
Neverwinter is an action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons and Dragons universe. In Neverwinter you take on the role as a mighty hero who must set out to protect the lands of Neverwinter from those who conspire to see it destroyed. Fight through creepy monasteries, search in the bowels of the earth for dwarven treasure, or investigate a mysterious castle. Choose from 6 different races each with their own unique racial traits and lore filled backgrounds.

Players will be able to master one of several unique classes, each with their own mechanics and playstyles. Play as the control wizard class and fling arcane bolts from your hands or summon ice shards to hurl at your opponents, stunning them. The combat within Neverwinter is action oriented, meaning players must aim their spells if they wish for them to connect.

Creative players can access the Foundry within Neverwinter, which lets you build and share adventures you create within the game. The Foundry gives players the tools to build dungeons, castles, cities and more! Once finished, players can choose to rate other player created dungeons and highlight the best player-designed adventures. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Foundry feature has been removed from Neverwinter effective April 11, 2019.)

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Additional Information

Cryptic Studios
Perfect World Entertainment
Release Date
December 06, 2013
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Once again, the cult will try to take the city and those who stop them will be rewarded.

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Take part in the festivities and earn a cobra mount.

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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows® XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8




4 GB available space


Dual-core 2.0GHz CPU or better


Shader Model 2.0 or higher, GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X850 performance, 128MB+ video ram

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Perfect World Entertainment and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (182)

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animal 2 years ago
game become pure trash bicose of developers wit brain dmg or shit insted of brain .

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thibadeaux 3 years ago
This game is racing downhill. Fast. The game is littered with bugs that get ignored. Updates are rushed and pushed live before they are complete. The game used to be good, I wish I could still say that it was.

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bigtitus 4 years ago
The problem with neverwinter is the devs. They screw everything now and then and the game become unplayable. It takes decades for rebalance. Actually low level dailies not playable with highest level toon.

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Jeff Sterling 5 years ago
You need to update your review, you no longer can build your own dungeons for others to play.

The reviewer from July 19 covered most of the bases. The game took a major hit in the new rebalance and alterations made to the classes. It is more like they took the solution to all the worldly problems in this world, then flooded the room and after it had dry, they dropped white Phos. on top. Then invited players and said here is our new rules (which consisted of scraps from the flooding and willy p and then some notes scribbled on the side.

They turned my best Paladin, Guardian Fighter, Archer who could all do Stronghold combat with no aid. Now they can't survive in most cases beyond the first fight. I find myself having to buy hundreds of healing potions as it takes to long to run to a rest spot to regain points and you need them especially in battle.

The Foundry also known as how players created their own dungeons and adventures for other players was shut down, reason too much effort to keep the tools up.

They changed loot drop rules, they changed anything they could find to make the game feel totally new to hopefully attract previous players that hadn't played in years or new players so they thought it was a fresh and current game. Instead they made a real mess and the way things worked were now turned around in almost every part of the game.

They added a new race finally but nothing to write home about. Yes the graphics are still good but there is a great deal of graphic clipping. I find myself walking under rooms instead on the floor above me.

They obviously didn't take the time to really tell players the whole change and how a class you were using how things would change and what to do in order to mutate that class into the new system. They just simply did what they wanted and ignored the users. This game was once enjoyable compared to Dungeons and Dragons Online (I have not played it as it is a weebit expensive to get expansions - new content.

I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND Neverwinter to any previous or interested players.


I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT PLAY any cryptic game - Champions Online and Star Trek Online. STO was butchered by CBS by forcing the game to follow a path that is close to the Star Trek Discovery series. So they made changes to the game to help get new blood into the game with ads about it on tv and on CBS subscription service to get people to sign up and for those already in, a way to get us to want to watch the new series on a subscription basis.

In addition the current holder of these and other games has really done a poor job and hurt all their games.

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Joe Mercury 5 years ago
This game hit a high point one year ago when they launched Ravenloft (vampires, witches, werewolves) since that time they added; Acquisitions Inc., The Undermountain, and now Uprising. None of these modules have made money or kept the player base up. The player base is down 50% from last year. You can play for free from beginning to end. It is available for PC, XB1, and PS4. However if you play for free it will be a long hard grind from beginning to end. Module 16 lost the most players when game mechanics were altered to the point many monsters could one shot high level players. The game is the only MMO I know of that offers $20 packs to avoid playing content and skipping campaigns altogether. They offer a $100 bundle of these packs in the cash store. No one likes the unbalanced PvP in the game, PvP queues are long waits for players to join you. They did have a UGC editor called the Foundry but that was removed in the Spring of 2019 to "make the game better". Current level cap is 80. It is fun to play for free up to level 30 or 40, but you cannot talk in chat until you buy something with cash. Until then you have to work things out for yourself.

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Cyrillus 5 years ago
Neverwinter used to be a good game. However, idoit developers back stab their own players. They make a new module to destroy every things you have done for character. Every effort that you had put into your play were ruined by the greedy company.

You can try the game but don't spend your money. This game don't worth it.

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cow 6 years ago
During last few months I've felt being milked. No more money to that game.

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shanara 6 years ago
what a shame dnd was really big way back when well sort of really

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Floriadrop 6 years ago
Neverwinter may be a cool game but there been multiple video on why this game is not recommended for a reason.
(Top 3 Reason)
1. Cash Grabbed Money
2 Small Player base
3.Developer don't care about the community anymore.

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Sean Botha 7 years ago
I Play Neverwinter daily and really love the game but have to say mod 11 & 12 and now mod 13 is a complete FLOP. If Cryptic do not turn this around this game will not have a future. So for new players I would say don't start now for returning players sure it is still good just no REAL content in over a year even though cryptic pretend to have released 2 mods and 2 mini mods (only for end gamers).

Sadly latest content is only for p2w and end gamers mid level players can still not play 3 mods ago's dungeon (mod 10).

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Kasier 7 years ago
(Not Recommended)
The Game is good since there are contents that been updated over the years to try out but the player base itself has really declined to low population since most supporters have stop playing this game permanently due to the developer changing the game of what it used to be of it original self.

