Forge of Empires
Forge of Empires is a browser-based MMORTS by InnoGames. Relive history as you rule over your empire through the stages of early human civilizations.
Starting from the Stone Age and advancing to the Late Middle Ages, watch your empire progress through the ages. Manage your city, produce resources, and build an army to conquer surrounding providences.
Features a single player campaign as well as PvP action.
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Participate in order to score multiple spooky buildings.
2 years agoThe event will run until August 18.
2 years agoYou don't need to be good at soccer to succeed at this event.
2 years agoMinimum System Requirements
Forge of Empires is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Forge of Empires, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like Forge of Empires

The childish petty moderators on the main forum remove anything criticizing the game (or Inno), they even remove stuff just because they personally don't like it. Even when you respond to "we at Inno would like to know what you think about X subject", unless you kiss ass they will remove your comment for no good reason.
They also farm your online data.
This game sucks on many levels, as does their other game The West. I discovered that they have many NPC accounts to make the game look more populated than it really is.
Inno are not above board.
Don't waste you time on this game, it is a slow grind at best.
After investing time to get the special buildings from events, Inno now refuse to give you the last piece of the building for all the effort you put in.
Bottom line :
Inno are corrupt carnies that rip you off.
Main theme of the game is empire building. It's more like a sim city style game with the additional options for wars and trading. And both functions are integrated in the mini games in such a way that even free players can get enough fun out of these (instead of facing frustration, as it occurs in most other war games). One great aspect of the game is that one can choose to play this game militarist, and other can do it based on goods production, and both can somewhat play all the mini games.
Still, I wouldn't say this is a perfect game. One major weakness of the game is that the game offers plenty of small wins, but after a while all those wins become somewhat repetitive. There is no feeling of true achievement. Nevertheless I will rate it 9/10.
* Support is a joke. They have one named John Wick that will try to get you to change to a 2nd rate browser. The "support" is nothing more than active players volunteering so they can get intel on other players/guilds in order to compete against them in their GvG section.
* It is not very compatible with many browsers. This game doesn't like Firefox and even with Chrome it can be buggy.
* The developers are not very good and it is common place to have many bugs anytime they do an update. They post YouTube vids and try to get you to link to it so they can have clout for prospective advertisers. Junior high school kids could make better vids.
only play if you have the patience of a saint and are prepared to reboot the game evry time youi visit
I have never played a game where new content is given to some and not others. This particular content has been going on for a couple of months. The one before was instances. Some got them and some didn’t for a long time. If you are not one of the lucky ones, they offer no compensation when it is finally released to all on the server.
You are still disadvantage.
I don’t recommend this game, even though I liked it. The developers have no business experience and don’t care half of their customers have to play an unfair games
Finding the right Guild was key to advance faster and get to the end of the Tech Tree. I must admit that it is a game to play daily... I got used to log in and collect my resources every day and one in a while redesign my city to get the maximum of it.
The last improvements have made it easier for everyone to get resources, FPs and special buildings but if I had to start from scratch I will probably will not, because to get to the the level I have achieved is really hard.
I must admit that getting the Great Building, The Arc and leveling to level 80 has been the best decision I ever made.
up your skills, you can either grind coins, pay real money, or if the
rng gods smile upon you, you get the level point randomly through
treasure hunts. You either have to click a lot and spend a lot of time "playing" the game or you can set your production to long queue times but you will receive less supplies. You have to time and watch your supply makers like a hawk 24/7. The problem with that is if you are placed in a bad neighborhood. Any progress you gain can be stolen by your neighbors who either no life the game or they are diamond whales. Diamonds are the pay to win currency in this game. You can be constantly bullied to the point where you level at a snail's pace. The money grubbing developers know that this is a problem and just say it is part of the game. I was attacked on the first day by the no life douchebag in my username.
Any bugs I encountered were quickly resolved (except when Adobe Flash caused the glitch).
The trick is finding the right Guild.
Find me online - Belisarioos. I can help you find the right Guild.
so as with this game it would seem the same is true judging by some peoples comments. big money big results.
I am looking for a game that solely rely on skill, negotiations, nerve, planning and stockpiling against future events.
I really would like to know as in the past I start a game with great enthusiasm and get to point where the game really gets you addicted to it then up comes the flag something like this " if you wish to proceed it will cost you the low amount of $.............
is this one of those games?
Carefully read the unfair and abusive rules.
InnoGames reserves the right to block the player's account without giving reasons.
It does not matter if money has been spent or not, and there is no refund.
And if you search the net for reviews or complaints, you will see that this is common practice.
It's a shame because the game is very good.
