Eden Eternal
Eden Eternal is a free-to-play 3D anime-style MMORPG from the developers of Kitsu Saga and Grand Fantasia. In Eden Eternal, players will trek across a magical realm filled with vibrant races (Humans, Beast Men, Frog Men and other half-animal races), robust monsters, and prosperous villages as they work to uncover ancient secrets surrounding the mysterious Soul Stone. Help the powerful Eternal Children solve the enigma of their origin and ultimately bring peace to the continent as part of your final quest. Players can customize their character’s armor and appearance with a surprising variety of colors and styles. Search Eden for additional rare and exotic dyes.
Freely switch between classes as you unlock them. As you progress through Eden, you will gain access to 15 unique classes. Help your guild create a thriving town in Eden. Become a respectable citizen by establishing cross-functional structures and mastering a valuable community trade. Eden Eternal’s also features a progressive title system as part of a variety of in-game achievements which are earnable throughout the quest series.
You may not be able to tell from the screenshots, but you will learn very quickly how fast paced the combat in Eden Eternal really is. Feel like a mighty warrior as you battle multiple enemies at once! Every MMO may have guilds, but in Eden Eternal your guild can build their very own town! Construct and upgrade buildings for various uses as you help your guild create a private bustling neighborhood.
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Additional Information
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows 98 / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Memory1024 MB
Storage2 GB
Intel Pentium 4 2.1 GHz / AMD Equivalent
GraphicsGeForce FX 5200 / Radeon 9600
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Eden Eternal

+ 5 Job Classes and More Job Classes
+ Pets
+ Mounts
+ Costumes
+ Fishing
+ House System
+ High Spec requirement System
+ 5 Race Type Character
- Very Small Community
- Lack of Update
- Bugs
- Some Races are gender locked
Star Rate: 4/5 (Great)
The game totally died.
This'll be some longass comment but if you're even remotely considering trying this game out, go through it:
I initially tried this game in 2013 and it was LOVELY. I was still pretty dumb and would ask for help for the simplest things, but the community was so loving... they all treated new players like part of a great family and would be willing to help with such simple tasks. The classes were fairly balanced, economy was fine, it wasn't such a glamorous things to have costumes and, if you happened to not know about the gearing system, people would actually help you out.
Then 2015 came... and so did Mimic. And that's when it all went to hell. I also know about the server merge but you know what? No. That is not what ruined the game. Dia and Sapph BOTH had shitty people in it, gold-selling bots had always been a long-time thing, so to put this one on Sapph's community is just a shitty way to shove your victim complex down other people's throats. In any case, got side-tracked... yeah. Mimic came. Then it plagued PvP... I remember when I first went there, I wanted to be the pro-est Blade Dancer, and it was fun knowing that others also had these expectations for certain classes, but after Mimic came it was all lazing around. The higher levels became cocky and wouldn't help anyone anymore. PvP was all about: someone playing as a normal class they had actually grinded for and became a pro with vs five mimics with shitty gears and annoying abilities staggering the crap out of you.
The loving community was gone. The economy had gone to hell after the pay2win people came to OF COURSE, gear their mimics. I remember the guild I was used to be really caring and helpful, then the leader fell for the Mimic crap, found new friends, eventually he became a shitty person and we all left. It was all a mess.
Then we get awakened classes. Don't even get me started on that. The lack of balance of this game goes up the roof, into space, into another dimension it is unbelievable. And of course, with how easily it was for even shitty-geared people to become op thanks to this, the community died further and all of them became scumbags.
This game IS NOT BEGINNER FRIENDLY. Unless you got friends to play with or HAPPEN to have the rare sight of another new player and party each other to complete the quests, you won't get anywhere. Not to mention the pay2win based system and the fact that economy is gone to hell... seriously, it is funny how costy even a single freaking Eden Crystal is anymore. From 50g to 3k real quick... a shame.
This game is Aeria's cow when it comes to money. Shitty repeated altar with shitty looking costumes and recoloured mounts only herald the eventual death of this game, and also make evident that they don't know what to do with the game anymore aside from feeding people's egos with their shitty gears. And what is the saddest is that those shitty people make guilds that house even shittier individuals. And of course, if the game's only about the money now... you can already tell, there's literally NOTHING a new player's gotta do here.