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VelsariaBlade 7 years ago
This game is so confusing, why i say confusing it have amazing story i give 4.5/5 i give rarely that high of score usually for my fav games ever dark souls 1-2-3 and skyrim. Level design 4/5 they are just amazing but what is the bad thing and why i dont like that game it isnt combat at all especially if you go melee you see the DragonAge Origins old combat clunky style but here it is twice more bad.
So if they change combat style to like some modern mmo one (Vindictus, GW2, Skyforge, WoW) anything rly will make this game from like 2/5 3.5/5 into 5/5 best game in the world. I Deleted it of course i do love mmo story and stuff but combat is 50% of the action mmo you cant play without it. I currently play GW2 of course and SkyForge i rly like the combat on skyforge. That said NW have super great potential just hire 2 coders to build bettter combat animations and you win :)

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Tora 7 years ago
This game is prob one of the best mmorpg i ever played. Its 100% f2p if you're not afraid to spend a little more time than with the usual game. The only problem if when you hit lvl70 GRIND kills the game, if you are not investing at least 6h per day you gonna be left behind so bad it hurts.
And all those who says that this might be p2p you are so mistaken, you can invest thousands and ten of thousands pounds dollar or euros, you will be trash in pvp and pve. The gear can be acquired only while you play. And anything you can buy with money is worthless.
My suggestion, reach lvl 70. Then grind for a bit. Get few AD ( currency ) and start building them through auction house - buy - sell - buy - sell - buy - sell and so on.

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Urazeil 7 years ago
Used to love this game, i was hooked. one day i was playing normally and i had an errand to run logged off and came back later the game didn't start my IP was blocked. after a several discussions with the support team with a reply every 2- 3 days (from their side of course), they told me that the IP range i was using got blocked for god knows what reason. i changed my ISP, got a static address and the guys said that they have added an exception to me and that would make sure that this never happen again. a month later the same thing happened again and a few hours from the double refinement event which i have been farming for for at least 3 months. i have contacted support after 3 weeks they replied with please change your password, what the hell does that even mean. even as stupid as this sound i tried it cause i wanted to get back to my game that i spent more than a year on, and as you have guessed it didn't work, i have sent them another email saying it didn't and after 4 days i received a reply saying that it should have and they re-escalated the ticket and after 6 weeks i still haven't received a reply. i have sent them several emails with absolutely no response at all. i even sent them an email saying that i am quitting the game and never playing any of their games again (about 9 year paying customer with PWI btw) and again no response. i uninstalled the game a few days back and came here looking for new games recommendations when i found out it is one of the top games. the game play is really good, the support is the worst i have ever seen.

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bobby 7 years ago
i highly recommend this game to anyone that enjoys playing storylines. there are multiple different areas of which only 2 or 3 are copied maps. the campaign is a decent lengh. the endgame can be grindy but thats all part of the fun with large group and public events. multiple dungeons for all levels. new update puts dinosaurs into the mix which is awesome along with anoher new campaign. this games is absolutely NOT A PAY2WIN. yes u can pay for some campaign boosters and mounts ect but all of the items u can buy can also be gained through playing the game. plus the game is free to download!! cant go wrong :)

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Jay 7 years ago
My brain almost pissed itself when he said he has "a ball and chain kinda weapon". Obviously was never before introduced to flails!

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WWW 8 years ago
this game is garbage - for donaters only

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Alfa 8 years ago
Can't even start playing, the website attached has decided to be the most confusing goddamn thing in the world.

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ASD 8 years ago
I just logged into neverwinter for the first tiem today and gave it a try. Worst mistake I ever did I seen all the paid 2 win garbage people were talking about and it's horrible your better off staying away from this stupid game. I uninstalled it after I got out of the tutorial and looked around and did a few quests and found out how much of a trashy paid 2 win garbage game this was.

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GAG 8 years ago
I never played this game but I had to make a review because the devs were gloating about how much they got 12 million players on their game. I personally thought about trying it but it looks awful in my opinion I looked up gameplays and many walkthroughs about this and I never got hooked. I guess if you like World of warcraft this could be your free 2 play option since World of warcraft is a subscription based game but I recommand getting sub time for world of warcraft I don't think neverwinter is worth the time but that's just my opinion.

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JackMccan 8 years ago
arc , are involved

Who ever signed off at Sony for it to be on the ps4 , should be forced to play it with there income !

It's over 4 years old and it still has major isues it's a alpha game .

The ps4 was designed to have better games than this .......

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Steve. 8 years ago
Just returned after 3 years away....

... and its a lot worse now than it was then.

3 years ago it was pretty much geared towards "He Who Pays Wins" now its just ridiculous. I don't mind spending a few pounds on any game I enjoy, but it seems these days the developers (and not just this game) aren't happy with your £30-£40 ( The price of a game) they want £100's off you.

Sorry its not going to happen, but I can tell you what is going to happen! This game will be dead within 12 months, well at least the PC version will be!

I could go on and on and moan about how my 2013 Stats, Gear and inventory are a joke in 2016, especially so when one carries on playing where one left off in 2013, Sharandar.. Ouch that hurt.

Anyway, I gave it a few days, but after constantly succumbing to the boss Gar Shatterkeel and his minions in the first part of the Elemental Evil Campaign I decided to hang up my sword and call it a day. its not that I couldn't handle Gar Shatterkeel, I soon worked that one out, it was the number of minions I couldn't handle, not with my 2013 Stats/Gear.

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Jeffrey H 8 years ago
I've always loved Dungeons and Dragons, and when I saw that the famous Neverwinter was finally coming to ps4 I was excited. I liked the game a lot. Then I fell out of love with it. Now I hate it. I'm ashamed of this developer's greed, and even more ashamed that Wizards of the Coast signed on to this mess. It's basically a fun game that gets you utterly addicted -- like not leaving the house for a week addicted -- getting a character from level 1 to level 60 out of 70. Then the game changes like a beloved pet that has suddenly contracted rabies. Every single story line for the last ten levels is an utter slog that will kill you. Simply kill you. The whole character of the game changes from an mmorg into watching your character die over and over and over and over from the littlest side encounter with beasties alongside the road to dungeons to bosses. Everything is suddenly completely over-leveled against you in terms of challenge you can beat. So, why does the game do this. It's transparent. By the time your 60th, looking for the last 10, the developers are betting that this game is part of your life, and you'll pull out the debit card to buy in-game currencies or upgrade packages that make you able to simply keep enjoying the character you have put well over a hundred hours of your life into making your own. By that time you like him or her, and they are betting you'll suddenly feel very inadequate, or very sad, or very challenged (you can't do this to me! i'm an epic hero!) and they are betting you'll pull out the wallet. It's naked profiteering and disgusting. I feel like I've been scammed.

