
In InnoGames' Elvenar, you can build an epic fantasy city, populated by elves or humans, and watch it grow into a sprawling metropolis, awash in riches and brimming with military might. The elves have powerful magic at their disposal, while humans are well-versed in the arts of war.

There are many ways to improve your city. Research technologies and gather resources to improve your buildings and customize their appearance or embark on quests to acquire fantastic relics that will further boost your city's production. There's a huge world to explore and fantastic creatures to tame -- or to take into battle against your enemies!

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Additional Information

Release Date
April 08, 2015
Web Browser
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements

Elvenar is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Elvenar, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©InnoGames and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (42)

Do you recommend this game?
ladymidnight 1 year ago
not really worth it. its a nice distraction but the further you play the more tha game turns into the digital equivalent of a huge p-ssy and combat with npc enemies becomes just more and more of just long-range spellcasters that win purely by slapping your units with more and more penalties til theyre literaly unable to fight even if they get in range, so the game becomes only playable farming resources to buy your way into winning by negotiation and never combat

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zazazipper 2 years ago
Op zich een leuk spel, maar in het eerste hoofdstuk heb je nooit genoeg goud en
voorraden, daarom haken veel spelers al af
Je moet nu 24 uur wachten voordat je burenhulp kan geven
Minder goud voor nieuwe spelers, dus die kappen er gelijk mee want ze kunnen niks bouwen of upgraden

In de browser moet je een ander dorp letterlijk bezoeken, als het een groot dorp is
duurt het eeuwig om te laden voordat je burenhulp kan geven, dan terug naar de wereldkaart en
het volgende dorp laden
In de app kan het vanaf de wereldkaart, waarom in de browser niet?

In de app krijg je bonus per dag, in de browser krijg je niks

Events zijn waardeloos geworden. Vroeger kreeg je toffe gebouwen en andere dingen, nu krijg je
alleen nog maar van die stomme evolueer dingen waar niemand op zit te wachten
Kost een hoop om de max te halen en levert niks meer op dan een ander gebouw
En als je niet aan e maximum bent moet je veel uitgeven om 1 artefact te halen
Tegen de tijd dat je 1 artefact hebt is dat gebouw al niks meer waard
De goeie dingen met veel cultuur en poppetjes of veel goederenproductie krijg je niet meer

Om het maar niet over het halloween event te hebben. Daar moet je nog 60x zoveel moeite
voor doen en krijg je helemaal niets voor terug
Lampjes kopen en voor je een hele rij kan doen moet je eerst 1 lamp open maken
Je kan niet zien wat er daarna komt, je kan niet terug als je een stukje mist overgeslagen hebt
En je krijgt nauwelijks prijzen

Blauwdrukken gaan alleen naar de bs die 10 kisten halen, niet naar de leden die elke week tot de max
gaan om extra punten te scoren. Toren kost meer boosters voor legertraining dan het oplevert

Ik heb 2 jaar niet gespeeld en ben nu een tijdje weer terug. Maar ik ben nu al van plan er mee te
stoppen. Er is niets leuks meer aan

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Zeni 4 years ago
Booooring, after 5 or 6 lvl

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Alta 6 years ago
Lyapko review acupuncture rug Lyapko

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asubbotin 6 years ago
Its a nice city-builder game with pretty graphics. Very slow-paced, expect to go through all the content in 1.5-2 years, and they are adding new chapters now and then.

There is no PVP, and no "pay us to win, or your neighbor will and you'll be a loser!!!" racket, its more like "go fool around, and if you like what you see you might want to buy a few extras later". It is perfectly possible to go through entire game without paying. Sure, it will take a little longer, but are you in a hurry?

Typical gameplay consists of visiting a few times a day, selecting production in factories, once you accumulate enough, unlocking research and upgrading the buildings. There are also weekly quests where you have to do certain things (produce stuff, defeat npc armies) for rewards.

I have yet to see any really bad bugs, its pretty polished, but some IU glitches happen (INNO, fix disappearing hexes already!).

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Eli le Fey 6 years ago
I hate the game after then destroyed the city I spent years building up by "rebalancing" rewards I already won. I'm expected to basically tear everything down and rebuild because they decided to change the rules they wrote. I hate them all and wish them nothing but evil and hope they rot in hell until Kali Ma has them reincarnated as brothel bidets.

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Vosher 6 years ago
You can’t progress in this game unless you spend money. I don’t mind $.99 every once in a while but I feel like this game requires way more than that.

