are all tied to one NPC in the game, who is "hidden", and has to be found in a cave with multiple paths. Many of the quests which players have to do require them to beat the main storyline's bosses, so while end-game characters could get new items, newbies could get help killing more difficult mobs. Among these new updates, there is also the possibility to play PvP in teams. After each match, everyone earns a certain number of trophies which can be merged for more items. To me, these were the best days of the game. The new additions made the community better, and made it more satisfying to get new items.
As time passed, however, everything that was once an improvement made the game worse with each update. Unnecessary types of enchantments were added (which are not used by anyone for the most part), along with more new classes which require grinding. Some of them are mediocre and unnecessary, while others are simply overpowered, allowing players to solo the majority of areas in the game. Since most people got these classes after a while, eventually the community began to fall apart, with an increasing number of players going to private rooms and soloing the content, rather than playing with others. Most people got bored of the team PvP mode, and play 1v1 instead. Unless you get lucky, or have plenty of friends to play with, you are not going to be able to find matches anymore. The farming for items got out of hand with the addition of quests which waste the players' time by not giving them anything most of the time. By making these things more tedious, the number of bot users increased. One of the best parts of farming was talking to others while doing it, but now, most players do not respond, as they are not even playing the game themselves. AE eliminated some hacking programs, but they're not doing anything about this problem, other than telling players not to do it. The theft of accounts also became common, and while it is sad to see that the community dropped down to this level, the team behind AQW is really helpful when you wish to get your account back, often returning it in a day or two.
Needless to say, I quit the game after a while. Today, I logged into my account, and saw that the number of players online is half of what it used to be. There is a ridiculous amount of new classes, and the game is throwing free items at you for owning the account. While they look nice and all, they are meaningless, and take away the challenge of getting them. Most areas are unpopulated, with most players botting at a farming spot, or hanging out at the inn, being edgy teenagers with their virtual harems or whatever the hell they are doing.
Honestly, I would only recommend this game if you don't have a good computer or gaming system, and are looking for something to play online. It is very simple compared to other MMOs, with limited PvP, and a meaningless guild system. You don't need to spend money either, as even free accounts have plenty of options. The advantages paying players get are rather minor, and this is not a game you should play if you want to play against others anyway. I'd recommend using the rogue class, and looking up a guide if you need it, because it is a decent solo class for beginners.
P2W ? NOT AT ALL. I've been playing AQW for 1 year, and paying only gives you the stuff easier. Of course, there's stuff reserved to member, and AC tagged items. But if there wasn't, why would you be paying for? For example, classes. Let's say...necromancer. It's a pretty good solo class, and you can take 2 mins and buy it. Or take ONE DAY to farm until rank 10. ''Liar?'' you say, I've got doomwood rank 10 here, in 20 hours, so about a day. Of course, not all at once. Hard stuff eh? ._.
Hard to level up? Members get one quest that gives 10k xp and gold. All right, thats op. But there's still those xp boosts that you can get from Wheel of Doom/Destiny (it's gone now lol)
''They support scamville with their so called “Free Acs” deals'' -Nyan guy. You made me laugh. I've personnally earned 1k AC's with the offers (and I have friends take got over 10k.) They created 4 of those because of the finale storyline, idiot. Watch the cutscenes before saying nonsense.
RT69, How does Dage made the game crap? It made it cooler, with the Dage vs Miltonius war, for example. In my whole 1 year spent on AQW i did not recieve any insults. Maybe you're unlucky. But then, don't say every player is like this.
Maybe that's about it...e-e
If you say ''takes too much time'' check around internet or ask players about faster ways to get rep, for example. If you see me, don't hesitate to ask :)
You can farm some reputations 3 days to get class . And that is little bit bad . (Sorry for my english )
main reason i think its inferior is that all the weapons deal the same damage except ones u need real money for. there was no point in working hard to buy the normal weapons cause they were all the same once u enchanted them
op classes like necromancer ruined the game for me though
once i got necro i could solo almost every boss in the game i havent played in a while so i dont know what new chaos lords are there but i could easily solo the ones that were there before
i even soloed the void dragon which was stronger than most of the other bosses at the time
the game was practically singleplayer and it felt really boring to just not have to take advantage of the multiplayer and just solo everything
this is a pay to win game u need to play for like a month to get 1 of the good classes the first four classes are for noobs the cool classes are very hard to and needs alot of time but its easy to get for who pays for the game this not a fair game at all
before you say anything learn the concepts of the game it says 10+ over 20 million people play private servers and normal.
oh yeah forgot something 20+ play this game what kind of stupid games do you play.
