Wartune is a free to play 2D turn-based browser MMORPG by R2games.
Wartune's dark fantasy world places players in the role of a knight, mage, or archer. Players control the progress of their city; obtaining resources and constructing buildings.
Featuring single and multi-player dungeons, and thousand-player boss battles, Wartune offers an action-packed world to players.
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Minimum System Requirements
Wartune is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Wartune, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like Wartune

Keep in mind that you will never be of any value unless you cash. It started off being a fun game to play. Spend a couple of hours or so in the evening or a short stint before heading off to work. Now there are so many things that need to accomplished in order to compete it has become a full time position.
Spending approx 28 USD per month isn't excruciating and it helped to move some of the quests out of the way. Now the game players are facing the fear of a lifetime. Those that spend dominate, period. The devos recently introduced new concepts that benefit only the best in the game. The class division is absurd. Others are simply being forced to walk away due to the struggle to grow effectively.
Games should never be a struggle to enjoy.
The attitudes have shifted wildly recently and there are some seriously bad vibes in the communities. However, if you choose to mortgage your property then I can see where you might enjoy playing. Pay and grow strong and just when you think that you are indestructible the servers will merge based on the amount of cash that has flowed to them.
No cash flow, no merger. My server has been screaming for a merger for a year. We are left with a dying world and struggling to keep going.
I have played since 2014. That is now over. The game has been turned over to new owners and they are turning what at one time was a fun game into the most monumental waste of time imaginable.
But hey, if that's what you're looking for don't let me dissuade you. SGS
I'm going to give my experience of the past 6 months playing this game. And don't let my experience sway your decision. This game is beautiful. The characters look good and the story, despite the grammar errors, is passable. There is a ton to choose from for character customization so you may have your character look as cool or as goofy as you wanna! Your guild though, is something that will keep you coming back. I loved the community and I loved my guild mates. If you get a good guild, everyone looks out for you no matter how new you are. Someone will help you. And that was my gem.
What destroyed my experience was the way the game was designed with many of it's events and progression. The grind is so real, people. I know there are some old school grinders still out there, so this may be your gem. Not so much for me. This is definitely a slow burn upward with no way to really catch up to the stronger players, so you always feel weak. I'm not much for hoarding items that makes me stronger either. But if you want to make yourself stronger, you have to learn patience; you have to wait your turn. And this was something I could not stand. If you don't want to spend money, it is almost necessary to hold onto your items until an even comes that rewards you double. And that's not fun for me. I have items that make me more powerful? I want to use them now.
Lastly, the penalties for your grind and the paywall. Let's get the paywall out of the way. I spent quite a bit on the VIP access to help my progression, and I understand the developers need to make a profit, but the price is too high. I can very well but a console and a few games for the prices they charge to make progression faster. And even then, you have to find the right things to spend your cash on. Why would someone fill their cash shop with mostly junk? The last straw that soured my experience to the point I had to leave the people I fell in love with and stop devoting time to this game were the penalties. One in particular is a tattoo system that boosts your character's strength. I used a difficult to get item to increase my power even more, it failed and I got penalized by having my progress actually taken away from me.
Once again, I encourage everyone interested to play this game. It's gorgeous, the community is amazing and this game would be 100 times better with more voice acting and translation fixes. But they really need to do something about the unbalanced nature of this game. The paywall is not worth it, the grind is not fun, being penalized for trying to progress is not fun, waiting is not fun. And it muddled the gems that I did find in this game.
The schedule was game's biggest problem. Pay-to-Win scheme was the second one as players paying even thousands of € monthly, sooner or later couldn't keep up with the ones spending 1/10th of that and just having more time to play the game.
Worst of worst, really, do not even try to sign up for this. U will lose precious time.
1st, The GM don't really care about the welfare of players, casher or non-casher. As far as they know, they can do whatever they like whenever and nothing can be done to them. They think, everybody will still play because the game is so good and addicting (which is true).. But, everybody has tolerance limit.
2nd, as stated above, the ticketing service, where players can lodge their complaints are nothing but for display but not functioning. The GMs on duty to answer players complaints or inquiry will give generic answers that don't actually answering a thing. Not to mention, the response time sometimes up to 3-4 days. That just WOW!
3rd, the events in the game sucks big time. They just made events up to their liking, sometimes stop making some event for awhile.. like 2-3 months while people hoarding their items, waiting for those events. They also made items and cancel it whenever they like.. for example those rare beast shards or something.. I've tons of them.. Can't be used anymore.
4th, granting special favours to some 'media-related' players. This, I just know. But imagine this, you spending your money on the game to compete with some players, only to realize that they actually get lots of special stuff from GM because they have 'voice' through social media. I even asked GM about this in ticket and they admit it. So, why play in game that already become inbalance because GM decided who should be better?