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Kevin Sorbo 8 years ago
I've been playing this for a month or so, it's an overall decent game.
it isn't really pay to win, since the important items can be had in game, and everything ends up on the Auction House eventually. It's grindy as hell, especially the gearing and time-gating on everything, that'll make you want to spend real cash out of frustration.

The Pros.
- visually decent, though I play on medium settings.
- Interesting gameplay and combat. If reticule-based real-time combat is your thing, you might like this, though it's poor man's TERA in this regard.
- Party-centric PvE. You can solo almost everything, but the classes complement each other, it's a fun dynamic.
- Interesting and unique class mechanics and roles for the most part -- Rogues have stealth and mobility, Rangers can switch between range and melee, Guardian Fighters can block, GWF hit things with sticks, and Warlocks are just a ridiculously tough, mobile, ranged DPS with baked-in life steal.
- You can get pretty much anything in the game via the AH by AD farming or playing the market.
- Zerg encounters are actually fun,
- Guild vs Guild (stronghold) PVP is interesting, and something I haven't seen elsewhere. It's League of Legends in the context of an MMORPG. You've got your keeps on each end, towers, and three lanes, and critters. It'd be more interesting if wasn't so obvious, like everything else, you're on rails.
- Skill is rewarded. Don't let the fancy "p2w" fully refined gear fool you, it's pretty rad, give you slick bonuses, but you still need to know how to play your class. haven't spent a dime on this game, and i'll regularly finish top 3 (usually top 2) in Epic instances in terms of damage, despite being at 2/3rds the gear score of the rest of the party. Know what your class is good at, and do that. The exception is healing Paladins, with the right build, they're invulnerable and their AoE heals do AoE damage, there's no competing with that.
- you can buy Zen with AD acquired in game, but the exchange rates are ridiculous (~450:1 on PC)

The Cons.
- It's as linear as it gets. It's not a giant continuous world, but rather a collection of instances. It's a very small world, about a dozen and a half areas, and each has one entrance/exit, adding to the tedium of grinding, is doubling back to the beginning of a map every time you're done.
- These instances are like traditional "levels" on a set track. Sometimes there are no invsible walls preventing you from falling to your death, sometimes there are. Sometimes there are invisible walls blocking passage over clear terrain, other times there aren't. But in general, you're on rails the whole way through.
- time-gating and limits make alt accounts necessary, but it's so linear I've never made it past level 15 or 20 on an alt before getting bored.
- Builds are hit or miss, and the penalties to quality of life for picking the wrong powers, paragon path or feats is puninishingly severe. This is designed to make you buy retraining tokens.
- Time-gating on everything. Campaigns literally take weeks and weeks because either advancement takes a real time, so you're running the same content over and over, every day, for months just to unlock boons //or// there are daily (and total) limits on how much of a resource you can grind -- say Demonic Ichor for Drowcraft armor and Twisted artifact weapons, you can gather 400 ichor a week, acquiring the whole set takes 4 weeks for the armor and another 3 weeks for the weapons. There's no way around it.
- The grind. Artifacts are fun because you can level them. Thing is it takes forever, so you're either running the same content endlessly farming for scraps, or you're paying up for refinement stones. Then you there's the materials needed to make the upgrades between tiers, you can get them free via praying, but it's rare, you can buy them on the AH for massive sums of money, or you can pay real cash.
- Oh, the currency has limits too. Quests and item salvaging rewards you in RAD which you can convert to AD, but it's limited to 36000/day per character. It might seem like a lot but it isn't. You can't transfer RAD between accounts (like you can for AD), I've got several hundred thousand RAD sitting on my main, it'll take a few weeks to refine them all, so the remaining option is to grind -_-.

probably the worst con is the endgame -- there isn't one. No really. A lot of stuff opens up when you hit the old level cap at 60, but it's all level 70 content, You'll get scaled up to level 70, but it's a bad joke (scaling down from 70 to 60 is also a joke, for the opposite reason). The difficulty is pretty linear from 1-60, then spikes exponentially when you hit 70.

You're just running the same instances over and over, farming the same items (to salvage for AD, or to feed to your artifacts and artifact gear). Epic and master instances are a joke when you're in a pre-made party. And once you start gearing up, there's no new content. You're just running the same content over and over and over.

All that's left when you're done is the PVP, which is somewhat amusing in IWD, since it's open world, faction-based (you can change factions fairly easily), it's a rock-paper-scissors set-up for the classes, all things being equal (gear, skill), you know the outcome 9 out of 10 times when you see what you're up against.

Decent time-waster, not sure I'd recommend it.

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Lucre 8 years ago
This is the best game I've ever played for years. I loved that game but unfortunately I got busy and had to stop playing it.
When I decided to come back, it's all ruined. They decide to srew up half of the world by blocking many regions for no regions. If you're from restricted regions (mostly Asia), you have to fake IP to log in and download it.
The game is now totally pay-to-win. People who open their wallet and pay a good amount of money will have superior items and become gods in PvP. This game is broken. I quitted and deleted it after 1 hour playing it.

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Chase 9 years ago
This game was fun but recent updates made it a pay to win and advance game. The PvP aspect has become unbalanced and if you want to up grade your gear you need to buy wards with real money through their zen market. The programmers removed free items forcing player's to buy items with real money from their zen market. Avoid this game. It says free to play but its a trick to try to get you to spend your money. I played this game for a year, but I quit it because of what it is now.

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axel 9 years ago
how to download this game?

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Ken M 9 years ago
Love this game. I'm a console gamer and I'm always looking for a great MMO to play. This game has an amazing story and fairly impressive graphics for a nearly three year old title. If you're looking for a game you can hop in and out of and have a great time whenever this is that title.

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BETLOG 9 years ago
Love the game.. But the fuking DC thing when u go AFK is a BIG BULLSH!T!!!

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Jesus Christ 9 years ago
This game is total garbage, after level 60 you want to destroy your face on a wall and pierce your eyes with a pencil.

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PWI Blows 9 years ago
O.o it's PWI ... erm .... never mind then.

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Troy 9 years ago
This is not an open-world game. It's a series of instances. Not saying it isn't fun, but if you're looking for a huge world to explore, look elsewhere.

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Joshua 9 years ago
I want to be honest. First. I am excited that DnD has an MMO that suits the Forgotten Realms. However, upon playing this game the playability is horrendous. The system requirements for this game says one thing but unless you are rocking a PC that has a net worth of over a couple of hundred dollars then stay away. The graphics look like a colorful Rorschach test. And when you get to populated areas that other players are at the game lags and slows down tremendously. If you have a powerful computer then enjoy yourself...if not...oh well.