1 more thing shut the hell up or should I laugh and make fun of how stupid you are.
remember to reply god of idiots
Here are my major issues with AQWorlds:
-The class system in general sucks. Here's why:
You can purchase all the starter classes in shops, so the class selection screen is pointless.
Upgrade-only classes that have the exact same skillset as the starter classes.
There are overall too many classes in the game. There's probably 100+ of them by now.
The classes each have only 5 skills, as an excuse for spending time/money on getting more classes.
Little to no balance between classes. One class will be able to solo a level 100 20ft abomination, while the rest won't.
-Guilds. Guilds do nothing in this game. They have been out for like 2 years now and still have no purpose whatsoever. Most people you will see will probably be in guilds like ''Dark Overlord'' or ''Platinum Queen'' or some shit, just to look cooler or stand out.
-Equipment. Also does nothing, apart from making you look better. It doesn't matter if you're wearing an epic helmet made of a demon's skull or a freaking cardboard box on your head, you will get the exact same stats from either of them, granted you enhance them. Which brings me to my next issue...
-Enhancements. Pathetic excuse for making leveling-up worthwhile. You don't have to buy new weapons to deal more damage, just enhance your Ugly Stick (actual weapon from the game) to level 40 and you're good to go.
-Armor. It's useless. Enough said.
-Potions. Due to being introduced to the game so late, they're disregarded to the point of being considered ''cheating''.
-The community. Oh my, the community. If it isn't socially awkward teenagers, weeaboos, furries, bronies, white knights and other losers, it's little Brazilian/Filipino kids. And that shouldn't be a bad thing because this is a kids game, right? Well, you have too see it to believe it.
There are many more things wrong with the game, but there's only so much I can write before my fingers start bleeding and my patience runs out, so that's all I'll address for now.
So go ahead, play the game. It's terrible, but you can probably kill some time in it if you're into casual gaming. If you want a good game experience though, stay the hell away from it. Or don't. I don't care.
Feel free to tell me your thoughts on my rant, so I can laugh and make fun of how stupid you are.
1)TOO MUCH GRINDING . Way too much . To get from lvl 1 to lvl 60 , it'll take you like 3 or 4 months as free players . Then , you'll caught yourself on Reputations , there are atleast 10 Reputation that you will be focused as they will give you greater Classes . Doing their storyline will get you atleast to 5th Rank of the Rep but to get to maximum rank 10 will may take you A LOT of time like months of grinding (without boost or membership). After all that , you'll get yourself into grinding/farming your class into rank 10 , it takes at least a day to get a class to rank 10 .
2)SO BORING AND HARD . It will be boring without friends , so try to make some friends . The most popular hanging out place is full of "Away From Keyboard" players , which will make you having rough time to have fun with others . If you are low level , be wary , because most low level is hated because mostly people using low level account will beg or spam for spare account or account trade or free ac/member bluffing , so the higher level player will possibly just ignore you when you tried to have a conversation or need of a help .
3)FRUSTATING PVP . PVP is very fun things to do in most online games . But unlike some of the other games , this game PVP is VERY UNBLANCED , especially to free players . There are some factors that made this game pvp unblanced . FIrst is an item called medal , the item is meant to give you extra HP when pvping but only those who has membership would able to use higher tier of the medal , which mean they have more HP than free players does . Second , the classes . There are some classes in this game which is totally OP , so basically it meant it only take 1 or 2 skills to finish you off easily , most of this class cost real money or membership(MOST PLAYERS used this kind of classes which make me pissed off much) . But don't worry , with knowledge and skill , you still can beat them with starting classes , eventhough it hardly .
only members i think people who would waste their money should pay or do what they want back
then this game was the best when i was 7 now i'm 9 and the game sucks because mostly stuff are
for members so lots of people leave i left my other accounts so i can start over and over again
because this was when i didn't have anything to do now all i do is play this game if i have nothing
better to do. If you have something better to do for now its a time waster by the way the new
things that come week are mostly for members and the girl clothing is rare but for each week
they might have stuff for girls.