Unless you like stupidly unbalanced classes, shitty people to deal with both at PvE and PvP, throwing money out of the window for looks, and being in lonely ass maps where you'll rarely run into anyone unless it's the main city where the assholes are sharing a meeting in, don't try this game. Waste of, not time, but spirits. Plus it's gonna die soon so... lol.
+ 20 different style class gameplay
+ 5 races character (some are gender locked)
+ Pets
+ Mounts ride
+ Housing system
- Less Active Playerbase
- Pay to win
- Pay to look good
- Unbalance pvp
- Bad Ecomany
- Lack of update
- Anti-viruse issue
- Server issue
- Unbalance classes
- Bad Commnity
Eden Eternal Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8
Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4
Memory Ram: 1GB
Hard Disk Space: At least 2GB of free Space
Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5200/ATI Radeon 9600
Age rating: K=Kids only Age5-10
100% success rate stones pack to get from +0 to +14 on your weapons and armor
Legendary costumes that add a bunch of stats to your character
Battle mount that increase your movespeed by 50-70% in combat while also increase your stats
Permanent stones buff that increase your stats
And the game is now deader than the hooker in my basement. The company is throwing all kind of legendary shit on the Eden Crystal altar, which is like a lottery, to keep the players playing. And of course, you have to pay money to get the eden crystal.
If you have any sense, do not play this game.
i play though it already it very fun
and 1 more thing i don't pay anything to play this game
and it not laggy
Verdict? The pets ruin PvP. The monster battle were not fun, even the first time around. I kinda liked this game, but when I reached level 40 something I noticed that this game does not take PvP seriously at all. The community was also lacking, too many very super young kids. It did not help that the game is almost completely solo friendly, so you don't ever need to group, really.
Want an MMO where here you solo 95% of the time? Play this game, or you might as well play a console game than has infinite better graphics, mechanics and no lag.
Anyway, it isn't browser game, you need to download launcher + register on a official site to play it x3 but it's worth it!
then aeria doesnt keep up with their servers which creates server lag. Especially on sapphire you have tiny bits of lag when you either talk to an npc or your quests lag up when you kill 7 monsters and it shows up as 2. Aeriagames need to get their crap in gear. or else this summer their gonna have a very bad time.
its just about dank scroll
I might start playing it again if the mood strikes, I do miss my shaman...
I played Grand Fantasia which has been shutting down with no money compensation to players.
This is a Chinese game, localized to English... so players shouldn't expect any kind of local content development... only patches and occasional expansions ported from the Chinese version. (This is the case for many free MMOs) However, Aeria does have an active GM(Game Master) and GS(Player Mod) staff so events are fairly frequent.
I think the main unique point for Eden Eternal is its class switching feature. At any time, out of combat, you can change to a different role with a different set of skills. Of course you will need to level up each class separately if you wish to be effective with it. This feature is super convenient over maintaining multiple characters.
The quest system is very straightforward and simplified to the point that you don't even need to speak english to perform them. Simply right click on a quest objective and your character will autoroute to the required monster field or npc.
The item mall seems to be much fairer than other games. You won't find any legendary equipment... everyone still hunts bosses, crafts, or participates in arena matches to deck out their characters in gear. You will find boosts, cosmetics, fashions, and resets... however many of the items are tradeable and buyable from sellers with in game currency.
Rather than outright buying items though, the cashshop seems to be more gambling oriented. There is an in game slot machine style feature called the Crystal Altar. It consumes Eden Crystals to use which are the top sellers in the cash shop. The Crystal Altar features ever changing fashion/mount/consumables as prizes and will most likely be your primary money sink, should you decide to spend on this game. The webpage also features various Mystery Boxes, Gambling wheels and such to spend your cash points on. However nothing that can't be purchased with in game gold (by those who sell their winnings) if you are the hard working type.
I wonder if I can still play this game without any problems regarding on graphics =_=
like a total blackout screen.
Specific races have specific passives to classes and each race have some different stats
Its worth it trying the game out
everyone needs to be patient
-Constant Dc
-Runtime errors
-Arena disconnections
-Client crashes
-Bugged skills
I couldn't honestly say the game is good, but if I rate it, its only at 5/10
I'm not sure
coz I have tried LostSaga US and Camon Hero US
those game couldn't play in Indonesia server
or i can play single player :)))