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Federoff 9 years ago
Overall a great game, it is easy to learn, fun to play, great story line, the graphics are great (for the most part,when people are too far away from you they tend to be mannequins lol). The only few things I could complain about is, well A the mannequin part lol, is that after you beat the story there isn't much to do.

The PVP has no real part of the story like a realmvrealm would be, but that is just my own personal opinion, don't let that cloud your judgement. I hope they fix that one day

The biggest thing to watch out for is the money trap, they don't have a great customer support most of the time and on top of that you don't really need to buy anything to have fun, so just watch out for that.

Again great storyline, easy to learn how to play. for the most part if your an experienced gamer you won't find this very hard. On that note, it is kinda easy to sweep through enemies, even high powered and high health enemies if you set up correctly (Scourge warrior + defensive aggro companion and you can play the game all by yourself until you absolutely need to play with others). It has great story line and a lot of subversive lore.

rating: 8/10

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swiffty 9 years ago
Game rocks love the art style good fighting mechanics and in depth story. Love the voice overs and the character creation. The fact that players can make there own lvls and you can then play on them makes it all the better. Hidden path ways and rooms with traps and treasure this is everything D&D 8 OUT OF 10.

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Balikadoo 9 years ago
I've been playing this game for over a year now so I think I am competent enough to write a brief review.

First of all, it is free to play but you will need to invest real money if you really want to have a hard-hitting and immortal character. Yes, it proper gears, pets, mounts and experience your character will become unbeatable in this game. However, before you can even come close to getting there you will invest in money.

On the other side, you can still play and enjoy this game without spending a dime. Playing neverwinter is fun and addicting. Its action based control is smooth and and the skills, powers and its animation is really well made.

Playing this game will require skill, only attained in constant practice. If you don't want to practice and have no time to do it, then you can take the easy and more expensive route and just pay to get it.

Although this game is good and has great potential, the down side is once you reach the cap level, that's pretty much it. You can repeat the dungeons over and over again and kill people in PVP but it will soon become boring and repetitive.

You will be left with 3 choices, continue and make your character be more badass, create a new one with a different class or just stop playing.

The PVP is good. PVP is in an instance with 5 players. The system will try its best to make the match as fair as possible with gear score and level but if there is only a few queuing for PVP, then it will just match whoever is available, and there is a good chance your team with low gear score will be matched to a team who has better gears and equipment and then they will massacre all your sorry butts.

Since it is action based it will force you to use your mind, apply strategy and even teamwork to win. However, if you are up against a better equipped player because he invested money in it then no skill or strategy will save you. Accept the inevitable because you will die.

PVE is good. Questing is repetitive. Dungeon is good but higher level dungeon will require to get some decent gear to enter and then you just need to apply skills to win.

Dungeoneering in this is game is epic. You won't need to spend money to be able to enjoy them however, in time it will become boring.

So that's pretty much it with this game.

Have fun!

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Hank 10 years ago
Great Game for Free. New Update coming soon to let people go to Level 70 and more places to go.They are also adding a Paladin. An few hours or less a day on this game is good enough.Dungeon Raids probably the best part of the game with other players.Join a guild and easily get Free Stuff from that.They do have a small Bank for yourself and a Guild Bank,just look for it in the main town.
Archer and Scourge Warlock seem to look to have best abilities. Look on youtube for all characters Neverwinter has since if only playing for FRee you only get 2 character slots .

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oh dear 10 years ago
ip block :I

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Just a Guy 10 years ago
I have to say that this game, on its basic level, is very fun. The active combat system is incredibly well-done, and the PvE can actually take skill, not simply good gear. (That being said, if you don't have a fairly low ping and a fairly fast rig, you will have a pretty hard time.)

So far as I have gotten, this game is not really P2W in its PvE section. You can pay more money to progress faster and make things substantially easier, but that kinda ruins the fun of PvE, in my opinion. You can get basic things pretty easy without paying money, and if you invest time (quite a bit...) into milking the in-game economy, one can get most of the in-game items that you will want.

On that note, there is an overload of various currencies, and it makes managing your character quite tedious. The entire "meta-game" outside of combat is overly complex.

The PvP section of the game is match-based team combat, which, in its basic design, is pretty fun, but is largely a P2W part of the game. You CAN get top-tier armor without spending money, but it will take you a long time to milk the in-game economy to such a degree.

This game is fundamentally well-designed and has fairly interesting quests, mobs, and all that jazz, but the "meta-game" is highly complex and expensive, either in time or cash.

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bondavelle 10 years ago
this game is garbage they need to take away the D&D tag on this game becuase it is far from being D&D the skill system is garbage and the class system is even worse. you can do dungeons and PVP and never need a healer shot healers dont even realy heal they just support

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YakkoWackkoAndDot 10 years ago
So, this game is good action wise. However, I really don't like that the game doesn't have a plot. Sure, after you get to some level it'll probably get repetitive eventually, but I just found the lack of a story very disappointing, and this is coming from someone who played Neverwinter Nights growing up. Lastly, I really don't like the pay to get stronger system. I understand that companies have to make money somehow, but I hate how they linked it to things like capping how much you can level up your companions.

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nem 10 years ago
i waste my time downloading this game and i got a bullshit grapics

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Brian Paone 10 years ago
Play it if you want, but don't spend money - the customer service staff is beyond awful and there's never a guarantee you're going to get what you pay for. Honestly, dealing with goldfarmers might be safer and more pleasant.

Here's what their CSRs sound like when you try to get a refund:

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JohnTravolta 10 years ago
Best thing about this game is PVP its very fun and entertaining i played all classes and found them all viable ... but beside that there is not a lot more... its game still developing and in my opinion it shouldnt be released like this ... It has no world pvp, it has no point playing after level 50, dungeons are fun but also pointless, u wanna get in game to farm ur gear every single day same bullshit .. no ...unless u have no life and wanna waste it on games, ...

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whitepawn 10 years ago
I tried this, but it's a joke. I'm not really sure why it has a Dungeons & Dragons related game name apart from hooking fans of actual DnD.

There's little to no character creation and an economy that was fouled early on through extensive duping. It's NOT Neverwinter Nights 3, like some people were led to believe, it's only a game made by a company who won the extensive court battle with Bioware for the name.