The prices for items are just right, you just got to keep on saving up for more gold.
I’m XxBoylayerxX in AQW (Most of the time at Twilly server) See if you can find me. I’m currently level 43 going to level 45 soon ^^.
It's not fun anymore if you're not willing to spend money on it.
and srry for the other comment i said week not weak heh
Frankly I feel as though the reports of this game being pay 2 win have been exaggerated,and more often than not the people posting them don't even bother mentioning the real issues with the cash shop. While it's true that most of the cooler looking items in game are member or cost AQcoins, they're just that; cooler looking. Most pets don't actually attack, and items no longer come with stats. However,there are a few obvious places where paying members receive very clear advantages, with one example being player vrs player. The non-member PvP amulets pale in comparison to the member ones, and though I don't play much PvP myself I've heard it's severely unbalanced. Most of the classes in game can be bought with AQ coins, however it's also relatively easy to earn them in game via the reputation system. You have to be rank ten in the area that corresponds to class you wants, at which point you can buy it for gold. The plot quest for each area normally give you enough to get to rank 5 or 6, but the rest of your rank points will have to be earned by doing daily and repeatable quest. Unfortunately,this is a tedious process. The game gives you free rep boost via the purple free items button in Battleon,and those normally make things go smoother.
And while I'm on the subject of class, let me just say there is very little class variation. This fact is not at all helped by the fact this game has incredibly simple combat mechanics. Seasoned gamers will probably find combat to be a bit boring or plain.
The community, much like the rest of this game, is a mixed bag indeed. Most players are very friendly and willing to help out, however most players are *also* around 10-14 years old. This is the first MMO many of these kids have tried, and some don't know what they're doing. There are a few mean ones in the bunch, but normally other players are more than happy to ignore those types of people rather than succumb to troll feeding. You've been warned.
This game tends to be rather plot heavy,and features lots of animated cut-scenes. The plot and writing can be very tongue-and-check,featuring the occasional fourth wall break or pop culture reference. It's also very child friendly and easy to follow,but older more seasoned game veterans might find it too simplistic to be compelling.
This game, as mentioned above,is very much a mixed bag. Younger players or those new to the MMORPG genre will appreciate this game's simple mechanics and easy to follow story, but older and more experienced gamers are likely to get bored with this game quickly. I'd say play it casually or as an introduction to the MMORPG genre.
Members are so lucky because, almost all the pets are members and the Twilight Realm at the Darkovia Graveyard is members and other places are members, and they also get to make a guild and get bonus AC's!
Dage has got some really cool items but I wish that he would add some more. Something worth the time and effort of collecting all those Legion Tokens.
In my opinion a new video should be made as this one is like 5 years old and misses out on all the good bits like owning and decorating a home for example. If u want 2 see mine type /house jordanrhys98. Hope everyone enjoys the game
Found a real cool Pet, Armor, Helm, Cape, Weapon drop? You're about to equip it, when suddenly... 'MEMBER'. You have to pay for maybe a high stat good looking equip, to get a pet, for money. Not really a full on free to play game considering the pay to win.
- Grinding - By level 9 your leveling up slows to a crawl. Horrible time for a person wanting to rank or level up. Takes very long.
- Overpowered Opponents - Monsters like bosses are extremely strong even for their level. A level 24 boss would have about 25,000 HP to knock down and hit like a grown man.
On the other hand it's a good one for casual gamers. ...But if you're looking for some hardcore gameplay then it's not worth your time. Mainly children would rate such a stupid browser game so high.
Show Pony game
Super Lag, big huge announcement by AE Last year that they fixed the lag ... Epic Lie.
xyo doesn't even play the game anymore, your full of it. Not active in-game and or the forums.
Char page as proof
AE is a rip off. They bring out Armor A and Weapon C ... 3 months later, they release the same items which you now have to pay for in a different color. Like Beleens birthday shop. Everything was already in game, but Beleen coloured hers pink.
@above. yep, all classes are clones of one another, most share the same skills that are just renamed.
Game has lost over half it's gaming population, most of their games are failing to attract and keep players.
Go play Rusty hearts, or Dragon Nest, Way better games out there then this heap of krrrap.