5th, bugs, lag.. you name it. Wartune have it. And whenever you reported it, they'll ask you to clear cache or something. Even when mini client doesn't work with new flash.. Instead of fixing the issue by asking the tech team to work on it, they asked players to downgrade their flash player to play miniclient. They asked players to fix the problem.. Nice, right? (Please notice the sarcasm there)
Second, the game being made as a test ground for players to try out each patch. This means that the patch does not test the impact of each game changes that it has on the player base before releasing it. For example, the nerfing of resistance, change wilds shop to mystery shop, change sylph arena matching, change of world prosperity to 1000%, change many other things that can be named, it's definitely below player's expectation. Many drastic changes aren't player friendly to a fulfilling game experience, others just to annoy players even more. (Useless resources: fate stones, soul crystals, sylph exp scrolls to stack in your inventory) Most of them causes more lag like introduction of eudaemons, more flashy clothing and mounts with each event. World prosperity of 1000% instead of 100% just merely destroy the fun of the game, where you are yet still learning the game as you progress and building your char.
The final drawback is that the flashy animated game doesn't live up to the standard game system it's suppose to have. In other games like League of Angels (LoA), inheriting is possible to prevent loss of progress from one hero / angel to another hero / angel. But in wartune, you cannot inherit any form of progress but exp to other sylphs. You cannot convert your eudaemon with bound balens, niether can you sacrifice them to another eudaemon. Blitzing is not possible for circuit quest, but in LoA, you can blitz loop quest within less than 5mins to complete them. There is no common premium currency where things are either bound or unbound for player discrimination of cash and non-cash. Inventory space needs to be bought but on LoA, we have unlimited inventory space. Free players earn bound balens, while cash players can recharge for unbound balens, which bound balens will have it's limitation on uses in the shop.
Apart from money,this game has secong big problem-the time.Get ready to spend big amounts of it.On such elemnts like guild battle,guild beast(new feauture)Atoll Boss.These events you must attend.
And the third think i dislike,all my time here.Is parties.Hard to find,takes too much time to convince other players to help you,especially if you not so strong and really need a team for your runs.Which kinda annoying sometimes.
But remember,this is a strategy,so why not to try various approaches,how to handle this all.Some events are just interesting and funny to do,even though you won't get a lot of bennefits from it.Games were designed to play,don't take it toooooooooo serious and all will be fine .
R2 soul focus is getting you to cash for the game and almost all events are geared in this way, avoid at all costs.
My knight is still top on server and has br over 450k but have quit
I am a non-casher, and have recently started playing the game. Not a single cent spent. I have consistently been the top 10 in my class at the world boss events. Even made all of the rush events in the first week that did not include having to directly spend balens (even the BR one, albeit not 18k BR). Yes, in PvP arena, I will die horribly to hardcore cashers who have spent quite a bit on their toons. So what? They paid money for their advantages. I didn't. I can live with that. What? You want to be as powerful as people who have paid real money without paying a single cent yourself? Really? Do you know how infantile you sound?
Wartune is not a game where the cashers can completely destroy your gaming experience by using you as a farm, razing everything you have built for months on end in an instant, and basically hounding you out of the game. You moaners should try Travian or War2Glory or Grepolis or any of the other wargames. Then you'd know what "pay2win" REALLY means. Heck, most of the cashers that kill you in arena are not even in the same server as you, so you don't even have to see them crowing about their "win".
I won't deny there are problems with loudmouthed trashtalkers in the game (just like in any other MMO game). And Wartune does not have a mute button so that you never have to listen to their drivel. You just have to realise that those trashtalkers are there to milk you of your money. That is their JOB. They get you angry and buy stuff to beat them, and then they miraculously get more stuff to beat you, and the arms race continues. Some of them work for R2, you fools! And of the majority that don't, why would R2 silence them? They are doing what R2 pay others to do. For free! Just leave your chat channel on your guild's or party's chat only and you never have to deal with them.
The good parts of Wartune are the friendships you can build with people (usually in your guild because of the above channel selection thing), and no mechanic for being completely destroyed by cashers. As in 50 cities reduced to 1 kind of destroyed (and that only because they can't take your last city), or from 6 million troops to zero kind of destroyed.
Play the game and be realistic and you will enjoy it. Play the game and wanting everything for free and you will hate it.
the only flaw in this game is everything is way to EXPENSIVE, it cost 40 dollars to get 4000 balens?
the only flaw in this game is everything is way to EXPENSIVE, it cost 40 dollars to get 4000 balens?
3 things you should consider before playing this game:
1. In-game activities are on a schedule spanning over 12 hours per day. If you have a job you might lose focus on it. I played instead of working.
2. I played on a US server despite living in europe. This meant that the activities happen on odd times. I spent the whole evenings on this game rather than on activities with my family.
3. This game could possibly be the most expensive game ever created. Precisely all elements in the game have some features that requires that you spend real money. There is no limit to how much money you need to fork out in order to be on top. I spent around 250 USD during my 6-7 weeks of playing and i was careful not to spend too much. I stopped playing at level 53 - before it gets really expensive to keep up.