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DOLARRAH 10 years ago
While I agree if you were lured to this game by the Neverwinter you are in for a rude awaking, the rest of the negative comments are a matter of perspective. This is DnD for people who hate DnD. And hence Dnd for beginners. The characters are all cookie cutter because of an unimaginative player base and the emphasis by them is on gear, not character abilities. The attitude has gone away mostly, THANK GOD, lately and you are no longer booted from a party because your Control Wizard does not use the same 5 spells that the party leader's does. This is a solid game that stands on its own merits, and the only real issue I have with it is the player base. Yes it is filled with "Cash Grabs" and bonuses that you must pay to get, but how do you expect them to stay in business if they don't ? None of these items are required to beat any of the dungeons, it just makes them easier; however the players seemed to feel that if you don't have the exact gear and abilities that they had, you have no idea how to play. But like I said that has mostly gone away. Gear still makes a big difference, it can determine whether it takes 2 minute or 15 minutes to kill the Dragon, but killing even the hardest dragon is still possible with below average gear if the player has patience and skill. As for over priced, you bet your sweet unicorn the Zen shop is. $ 35.00 for a companion that can only be used on one player ? My recommendation is play the game, buy the "Packs" to support the game, and nothing from the Zen Store and most importantly don't expect to play KEEP UP WITH THE JONES unless you are willing to spend at least $100 a month. Once you get rid of the expectation that you can have it all, the game is much more friendly.

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homaibg2 10 years ago

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Tsar 10 years ago
Well game is fun overall, gameplay is action base, quests are interesting and the voice over for main quest is passable.

Biggest downfall? Lack of social community between players. No one wants to talk to anyone they don't know, when I was new to game a few weeks back no one answered a single question I had, no one said a single word in dungeons. Talk in Zone and if no one knows you, no one answers. No social aspect if you don't find an active friendly guild, and even then most are already max level so you're going to have to solo the entire game till you hit lvl 60. I read that people has solo to lvl 60 in 3-4 days, but I have a job, a life, and can not play 3-4 days straight.

So I'm saying game is fun, if you don't mind playing it alone and doing dungeons/event with basically player Bots running around. If you don't want to play solo in a mmorpg as contradicting as that sounds, then the game is not for you because again, not new player friendly, no one talks, and majority of players are already lvl 60.

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Milos 10 years ago
Sey what you want but Neverwinter is one of the best mmos out there
and i have no idea why ppl think it is p2w
it is not if you give it litl bit of time and farming astral d. you can get anything from cash shop for free

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BJX 10 years ago
for some reason as i downloaded it on ARC it just says patching, idk if it's actually patching or nothing is happening at all. can someone help me

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rologast98 10 years ago
this game is just awesome

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Todoran 10 years ago
good game runed bad company with uber bad player base

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Isit 10 years ago
One of my favourite games, checkout my gameplay at

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bauergurke 10 years ago
played this game so many times it!!!

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Robertt 10 years ago
I love this game !

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Nikeru 10 years ago
This game is amazing! I really like that how i can fight whenever i want, not to click monster/enemy and my character to attack it until he die!

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Legend 10 years ago
This is the worst game ever!

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jkre67jk 10 years ago
yeah and whats the point in playing mmo if you cant loot other players? NO RISK. You could just as well go watch movie or play shooting game. If I die, It doesnt matter, because I dont loose anything (besides some minor penalties). Basically, this game is for noobs, where they dont risk anything if die. Poor pathetic noobs...

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JOJO 10 years ago
One of the best out there, not p2w at all, it lacks content, but thn its still a new game. They balanced pvp a bit last month feels better but far from a great. 9/10 in general!

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skyler 10 years ago
okay so this game has many pros and cons lets list the pros first because there are less IMO the graphics are pretty bad ass its decently customizable there are many different ways to level and again IMO this has the best targeting system as far as ACTION MMORPGS go also its super ez to get ahold of now the cons there are far too few classes the PVP is complete garbage there is no exploration as the maps are all laid out for you already you cant go inbetween the zones what-so-ever from what ive seen the best example of diversity in zones are the stupid foundry levels which get boring because there is only so many variations of the same thing you can do there isnt enough armor its p2w system sucks and is very expensive and this game gets boring fast i have tried almost every major f2p mmo and so far this is one of the best and has SERIOUS potential but not much funding if they added exploration 10 more classes and better pvp then this could be a top 5 mmo IMO this is all my opinion but i did get pretty far into this game and saw the repetitiousness looming far beyond what ive experienced in a game that you can at least ride around and find cool places which you cannot do and completely and totally killed this game for me

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Tessilation 11 years ago
Neverwinter starts out fine.
There are plenty of low level quests within Protectors Enclave- the main city/player hub- and with all of the player made quests in the Foundry you can keep yourself occupied exploring interesting locations from level 1 thru around level 40.
The games' graphics can look pretty nice with everything maxed out, but you may disagree since graphic style is subjective.

The community is...interesting.
First of all PE (Protector's Enclave) is bombarded with gold spammers. I mean absolutely non-stop at any time of day or night. No matter how many times you "report spam" or how many of the spammers you place on the ignore list, it's endless and constant.
Roughly 1 gold spam message posted in all chat channels every 90 seconds. No exaggeration.

As far as the actualy player base, be prepared for a large amount of people you group with on your journey from 1-60 as any of the following:
2- "Mysoginistic, homophobic, racist, and other..."jokes" being told. If you don't laugh at their so called jokes the person telling them gets angry and accuses you of having no sense of humor and drops group."
3- "Dam Nab. Lern to play. Seriusly scrub goback 2 WoW. Loosur!"
4- "Heee hee hur hur hur. I ate paste as a kid. Wanna see my drawrings of ponies on deviantArt?"

Very rarely you may get lucky and find:
5- "Hi. *insert semi-normal human conversation* Thanks for the group, bye."
6- "Hi. *quiet* Thanks, bye."

The main problem is that once you reach the max level - 60, all that's left to do is grind a handful of daily quests and dungeons or PVP in the arena.
I payed for about 2 months and got 2 characters to 60 and the game was just incredibly boring once you reach max level.

Even if you're willing to endure the grind, you will still need to pay money...lots and lots of money if you plan on getting any of the good gear enchantments or using the refinement system to upgrade artifacts.

Neverwinter had potential, but it lacks end game content and the community is filled with tossers.

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Hang0 11 years ago
This game is PURE GARBAGE...There are so many types of currency you can NOT keep track of them all...There is NO WAREHOUSE only bags with a few slots in them...The graphics are CARTOONISH, The support staff is HORRENDOUS and thats just a START...Save yourself time...DONT play this so called game...ITS ONLY A MONEY PIT OFFSHOOT FROM A REP GAME.