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ceedubya 7 years ago
The idea is to lure you in with fast moving game play and amazing artwork. After you have invested some time in the game, it slows down. To make it exciting again you buy "diamonds" with real money and pay to get past speed bumps built into the game. The longer you play, the slower the game goes. It's the same dance all these games have to use to make money. Make the game so cool you don't want to quit but so slow you can't resist spending money to speed it up and make it fun again. My big objection is that Inno doesn't want you to ever quit. They ran out of new ideas around Chapter six but have added six more chapters following the exact same formula. Build a "visitor" village that takes up all your space but is necessary to progress to the next chapter where you can . . . build a visitor village and so on. Along the way are "events" that are completely identical. Lists of things to make or buy that win you a prize that is a tiny bit better than the prize you got in the last chapter. So you are in a routine or you have made friends or you are too stubborn to quit until you finish. It stops being anything like fun and you just grind away. Forever the developers hope. If you are bedridden and have no other way to keep your mind active, play one of these games. Otherwise do something that doesn't manipulate and exploit you so much.

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PolishKnight 7 years ago
Great game... the game perks are awesome, it's as if the developers are just giving away money. FREE Time boosts, coin boosts, supply boosts, all of which took enormous amount of time to gain. The Goods Tournament can get a bit boring, fell asleep more than once doing the weekly Goods Tournament, but the side line events are fun, challenging, and make you think of the best strategy to complete the event in the amount of time given. It is now a true team event, and creates cohesion within the game. I've been playing for a year, and am still playing every day. It is a bit of a 'glorified Farmsville', but aren't they all?

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Elvenar hater 7 years ago
This is one of the worst games from one of the worst game making companys. It has so many bugs that an exterminating company couldn't sort them all out. They release a change on the beta test site and find out about the bugs from the players and then just release them on the live servers anyway. If you don't spend A LOT of real cash in the game don't even bother to try and contact customer services or the support team, you will just be wasting your time. They make changes to the game to force you to play the way they want you to play, they give you a feature in the game and then if you use it they take it away saying that it is getting abused when what they really mean is you are getting more than we wanted you to get so we are taking it away from you.
If you go onto the forum and say anything that the moderators don't like they will give you a warning and remove your post. The moderators are more dictators than moderators and are power crazy and if you try to report them to the support team the chances are that the person you are reporting them to is the person that you are actually reporting. Stupid idea having the same people in both posts. If you want a game that you can enjoy and have fun playing then stay far far away from Elvenar. They want your money and do not care about players one little bit. There is no way that i can describe how bad this game really is.

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Ann SMullen 7 years ago
I started this game a year ago..super game ..I have watched it develop HOWEVER they are growing to fast,,
very slow internet service..many erors.."streaming errors" ...time outs...just plain errors
their solutions are clear your clas... and all kind of impossible solutions for a noral player

go ahead and buy diamonds..but when you spend them..yu may get a streaming erro...upn re-entry your diamonds are gone but the servie you paid your diamonds for has NEVER been invoked.. STRATAGY game ..sure hor do you beat their STUPID IGNONT software enfineering?

Granted software development is very complicated..I was in software developemnt for 37 years..retired twenty yeARS AGO...i WOULD NOT EVEN TRY TO PROGRAM 'PRINT THIS'

Once they get their act together it is a super game BUT

don't try it now you get addivted and...frustration

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Whatever 7 years ago
This game has now taken an even more ridiculous turn.
Pushing is prohibited according to the rules, yet push cheaters are taking over. If you are here for some friendly competition in addition to city building, well in that case you have no chance anymore.
The developers seem to be publicly defending the cheaters on the forums, even deleting posts that ask more harshly to put an end to cheating. This is not a joke.

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Kate 7 years ago
Been playing for 2 weeks now as a casual gamer, I haven't got bored yet and I check in a few times a day for about 15 minutes a time. Not thebest but not the worst eeither. I like the graphics a lot.

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Tinkerbell 7 years ago
Play this game, but do NOT put money in it. And by far don't think you'll make it to the top. The paying players have all the cards and get away with push-accounts.

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Lauren 7 years ago
The game stinks.
The devs stink.
Inno is awful.
Nice graphics.
But don't bother.

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Insanity Claus 8 years ago
I started playing in 2017. There are 5 servers. Each server has a different revision of the game. It appears that there was no path to improving gameplay on existing servers. You can see the differences in the versions in the Building Tech Tree System. Earlier version have "Advanced Workshops" much later in the tree. The Arendyll sever is the most recent version, so only use that one. IMO, the game design increases the pressure for you to spend real cash to buy diamonds. It takes way too long to advance without using real cash. Do not use the smaller time cycle values less than 3 hours. It is best to play this once a day, because that is the only way you have enough gold to do what you have to do. Also, the game has a mode where you can fight and direct the contact between your forces and the enemy's forces. Don't use it. The User Interface is unusable. Use Automatic fights. Don't train troops and don't have a trader, it's is a waste of vital real estate. The systems require you to expend resources on cultural items. Most things can be upgraded, but cultural items cannot. As a result, it wastes real estate and makes the game to hard to play because you run out of room before you grow large. IMO, the huge kingdoms that you see your neighbors had could only have been done using spending thousands of dollars using real cash. 30 % of the neighboring kingdoms are mostly empty, representing people who gave up early. There is no benefit to joining a fellowship, other than having someone to chat with through in-game email. Fellowships don't do activities together. The only interaction between kingdoms is to make visits and help them by clicking 1 button then leaving

