GunZ 2: The Second Duel

GunZ 2: The Second Duel is a free Third Person Shooter from MAIET with a heavy focus on melee and player mobility. Different classes of mercenaries are fighting for either the Axium Empire or the Republic of Travia in a world of Cold War and over run with injections of ability enhancing Optimite. These injections give them the ability to move at lightning speeds and even run along walls.

Each class has their own arsenal and special abilities to utilize on the battlefield. The Gunslinger for example, with her machine guns and grenade launchers, finds her advantage from a range, while she falters in close combat. The Shield Trooper on the other hand, with his large shield and access to flamethrowers, makes for a nearly impenetrable yet very slow tank. As each class ranks up, they gain access to more acrobatic moves which the player will need to master in order to out-skill his opponent.

GunZ 2 features both unranked and ranked Deathmatch modes and a new Time Attack mode which has one team attempting to advance forward and destroy key objectives while the others defend. Those looking for a PvE challenge can participate in the full length campaign mode that allows four players to join arms and fight their way past hundreds of armed forces and into the nefarious Adam Corporation.

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Additional Information

GunZ 2: The Second Duel
MAIET Entertainme
MAIET Entertainme
Release Date
May 01, 2014
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


XP / Vista / 7 / 8


4 GB


4 GB


Intel Dual Core or 2.4 GHz AMD CPU


GeForce 8600 / 9600 GT / ATI Radeon HD 2600/3600

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©MAIET Entertainme and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (14)

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GunZ: The Duel 6 years ago
Please note since MAIET Entertainment doesn’t want to release to other international gunz out to the public then having koreans only play with low pings why not bring international back before ijji, aeria, sponsors have closed the game down, I have tried contacting “masangsoft” for many months now and ignoring me for the release of international gunz but if you’re a employee of masangsoft please let me know, and we can discuss matters of the international gunz servers being released. Please keep in mind MAIET is closed and out of business and doesn’t care about management of their community and fans so I have to say we are the official gunz server for the international GunZ: The Duel so I hear by the gunz community I welcome you. International GunZ: The Duel. We will also try to update it as much as possible with the korean version of gunz the duel from our developers.

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roopevil 9 years ago
dont play this shit game reasons

1 gameplay is quite boring
2 characters are not quite appealing
3 noo players online and hard to solo levels

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ugurano 10 years ago
worst peer to p system, but its not pay to win

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Crypt1c 10 years ago
Okay, so first things first, I reviewed this on steam. By the time I reviewed it there were 6 classes, and I've played back when Wayne was the newest class (Three or four classes).

There's still a lot of Character imbalance. Where they tried to balance characters, they ended up ruining them. Not only that, but there seems to be no ranking seperation; meaning if you enter matchmaking you are likely going to be playing against a bunch of high leveled or veteran players with a bunch of noobs on your team. You can't even surrender and leave until 3 minutes into the game and your *** is grass by the 2 minute mark. Not to mention it takes like 5 minutes to find a match, if you are lucky, so you feel even more angry having your ** handed to you.

I originally started with Rena, the ninja-girl. She has a fast melee, fast close range and fast medium range. You'd think shes balanced because she lacks a true long range weapon, but no. By the time you actually see her, she'll be within melee range in 3 seconds. By that time, you are doomed, because most of her attacks knock you down, at which point she pulls out a gun to finish you off.

Theres a Sniper, also unbalanced. Hes got a massively OP melee ability that insta-gibs, and hes basically the only sniping class around. I haven't played him but I constantly hear he's tough for noobs to play, but otherwise hes unbalanced as well, being the longest ranged character, possibly strongest melee, and decent full-auto weapon.

I JUST bought Wayne, the cowboy. It looks like they tried to bridge the gap between the Sniper and something more close range, and then the offspring was a mutant monster wearing thousands of belts. His ability allows him to mark enemies in a channeled attack, which he shoots at for an Insta-gib. OP, but onlyif your enemies are stupid. Cover blocks this, it doesn't ALWAYS instagib for some reason, and you are a sitting duck. His melee is pathetic. No-knockdowns (At least that I have figured out), slow, and weak.

I wont even go into the other classes, because those are the three classes you will see most often.

Next up, is the mechanics. Running on walls, dashing and dodging. Makes you feel like a ninja. For that I give a thumbs up. If you can master these mechanics, good on you. I find myself an Okay gamer in most shooter environments, but the controls are a bit clunky for me.

There are two shops. A regular one, where you spend gold to buy stuff. I think the only way to get gold is from achievements and buying it. These items are semi-permanent. The items can break, then disappear. At which point you have to buy again. You can, however, repair these items. Another shop gives you temporary versions of the items, and you get the crystals and ores to buy from this "Random Roulette" shop by doing achievements, and winning matches.

All in all, it's a pay-2-win model where all you have to pay is your time and sanity (Or if you dont want to pay that, actual money). I don't recommend playing it unless you are an achievement ***** looking for stuff to add to your achievement list, a 3PS fanatic, or are being held at gunpoint. I was only playing because my friends somehow like the game.


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lol 10 years ago
it work in 2GB?

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lol 10 years ago
say anything

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lol 10 years ago
it dont work 2GB?

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Dennis Wind 10 years ago
Weet ieman wanneer deze game nar europa komt

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Bizzie 10 years ago
Game is nice! New class coming soon too!

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jujik 11 years ago
Three Unique Classes <- its 4 already.

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