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bilalpro 11 years ago
the size?
tell me the size of this game pls :v

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Felipe 11 years ago
The best ever...

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Donquixote 11 years ago
how to download this game neverwinter?

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laducghe 11 years ago
hi im plyingt ths gamew now
:) it awesome

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MissLovelyLadyLumps 11 years ago
I played a while back (I believe I'm lvl 10, not exactly sure) and I stopped about 3 or 4 months ago, its definitely not my cup of tea.

I love the character creation, and the story board is cool.

But what made me stop playing was the stupid grindy quests...

I can only stand grinding for so long, and I broke by lvl 10 in this game.

I only recommend if you like grindy games, cause lets be honest this game is nothing BUT grindy.

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Velle 11 years ago
3 maxed out toons and haven't paid a penny to them. Its not pay to win or pay to progress. Ive bought cash shop currency(zen) with in game money. Bought mount and some upgrade stones. It is buggy though, Never had any problems with connection either. If your having connection issues it will be on your end or where your from. But it is a good game, pvp is lil unbalanced..definitely worth a try though. Love that fact you can create your own dungeon/zone for other players to playthrough :)

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dragonfreak 11 years ago
does it have a global server so anyone anywhere can play?

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Vocation 11 years ago
I got to Level 23 and quit. The game restricts to much crap and you WILL feel like you need to buy something really soon. Don't fall for it. It will take 200 + dollars to even be viable in the game.

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So... 11 years ago
This is quite new game and its missing huge bits that it should have before it came out, like u cant duel with someone, u cant pk someone ... u have arena 5vs5 where 3+ ppl are usually useless bots, till lvl 60 its fun and interesting but u get there in like a week after which unless u spend money u will be useless, and it will be boring as there is nothing to do beside repeat same crap over and over, well u can rerole .. try other class do same shit over and over ...
For me its piece of shit game with good potential .. knowing Pwe it will never get to where it could .. because a lot of retarded ppl already waste money on shits like this.

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Merkadis 11 years ago
This game is just another grinder made to rip off those who come to it lured by the nostalgia of the original rpg Neverwinter series.
The game has almost NOTHING in common with Neverwinter the rpg, so if u were lured here by the name... move on, this mmo sucks badly. And now that pw got their filthy hands on all of the nw the rpg rights we can forget about neverwinter ever rising again. Another amazing rpgs future has been destroyed by greed and incompetence that is pw.
If u don't believe me go ahead and play it... see first hand wtf pw's version of "Neverwinter" is...

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lolXD 11 years ago
false not a pay to win can have horses for free companion at lv 16 you ll just have to play more and visit the city really good game you should try it ...

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lolXD 11 years ago
i m lv 30 what s make the is game really cool are quests the system combat is really good it s more an action rpg you ll never get bored story s good dungeons are really amazing not really long very fun it s more adventure + you don t need to be a master of last levels to enjoy and last lv is lv 60 pvp are also amazing the only problem is that you don t have a lot of choise in the game you re obligated to serve neverwinter battle s between player s are only on pvp battle s arena but it s allway s an amazing game and the best mmopg i ever played you ll have a lot of fun and never get bored even if you re playing alone

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morag 11 years ago
Could be a good game,but unfortunately it is bugged to hell, plus constant Dcing travelling to instances etc. Zen and AH way overpriced. Free to play up to a point, then to progress, real money is deffo needed. Add to that, the fact that real money paid for companions cannot be traded between chars on the same account, and u have a money drain game. Shame .

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Sataran 11 years ago
Very nice mmorpg, still has some bugs but sadly perfect world made it such a pay to progress game...Leveled till 35...had fun the fucking item shop is expensive and they are made it in that way that they force you to buy zen(virtual money with real cash) to progress in game otherwise the grinding is huge.
Wish the company was different.

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Rez 11 years ago
It's not the gave developers fault, the main reason why this game is lacking is because it has Perfect World Entertainment as a host.

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John 11 years ago
Game is terrible. It is soft launched YET IT HAS MILLION BUGS AND EXPLOITS. Dont read comments of this "PAID FOR PRISE" scrubs...
THIS comment can save you a ton of money and time. Just check general section of neverwinter forum. Everyday people cry how bad game is, how much PAY TO WIN it is, how many exploits were reported and why nothing is fixed till it only destroys economy even more. Its terrible that some players prise such games just coz they are paid for it. Shame on you for lyin to people.

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braxtoner 11 years ago
as a person who play like 25 mmo's im yet to check it out

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Jaga 11 years ago
Well, PWI group has made a few games. Beta tested 7 of them and all 7 were good and they have a team of constantly working techs and regular patches that come out. Downloading NVT DnD as we speak now and form what i have seen of the game play, it looks quite good.

There will always be cons and pro's about any game but the game play and interface and storyline itself seems intriguing and has most certainly caught my attention

Looking forward to it

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AeRrmenas 11 years ago
holy shit i have only played 3 mmo tht have ceep me entethis is gonna ceep me entertained
for while this is good i gonna submit and articale some bugs i got

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hood 11 years ago
a fairly good game for quests but when hitting lvl60 (max lvl) it gets old very fast... no real end game content at lvl60 only thing to do is grind dungeons and do pvp. many aspects of the game are great fun dont get me wrong but if your looking for a long term interesting game this is not it. i have been playing it now 70+ days made max lvl less than a week into it... the auction house exploit ruined the economy aswell as a few other exploits, the greed of players selling zen store items for well over the price makes it abit of a joke and seem way more p2w than it should be for a f2p game sadly.

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Donte 11 years ago
I have been playing this game since it was fully released. I am playing a Trickster/Rouge with a cleric/healer as a companion. I am using an Nvidia Geforce GT640 graphics card and the graphics in the game are second to none...fantastic and no lag. Sound is good, music is bit boring but ok. The game play, particularly the combat is excellent. Takes a bit to get the hang of it at higher levels, but once you do the game really comes to life. I just pinged L48 and anticipate I will be at the top level of 60 in about 1 week...leveling is easy at lower levels but you do need to do the dungeons (multi-player) to keep ticking the levels along. Seems to be a good helpful population playing. I would recommend this game to every MMO player. 4.5 stars for me.

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Joe 11 years ago
This game is AMAZING! I'm addicted to it! I like better than WoW, and I've been playing WoW for YEARS and this is FREE!