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Trisha 8 years ago
I liked this game at first, why? Because there was no PVP, something I hate in citybuilder's as I would rather work with other people than constantly be griefed them. Then the devs changed the combat system, making it imppsible to actually win a battle against the NPC as they now have overwhealming numbers. And forget negoiating the encounters, they now cost all your limbs. You have to constantly gather materials for which a fellowship is the best way to go.
Customer service is not the best at all, a friend online asked them about thechanges and how they were forcing much of the player base to leave. The reponse, the standard thank you for your input reply.

If you like relentessly having to grind for supplies, population and expansions and having to pay for diamonds to actually make steady progess then go ahead

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Zapp 8 years ago
I was looking for a game with pretty colors/mindless entertainment & this one fit perfectly in the beginning. After awhile of unfulfilled quests and subtle changes have made it clear... it is a pay 2play. Recently, battles are SOOO unfair & impossible to win. Customer support= Thanks for your Patience!

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I hate Inno, screw Elvenar 8 years ago
Don't play this game, it is horrible. They don't care about their customers, they don't care if you have fun. They want you to play the way they want you to play, and if you don't they will make you regret it by implementing some stupid update that makes everything impossible for you. And then some fake person on their forums will tell you you abused the game. Anyway, screw inno and their stupid games, Don't give them your money, do something fun with it instead.

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Grundolar 8 years ago
My troops are reduced to 1/5th of their size, the power has diminished entirely ; can no longer win any battles. Also they force players to swap neighbourhoods by jiggling round the map (unless you untick the setting). Many players will now be caught unaware.
A lot of . . . . (starts with 's' and is a four letter word)
The game has turned from fun into nuisance.

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Jason 8 years ago
With their new update that changed combat, everyone I spoke to found themselves in the boat I was suddenly in - unable to beat any NPC forces, and therefore unable to expand. The game didn't cater to gems being required as much as some games I have played. I can't recommend the game, Inno keeps making very bad decisions on what to change, and they have made it utterly miserable at this point.

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Big Al 8 years ago
Arghhhhhh, I am trying to find a new game but all the reviews that I ever read are slating the games. This is fine, but it would be great if you could recommend something else. I have only played 3 games, Lord of Ultima, Castlot, and until last week, Clash of Kings. Myself and 3 or 4 others need a new game. Any suggestions?

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Leokins 8 years ago
Love the slow timed-out pacing of the game, it's great to have something to check every 3 hours or so when I'm working at my desk and need a break. Game seems deliberately slow and I appreciate the real-time nature and the progress I've made as a result. I haven't purchased any paid items and am happily in the second chapter of research progression. Great for people who want to check in to a game a few times a day for 5-10 minutes.

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Arilla 8 years ago
I have to agree with comments already made by others. This game is not worth the time or money. The game glitches and takes your resources for purchases, and then the purchase doesn't show up in the town layout. Customer Service just says, "Sorry, but we don't refund supplies, so you'll just have to make the item again." Interesting take on customer service since it doesn't cost them anything to replace the missing items. They do, however, make it difficult to progress without purchasing some of the items. I'm done.

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Elven 8 years ago
Absolutely no need for rivals to come here and try to downgrade this game. It's a nice city builder game, and yes you do need the magic academy a lot, obviously, Gameczar haven't spent long enough time to understand some game functions. It is easy to comprehend, and follow, frequently updated and the bugs are being fixed. The makers wanting their users to get involved as much as possible. They have excellent customer service and fast response! About the community playing it: every server is different but they seem to have one thing in common, tons of control-and production freaks, and "wanna-be"s! Watch out for them and at the first sign you start to feel like it's been told to you how and when to play the game, just switch to another fellowship aka guild.

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gameczar 8 years ago
It has the potential to be a fun game but it's not ready. There are so many bugs it's unbelievable. In addition, they force you to play in certain ways and some changes are unalterable. Nobody likes the magic academy and yet you're required to have it and once you build it you can never get rid of it.

Just not a good game yet.

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Poppins 8 years ago
My advice is do not waste time or money on any Innogames game.
Carefully read the unfair and abusive rules.
InnoGames reserves the right to block the player's account without giving reasons.
It does not matter if money has been spent or not, and there is no refund.
And if you search the net for reviews or complaints, you will see that this is common practice.

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