There is only one feature that I wish to see in many other MMORPGs which is the multiclass system. This allows for a longer time playing the game and the classes are preety well balanced in my opinion. This is a great game to start off for anyone.
The game is lively and interesting, and it has a mega storyline which spans from the 13 Chaos Lords to tons of side quests where you can get some pretty cool stuff. I remembered fighting about 5 of them (which took about a whole month, excluding the waiting time) and it was really good imo. The game is funny and very suitable for kids and casual gamers.
now i come back occasionally but it doesn't stick on as well as the first impression you get of it because the game play is so repetitive
There are 17 servers in this game. 17. Thats allot. Meaning there is17 each of the same rooms.
I am trying to find help with a boss at bloodtuskwar, So I am on cysero server, I type /goto bloodtuskwar. I enter room one, but everyone is fighting mini mobs. So I goto room 2, same thing there, you can choose from thousands of rooms for bloodtuskwar. So how the hang are you suppose to find help.
I go from room to room, looking for parties, going on the forums, but no one wants to fight him. I end up fighting boss, 1 weeks later.
Way to many servers in this game, way to many room options for the same room.
- Rep to get free classes (rep 10), then rank to get all glass skills
- 23 class skills. Every class has a least 1 skill recycled from another class.
- Game offers allot of classes, most are members and ACs
- Members get perks, but once your membership runs out, you cannot use any
members items you brought. How lame is that.
- ACs, for those players that buy ACs have a huge disadvantage.
Allot of players pay more money on ACs then people do with membership, yet ACs buyers
get sh/tty classes and armors, plus they cannot use members realm.
- Grind fest game.
- Pay to win
- PvP is a joke, if your winning a fight, players can log out, and they don't get penalized for it.
Plus you don't get any points if they run. You have to start all over again and again,
as allot of players log out when before they die.
- Members only can create guilds
- Not worth joining guilds as a free player as there are member guild quests you have to do
if your a non member, so you don't get the drop. Only members do.
- To much afk so you have to search rooms to find active players to kill mobs
- Higher level players are put at a disadvantage when fighting bosses as low level players can the room your in and put you at a disadvantage as most will only help when the boss is nearly dead.
- Should auto kick afk players out of boss rooms
- Rares are a joke. most are remade but in a different color
- Quest items can take up to half your bag space.
- You have to spam yulger to look for a party and or go to the forums, when your trying to find help to kill bosses. This is really time consuming.
- AE lost so many clients that they have only a quarter of the people they used to have. EpicDuel was a huge
fail due to the imbalance, they think aq3d will save them. It will not. The graphics look outdated and the quests
grindy. Stop putting AC buyers at a disadvantage AE. Most AC buyers spend more then members.
Membership is a joke. Why pay for something you can't use if your membership runs out.
Lvl: 32
Servers: Twilly and Zorbak.
Times i'm on:Daily ( only at school)
Add me if you like this game ^^
And alot of quest mainly rely on you grinding for certain items. :l
but I got fed up with it..looking for new MMORPGs similiar to AQ Worlds
New game engine!!
New quests, area, shops, rare, NPCs, & Monsters every week!!
I've enjoying this game sinc 2008... Gamma testing... this game is so much improved now 2012!!
really enjoy playing it until now im at max lvl (lvl 45)
this games was really exciting and fun
for me this was the best browser mmorpg ever made! 9999/5 EPIC
#1 AQWorlds
However, if you are a casual gamer, a new gamer, a young gamer, a n00b who doesn't want to constantly have that fact thrown in your face by higher level players handing you your ass, or if (like me) you are a gamer who enjoys possessing and collecting EVERYTHING a gamer has to offer, just for shits and giggles, then this is a superb game.
It has a very lively and active gamer community, it has dedicated staff who not only make regular updates to content, but encourage the participation of players in developmental decision making. It is noteworthy that every mod and developer working on AQW started out as actual players of AQW and earlier Artix Entertainment titles such as the original Adventure Quest, Dragonfable and Mechquest.
The frequency of updates and the community spirit of the game more than make up for the other issues with the game in my mind. At the very least, I recommend you check it out; it takes literally 3 minutes to set up an account and give it a go.
I totally enjoy every moment.
Battle On
Battle On.
here is the real one
Tip : DO NOT try to sneak on the ninja trainer,because even if you didn't she said you did it.