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Aonir 11 years ago
They have destroyed everything DnD was, they forgot that in DnD no 2 characters were the same

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Steven 11 years ago
are the servers international?

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Nosreme 11 years ago
The game isn't perfect by any means, but it is free... just let that sink in a sec. It's 100% FREE. When's the last time you paid for a game this good? Exactly.

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daWanted 11 years ago
Neverwinter is a solid and fun free2play's newborn...but i see potencial.
people complain about everything...go play angry birds...just to remember in my world no one works for free...and i play this game for free...respect for developers.

top 3 mmo 2013 so far...easy

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SeanMS 11 years ago
I have only played to level 5 so far, but this game seems to be great. It's very similar to TERA Online, but it's actually better in my opinion. You aren't overwhelmed with so many skills to "hotkey" and remember, but you have to option of adding higher ranks to the skills that you prefer to use. Also, the ability to double-tap the direction that you are moving (to roll) is much better than having a separate hotkey for the skill.

The quest system is pretty linear, and when working on multiple quests they are generally tied into one another, so you can get them done quickly. This game will definitely be on my list for a while. I highly suggest you give the game a try.

P.S. Being such a low level, I haven't been able to experience the PvP and dungeon systems yet, but from the promotional and user-submitted videos, they seem great as well. As soon as I am able, I will be hitting the PvP maps!

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oliver gents 11 years ago
great game but it can be a little like it is the same deal all the way do quest kill that complete quest

do some profession that actually are a kind of good work with the professions but at the same time bad '
but try it out

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Pathog3n 11 years ago
Stay away, It's pure pay to win. I got to level 30 just to realize that the most fundamental thing in an mmo that should be available to all costs you money. Hey you messed your spec up? Too bad pay up for 10 dollars and you can have respec! Even dragon nest gave you free respecs. Combat is boring as hell, you have to juggle like 5 abilites. I could play this game on a super nintendo controller it's so bland. Just want for better titles or go back to games you enjoy now.

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ugurano 11 years ago
overated, im hyped, and now lvl 17 worst game ever i see it, and pay to win shit

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Dave 11 years ago

Ok, so the game engine is amazing really, it doesn't have the greatest graphics, or even hit registering engine, but the combat is extremely fluid, and fun. With that being said at 60 the game is utter pay to win bullshit. For example clerics had figured out good ways of keeping people alive without burning heal potions you have to buy with real money, so they nerfed the heck out of the cleric to the point it's painful and bad to play. All this so they could sell more stupid potions. The last patch took the cleric in NW to being worst cleric I have played in a decade, and I play clerics in almost ever MMO I have ever played.

Everything they do is about getting money out of the player. I'm a big fan of F2P, and I don't even mind pay to win as a leveller for people who have full time jobs and no time to play, but pay to ENJOY is another thing all together. I pumped $250 into planetside and don't regret it for a minute, but I could have had a ton of fun with that game without spending a dime. This game if you don't buy full health stones, horses with $$, enchantments that cost so much to even remove from gear that you walk around without sticking enchantments in gear just because you know you can't afford to remove an enchantments without either grinding for a week hard, or paying you guessed it CASH.

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Avanino 11 years ago
It's pay to win to the bone. the game literally forces to spend real money even for a talents respec!!!

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Stillheart 11 years ago
For those wanting a tl;dr version: stay away from this cesspit of a game.

NW COULD have been great. The combat system is extremely fluid and intuitive and plain fun, the leveling smooth and streamlined (though maybe a bit too streamlined for some) and the game is undeniably pretty. But it is completely and utterly ruined by its business model. As a result NWO is rife with various exploits, numerous major and minor but annoying bugs, and of course it cajoles and coerces you to open your wallet every step of the way, from a little box that comes up when you die asking if you'd like to purchase resurrection on the spot, to non-stop admin marketing spam in general chat that cannot be turned off, to the leveling content requiring a companion but those that aren't purchased in the cash shop are gimped (they stop leveling halfway to your max level and so become essentially useless past that point).

Naturally the community in this game is as terrible as the game itself - people exploit to their hearts content with little to no punishment as well as grief and troll others as much as possible. How would you like to be kicked out of the dungeon after you killed the final boss but before you had a chance at loot, just because the player who happened to be the party lead felt like it? How would you like to be automatically silenced in general AND private chat just because a few people didn't like what you had to say and reported you as a spammer?

NWO could have been great but as it is right now, it is a great example of how a greedy publisher with a well-deserved bad reputation can ruin yet another decent game by caring only about those features that bring in the most immediate cash flow.

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Anah 11 years ago
How is this game in the top free MMORPGs?

The game is horrible.

The interface is EXTREMELY limited. I cannot really explain it. For those who have played the game, then you know what I mean. You cannot control your "screen" and there is no zoom in and out in game (you can zoom but the game can zoom only when it's paused...when you unpause it then it resets).

The graphics are really bad. I usually do not play a game just based on graphics, but the graphics are just bad. It reminds me of a MMO from 13 years ago...not from 2013.

Quests are yawn. Interface is horrible. Combat is horrible.

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Stop being fanboys 11 years ago
Honestly it "was" fun when it started its open beta(soft launch), I even bought the founder of the north pack because it seemed like a promising game, might still be but not in my opinion. The combat was so linear, it's like halfway into action combat and standstill because practically every attack required you to stand still to use even as melee. It's a free game yes, but the cash shop items are so screwed up, some of the items are indeed pay to win even if anyone can get them by farming limitless AD. The PvP in this game is damn near one sided most of the time, and as usual the classes are imbalanced so badly that a team of control wizards would use cc to stop and kill you nonstop over and over. The game is fun if you're bored and have nothing else to do but don't spend money on it, not worth it with all the games being released soon.

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Terrence 11 years ago
This is bull I tried to sign up it wont even let me make a perfect world account I read the small print for how to make it (ie: username: zeamyenomoto) it says letter and numbers only must start with a letter and can only be 3-16 characters that is only 12 so WTF perfect world your services are crap anyways PWI sucked horribly.

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Boyax89 11 years ago
Can I play this game in the Philippines?

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Boyax89 11 years ago
Is this game can be played in asia? I' m in Philippines. Can I have the Key also? please reply

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Kenichi 11 years ago
i already downloaded the game and play abut half hours, i don't know any thing about the game but in general i liked this games and i'm surprised when create a new Chr there are too many options and i love that but mu problem about a real money i can't pay real money and i want to know if this games need real money to make strong Chr in PVP and PVE or i can do it without money ?