I really advice against playing this game - it is simply not worth it. You do absolutely not get value for the money that you put in. I could have bought 5 real games for the money that i spent on a low effort flash game with legendary lag issues.
in game you got wings,clothing, powerful mounts, sokecting rod,higher gems, powerful weapon shards, vip , these are some of the most important thing you need to stay even in top 100, they all cost money. wings alone cost 3k $ for max upgrade, i saw many players who spend upto 30k$ in game, you play this game only if you got.. 5$ to spare on it, then you won't be raped by rich players every where, unless this game is not for you, if you don't like getting ass kicked every day.
Yes you wont stand a chance to those heavy cashers, but you can still be on par with the light-medium cashers in your lvl bracket. And go for being strongest for your lvl bracket, not strongest in the server/cross server. Cuz those are the realm of the heavy cashers who spent thousands and thousands of dollars.. Yes, there are people who spend that much in the game.
Once you hit mid-40 ish level it will be very slow for you to upgrade anything, the building cool down at level 26 takes an hour to complete while vip get free cool down, the soul crystal takes forever to gather through mp dungeon but if youre a vip you get free soul crystal in the vip package. you cant be as strong as cash payer player because even their VIP feature say so, that they'll give you free loot to increase your character strength. Trust me I paid for vip once and it was a big mistake
if you have any sort of problem good luck at that, you file a so call ticket and never heard from them again, you can read about this issue on many, many forum that they have
Problems I have with the game. After a certain time of playing it gets to be too repetitive. Making sure you are logged in during the events is a pain as well. As someone said, if you have a life, this game isn't really for you. Best way to get ahead is being able to make all the events. If you can't do that, then this game isn't for you.
Yes, people can spend in this game to get ahead, but once you reach higher levels, you end up being just as strong as them...so to me, it doesn't really matter if you cash or not. There's some added benefits if you become VIP, which is pretty cheap..so that's an added benefit to the game.
The support team is VERY poor. I have heard a lot of horror stories with the support.
Overall, if you have a lot of time to spend on the game, this is a great game to try out. Just be aware that it does get repetitive.
The game's content (graphics, audio, etc) is for the most part ripped from other games. Wartune was developed in China where copyrights apparently do not exist or are otherwise not a concern. They may have a decent game going mechanics-wise, but I wouldn't support such blatant IP theft/recycle. No way do they have licenses to all of the content, such as music from several JRPG titles from companies like Square(soft/-Enix). If you find the game looking nice, that's because other companies put effort and resources to that stuff. Not the company who developed Wartune.
And even if they had licenses to the content, what does the lack of unique content and creativity in Wartune tell about the company itself.
or still we hv to pay but we can hv loads of fun then its kinda gud but pls someoe give me an advise i m verrryyyy confused
i havent spend any penny in this game.
im lvl 61 now.. playing for almost 3-4months now.
Graphics are nice, very friendly people, lots of events and much more!
I am playing this game for month and I am happy that i found it accidently.
I'd definitely recommend this game as I love it and it's better than 99.99% of the other crap online games out there.
All in all, the best free browser game I have ever played.
Support is extremly poor which take away the fun from this game.
stay away don't waste your time and money
ofc u can play for free, but u cant spend that much time to catch cashers or be atleast able to beat them - as usual. mostly, non-cashers are canonfodder and needed to make cashers feel strong. thats the way of pay2win-games. guess we all knew this ;)
I am the most Feared Knight across arena-party 30>49 so yeah soon Patch 1.5 coming out with cross server BG 40-49 so dodge me if you see me:D. 33kbr if I get all hgih level pots on.
Also Iam doing 'Get free balensA' offers each day and I want 1995 balens so I can get wings...currently have 280...
So type support me to get my wings if u don'tbelieve my insane building check my account on S1.
Server: S1 Temple of Ibalize
and yeah, if you want your life wasted, go play this, you’ll get old and stinky cause you stick to the computer too much for this. LOL.
if you check r2 games besides wartune, you will know that it almost has the same sytem/gameplay as all their game is.
if you want a life controlled by a game, do this :p
many hacker players, hack gold , astrals, Farms.
Customer service really bad, can say the worst i see.
Me as a casher player, buy event 1st payment promo pack at 1st day, they didnt deliver me the freebies, then i send them ticketss (8 in count), until now more then 1 week, they just reply me under investigates, wait 24 hours. still didn't deliver my pack to me.
you can see they can up new server every week but can't even solve my problem.
So remember as a casher player think again before you play R2Games.
I'm level 75 Archer on Kabam server 1 US-WEST
GH is level 99 on US-East Europe server 1 and 2.
We're no G.M's of this game only the other games which are important, old and cost alot.. Example: W.o.W, iRO, Aion, and few other we don't recommend saying!!
1. World boss > 2x / day
2. Group arena > 2x / day (1 hour long)
3. Battleground > 1x / day (1 hour long)
4. Multi-dungeons > You can run 5x / day (usually 15 minutes each)
5. Catacombs
6. Farming ...
7. more....
I've decided to quit the game since I can't keep up with it anymore (losing sleeps..and not focusing my work lol). It would be great if they can limit the number of events down to like 1x or 2x a week so we could have a life. I was #1 on my server but have to give my account to someone else.