8/10 for me.Not as in depth as the civilisation games on the pc but a fun game to play if you have the patience on a browser platform
For me a 8/10
There are pros and cons in this and any other games. We all understand that developers need to get some sort of income.
I personally liked this game, despite being slow, despite being attacked on the daily basis. You don't have to spend tons of time or/and money to get anywhere in this game. All you need is patience, tactics and simple planning ahead.
However the last nail to this game's coffin was, maybe still is, very poor mechanics of merging neighborhoods. From my personal experience I could say that after I played hard for a dominance in my neighborhood, I was moved to a more advanced one and no matter how smart or canning or strategical I was, I could not compete with some players who threw hundreds of $ or £ or other currencies.
I had a choice of accepting daily attacks from paying customers ( bending over and taking it ) or simply forgetting about this game.
You, as a potential player of this game, will have to accept fact that there always will be some players, whose thick wallet will always surpass your intelligence.
By all means, try playing it. In a way it's a beautiful game and if only developers would create ONLY ONE world where game play is not dictated by $, it would be awesome, however it probably will never happen. Shame, after being a loyal player for nearly two years, INNO have lost my respect.
started 3 years back and still havent bought a single diamond!
ages/eras player, they are going to bully and plunder you. If they plunder your goods, you will regret it because you need them to advance. Try it if you want, but leave it sooner rather than later.
Do not waste your time for this game. There is only one winner in this game and that is the game developer. The players think they are strong or good but as long as other players are willing to spend more money you are not good/strong any more. It will continue like that until you regret how much money you already spent for nothing.
This isn't StarCraft. You aren't supposed to sit around and play it continuously for hours at a time. You're supposed to check back a couple of times per day. If you're the type who insists on "more, more, more, now, now, now", then you won't have any fun without spending money.
If you're the type with an actual life, you might like it; it's something to play for five minutes, a couple of times a day.
Personally, I actually kind of like it. They actually give you options other than "build structures to get resources so you can build more structures".
Game is very active, lots of people playing already. You will meet lot of players in Guilds and really have lots of fun.
Like manufactured pop, it's going to be a near rip off or mix of games that have come long before it, but the majority of gamers will be too young to know, or as a casual gamer, just never known. This game does nothing original, and the cost to get further in them will be either extortionate, or add up to a ridiculous total over time. Not what you'd call 'free'.
Even the logo's font together with the obvious name makes it a near copycat of Age of Empires (pc game from 1995). Does that name sound familiar? I'm surprised the developers of so many of these old games don't file complaints, but then the games usually aren't anything like the originals. Go compare Artillary Duel (1983), Scorched Earth (1991), Worms (1995), then the app-game, Angry Birds (200whenever), lol :)
Check out to see various statistics from Forge of Empires servers around the world!
Nobody is forcing you to buy diamonds to progress or get advantage in the game. You can overtake most diamond buyers by cunning tactics and strategical thinking. I was able to be in the top 10 without using a single diamond!
I won't repeat comments left by other FoE supporters, I'll just say - you either like it or you don't. At least this game deserves a chance to be tried on. Don't get confused or frightened, there is a lot of support on the forum as well as many players will guide you through any difficulties you might experience.
As for support from the game developers I never had any problems with them. You follow the rules, be nice and polite as well as patient and you will have good time with people from all over the world with different backgrounds.
Just because you haven't learned to ride a bike, doesn't mean there is something wrong with the bike.
And do you need to pay? NO! If you don't want to invest any money on game, you don't have to. They will never force you, you can still be very strong in game. Also if you start playing, check the forum, you can learn much more there.
I can tell you from experience that you don't have to buy any diamonds to have fun and advance fairly in this game. This is not an eye hand coordination game. It is equal parts trade and economics along with military. There are battles and there can be many if you choose so because the game provides several different entres into battle with Continent Map, neighborhood and Guild vs Guild. My last bit is a specific piece of advice geared directly at improving your play. You don't need diamonds to do any of it. What you need is a city designed to work well while you are playing it as apposed to one that works well while you're not. (i.e. choose economics that pay out while you are at the game. Not economics that build up payout while your out living real life.) two reasons. One It's more fun to have more to do while playing. Two it's not fun to show up at the game to see your city has been plundered for great percentages of its economic potential. If you keep that bit in mind, the game maybe might be better.
Would like to know if we will get real money by playing this game.. I see some other games and playing those games will give us real money in online. Is there any chance in FoE.
What can I do with this situation???
I have no problem getting any goods I want. Just join a decent guild and you can make all the free trades you want. And building the goods is easy and free! In every neighborhood I've been in (it changes every 2 weeks), everybody's always always been within 2 ages of each other. And even if you do get attacked, all the attacker can do is plunder 1 production from 1 building once per day, tops. The defender doesn't even lose his troops. This is way nicer than evony where people can take your entire cities and plunder and kill your troops infinitely. Again, I don't know what these people are talking about.