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Denito 11 years ago
The game Officially is dying before it even is released.

Dungeons Suck, btw you get to level 60 you have already played every single dungeon.

PvP Sucks, only like 2 or 3 maps which are horribly designed.

Queue system sucks, keeps queuing people into dungeons without healers.

Auction house broke, doesnt filter anything.

Professions : literally no point in even bothering to level it up, you dont get anything good from it.

Graphic Settings: CANNOT manually enable or disable any graphic settings.

played for about a month, There is literally nothing else to do after you finish dungeons and pvp.

My opinion: Find another game, because this game does have potential, but you know how these gaming companies screw it all up.

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kililynn 11 years ago
I cannot say I'm very impressed with this game. I'm very used to controlling my characters with my arrow keys on my keyboard, and I cannot seem to do it with this game, even though I've tried changing my key bindings. If I try to do anything with the mouse, the camera flips around and I find it very hard to control the game. This ruined the game play for me, and I don't think I will be coming back. It took forever for me to patch the game, and I was very disappointed when I tried to play.

As for graphics and character options, they're wonderful. Game control is my only complaint, and sadly, it's a deal-breaker.

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Dhearne 11 years ago
ive just started playing today so far it is fun no down time or glitches as of yet and runs fairly smotthly on my crappy old patient so ill give it time before i make any comments as to overall balance and stability of game.
I will however give them an a+ for how fast it was to download and install compared to other mmo's i tried
runes of magic took me 47 hrs just to get to 89% needless to say i gave up and will not ever try that one out lol

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Lothar Loc'Nar 11 years ago
Seems as any other P2W game it truly is a money = win game. The more money and average intelligence one has they will 9-10 times make friends with the same types and win in most (domination) instances.

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Bic Boi 11 years ago
Despite how fun the game can be, I cannot recommend it in its current state. Frequent server problems, the economy being borked by a bunch of random losers, the queue times, the heavy emphasis on gear score, the list goes on..but especially the queue times. For an example, I have a level 45 control wizard. Most days I cannot even do my dailies for the dungeon runs like Pirate's lair because the queues take forever and a day before anything will occur. I've had wait times of over an hour and it still did not activate, meanwhile PVP queues are usually less than 5 minute affairs, sometimes within the first 60 seconds.

Low level queues are super fast but you'll see as you get higher up it gets beyond stupid how long it can take. It's for this reason I can barely earn any astral diamonds--aside from my daily PVP and praying (and occasionally foundry adventures if I feel like it) that's all I earn because the queues for dungeons and to some extent, skirmishes, are well beyond any tolerance of mine. I'm sorry Cryptic, but I don't have 2-3 hours to wait just to DO a dungeon that often takes 30-60 minutes or more. I could be doing ANYTHING else--like typing up this here.

It's a fun game, don't get me wrong. I really enjoy it..but the queues and server stability ruin for me what could be an MMO I would stay with for a long while. Cryptic and PWE just don't seem to have a handle on this. I've played a lot of beta MMOs before this and this is just a trainwreck from their management standpoint. Also the coding is rubbish.

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shawn 11 years ago
NeverUp as it should be called. allways down,security issues,lag spikes lots of missing content. and total crap for pvp basically arena style crap.

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Xariann 11 years ago
This game starts off as awesome. A really strong role play element with a compelling quest line and story. It's really worth listening to the NPC voice overs and follow the story which does grip you if you are into that sort of thing, which I am.

However, when it comes to the game play you start to see the flaws. You don't really see them in the first dungeon that much, but once you pass level 20 you notice them more and unfortunately it doesn't get any better as you progress. This is the current state of the gameplay in dungeons:

1.The tank class (Guardian Fighter) doesn't have enough AOE capabilities and cannot tank adds

2. The Great Weapon Fighter (the 2 handed weapon wielder who is jack of all trades master of none) is supposed to be able to off tank and do a lot of AOE damage, so the add tanking should go to him. It doesn't happen beause he cannot take any aggro from the adds it seems. So tank only tanks the boss more or less, Cleric gets to tank all the adds, which makes it really hard to keep anyone alive

3. The targeting system doesn't work well for the clerics especially, although it isn't so bad for other classes. You have to aim at something which is great, but that aiming gets an assist which inevitably picks the wrong target if they are in close proximity; so you can't heal the tank and have to pray that AOE heals are enough.

For the record, in any skirmish or instance I have been in there hasn't been one time where I have not had aggro, I don't think every single tank in this game sucks, I just think (and read) that the GF doesn't seem to have much AOE at all.

The smoother instance I did was with 4 clerics and 1 rogue due to the fact that the "holy trinity" system is fairly broken at the moment as the healing threat seems to be to the roof even if you take your threat reduction talents.

PVP wise again there seems to be a lot of imbalance amongst classes but PVP balance is hard to obtain in such a small time frame (the game only went in open beta since a week), so I won't comment further.


Solo gameplay 7/10
Story: 8/10
Dungeons: 4/10
PVP: 4/10

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TheGamer 11 years ago
Holy shit, this is awesome.
I'm playing right now, having a blast.The combat is good, the art style is good, the D&D system is also good for a MMO, the quests are good (first time i ever wanted to read the quest text), doesn't seem to be P2W, you can buy ZEN with Astral Diamonds(or something like that) that you get by doing dailys and events.The foundry system is great, there is some very creative and fun quests on there, some even better than the original content.
Best of all, first time a MMO really felt like a challenge to me, this game is hard sometimes, and the whole thing about movement and positioning helps alot and makes the gameplay more engaging.

I'm hooked.

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Kristiqn5 11 years ago
i got key activated it and downloaded the game then when you start it says you cant play right now
for those who get this error will have to wait until 12pm PDT

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Onekooldude 11 years ago
got it!!

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jjj 12 years ago

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sss 12 years ago
i got the key!!!!

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AbsoluteAqua 12 years ago
giveaway started

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Keyman 12 years ago
Can we has keys?
If not, when is the beta for everyone gonna start? :3

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Crash 12 years ago
I want...a beta key o.o

pls :3

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Hate 12 years ago
someone can say to me, the game is instance based or open world ?

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Dante 12 years ago
please give me beta key!!! i realy want play the game :$ ITS MY DREAM

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Vyralas 12 years ago
As someone who's ever had fun playing exactly 3 mmos I will say this is something that could keep me playing. Looking for to beta keyz.

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