The skill vs money argument is not where I'm going here - that element exist in just about every game out there. And the fact of the matter is that game developers have and always will rely heavily on people without skill who are willing to pay to gain an advantage in a game. But this game in particular is going for the quick money via large amounts from fewer players. Simply put, if you are willing to spend big, you too can, like the top player on my gameworld, use your tanks to plunder folks with swords. When questioned about it, the game developers claim that the 'coding' of the game is the problem..and they are working on it., it's not the 'coding', it's the way you structure the game and manage the neighborhoods. IMHO, that 1.5 million point player should be grouped with other high-scored players as much as possible and restricted from attacking players 3 or more tech levels below them. This would still allow those willing to pay their way up to have an advantage while allowing those who choose not to, to enjoy the game also.
Yeah..I know. DREAM ON. My advice to potential new players - Either have your credit card handy or find another game!
A strategy game should depend on strategy. While the beginning runs fairly smooth, the later stages are increasingly illogical and don't follow any linear patterns.
Anyone with patience can play for quite some time without paying, but the fun decreases.
When they suddenly changed the rules and I would have had to cough up significant amounts of money to compensate for my lacking strength or toil for weeks playing the game non-stop to achieve any kind of advance I quit.
In addition, higher level players constantly attack lower levels - unfair in my eyes.
Lads it is really expensive puzzle , but not forge of empires . Biggest cheat is brilliants , biggest hackers ,support .
My advice - play it, but don't spend any money on it - it will be wasted.
You got to have patience and building for it. The PvP is lame but the economics makes sense and to a certain even the battles of ages. As you advance, your precious generation military lacks bite against the newer technology military.
And this game is time consuming and resources are valuable as it should be. Most games at some point becomes a pointless because of the abundance of coins that you have.
-for about a week-
Once you leave one age, like the bronze age, and go into the next age, all of your troops that you spent hours and hours building become totally useless and do 0-1 damage to the enemy units. To make your army viable with the current age you either pay real life money or sit at the game all day for a week or more, collecting resources (and collecting resources is the ONLY thing you can do if your army is useless.)
What's more, this game has a PVP tournament set up, but your units actually die in the tournament. Then, it takes hours and hours (or real life money) to create new units.. and you can't do the single player battles or more PVP until you build your army back.
This game is fun for the first few days with designing and building your city and piddling around the single player battles in the first age.. but, then you see how poorly designed it is and how little fun there is to be had.
To sum it up:
This game is the most BORING PAY TO PLAY game I have played all year. They call it free to play but it's just free to stare at your screen and collect a small amount of resources all day. You MIGHT get to play for about five minutes a day, if you're lucky.
Do not trust this game, its buy diamonds and when they reach a given large catidad ban, and do not return the account also not returning your money
I really do like the game though. Good job people at innoGames
The waiting time for certain items could be shortened. The only things that should spoil are the farm or textile items. And finally, some of the in-game content should be made more available to those that cannot get diamonds.
The game has good graphics and are detailed. I really like the way it takes you through the stone age to the colonial ages. And it gives a player something to look forward to the next time he or she is online. There is also a substantial amount of in-game content like resources and living accommodations for the people of your village. It allows for a little diversity in the way you want your village to look. This is a free game and you have the option of buying diamonds with real money. Although, diamonds are not required, it does however, make the game a little easier to move ahead. We just have to remember that this is a beta version and the guys a innogames are still working out the kinks.
I have played a few online games and this is the best one that I have played thus far. I would encourage anyone to give it a try. I give this a 9/10 rating with 1 being the worst and 10 the best.
First impressions are very positive - graphics are nice and look professional, detailed and Ui is informative, turn based combat is reminiscent of HOMM's combat and could have great potential, tech tree is VAST with many branches and different inventions. Only after playing for a while I realized how much it depends on micro-transactions. After a first few game sessions you hit a steep wall and are forced to wait for a loong long time to get your refills of scientific points and production tools which are churned in specific sort of buildings where you can order either short timed products which produce tiny amount of tools, or order them to churn something grander which lasts for a whole real time day, but giver lots of tools. Thing is, you're forced to click on all the finished products time-management style after they're done and before they become "spoiled" (how the f**k can flint spears and clay pottery get spoiled over time, those are the only SURVIVING items to our time?!) which forces you to have the game either open all day and frantically click every now and then, or to wait for days till you're out of the first era, stone age. I didn't have the patience so I gave up after a few days.
Free to play this is not!