Dragon Nest
Dragon Nest is a free to play 3D fast paced action MMORPG published by Nexon with cute anime inspired graphics.
About Dragon Nest
Dragon Nest is a free to play 3D fast paced action MMORPG published by Nexon with cute anime inspired graphics.
Dragon Nest features four cute classes that can be directed down various paths of customization. Play as the melee ranged Cleric, the blunt and forceful warrior, the dodgy and powerful sorceress, or the deadly and speedy archer.
Targeting is becoming a thing of the past. Dragon Nest forces players to aim each strike to strike at your aims. Using a small cursor, you will line up magic, hammer swings, and arrows to puncture your enemies. The engine behind this game is intense and the acrobatics, quick moves, and smooth stream of offensive maneuvers you can link together in this game may surpass lots of MMORPGs when it comes to gameplay. Whether alone or with a group, wanting a cake walk or a controller throw inducing gauntlet, Dragon Nest has you covered. You can customize the dungeons to your liking, with rewards matching the effort put into them.
Dragon Nest takes their unique systems and puts them to the test in dazzling skill based PvP arenas, featuring up to 16 players at one time. They are auto-balanced by keeping track of a player’s skill to match them against similarly skilled players in the future.
In Dragon Nest, assuming the role of Heroes of the world of Lagendia, players seek an antidote to save the poisoned Goddess Altea. Facing countless dangers, including a landscape overrun by throngs of deadly dragons, the Heroes must call upon their strength, speed and cunning - and even discover ways to morph into dragons themselves - to defeat the mightiest of the dragons, protect the sacred territories and save Altea.
From the game’s intense combat featuring combination and chain attacks to randomly changing dungeons and sporadically spawning monsters, players will be kept on their toes as they engage in non-stop exploration of the colorful Dragon Nest world.
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System Requirements
Windows XP or higher
StorageOver 4GB available space
Penitum IV, Dual Core
GraphicsNvidia 7600
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
I played this game for more than four years now. Started in the na region but last year that region stopped giving updates for a few months (publisher changed) so now I play both sea and na, Content really only starts once you reach levelcap but I found starting again in sea actually was pretty easy. Leveling took only a couple of days and since that server is very populated and the guild I found was very active it was quite easy to get geared up to find a new raid team there.
Every few months I try out some new game but I always seem to go back to dragon nest. I strongly recommend it.
I see some negativity regarding the stamina system - maybe this got removed since I started or is only in certain regions but I never had a problem.
Also regarding cash I think in most in-game circles it is not expected to have all those cash items. Many of my raid team members have never spent anything and we clear all the content. Some people do get burnt however. For example currently there is some rare item you can get from buying a $1 dragon egg. I heard people who bought 300 and didn't get one.
This game is complete garbage ( Not your Time and Money and Find a Real MMO Game.)
Not Recommended Stay away from this failure RPG game.
+The combat is flawless.
Smooth animation canceling, skill chaining, combo on enemies are the best I have experienced so far. Beats Tera, beats Monster Hunter, and lots of other major titles in this aspect. You can and will have to dodge enemies attack, and unlike the titles mentioned, the dodge is responsive and cancels your skill animations. You can use skills to cancel other skills, so it will chain up into a smooth combo that is addictive. Riven players will understand.
+The skills are flashy and simply beautiful. Every class will have pretty and flashy skills, from lightning to sword blasts, everything is pretty to look at. Even the classes that sounds the most boring, like Barbarians, and Cleric(idk they sounds boring to me) Have very cool skills e.g Giant tornado and summoning lightning pillars from the sky.
+Cute characters with nice costumes.
Other than being gender/race locked, almost everything else is changeable. Then there are mounts, it used to be just horses, but then it became wolves, and now there are sports cars. Yes sports cars. If you can afford that is.
+Beautiful game design in general.
If you are into fantasy rpgs this is a title you have to at least check out. It has all the basic jobs you expect. Archer, Cleric, Warrior, Mage(Sorceress), Thief(Assassin). The Academic is for pedophiles and they even have Indian dancers, Spear users and now there is a chick with a big hand.
+PvP is skill based.
VERY skill based. The classes are broken, but almost always those that are bad at PvE is somewhat viable in PvP, or vice versa. Yes there will be an Elestra or Adept that will be literally killing everything on the ladder, but at least everyone will have equal stats, so you don't always lose to rich bastards throwing money at the game.
I did not spend 400 USD if I didn't have to. If you want to play anything, and I mean ANYTHING end game, you better have a good load of cash piled up. And that is just to experience the game content. Getting good will cost 3-5 times that amount. If you are geared enough, and archer can face tank boss fights. And this brings me to the next point.
-Publisher is cash grabbing.
"Great, you spent 3 months savings for those high end gears of yours? Wouldn't it be a shame if someone raised the level cap right now and render all of them obsolete?" At least in SEA, from what I've experienced, this is what happens. They pump out nice mobs that are hard to kill>Players cash and tries to kill mobs>Majority of the players can not kill said mobs and some with relative ease>Raise level cap and introduce harder mobs>Repeat.
-Classes are broken and discriminated.
I played as a class called MoonLord, a magic based sword master. Before this class got buffed to the broken ass shit it is right now, it was the worst, and I mean the WORST class, but I had a passion because skills were flashy. The trouble is the player base knows that, so I literally never gets invited to parties. After assassins came out, every Dragon fight must have an Assassin/Raven, and there will be tier lists going around Telling people what to pick. If you like the design of an unpopular class, well you better have a fortune or good luck.
-Game is designed for end game.
Other RPGs, leveling is a part of the game. You feel yourself getting stronger, keep switching to better gears and fight harder mobs until you can finally top the population. This can take up to a month or two depending on what you are playing. In dragon nest, you ask a end game player to boost you, grind the same dungeons that gives the most exp in the shortest time, for one night you can reach level 36 from 0. You are still holding the beginner weapons but you are already in places that should have taken you AT LEAST a week. Nothing is designed for players that are leveling. New gears, new mobs, new events are all end game, which you will reach in three days asking in public chat for people to boost you. You will not play 80% of the dungeons because they are not exp/time efficient and you will be hastily rushed into a killing machine from an infant. So much well made content was wasted. Wow a 3 headed dog that is meant for my level oh never mind I am already 20 levels above it it's pointless.
-Just out right losing it's touch.
back in the days when there were only 4 classes. The they added more and more, each time making the player base more unbalanced and toxic. New classes will be just busted for a few weeks, and then nerfed into the abyss of shit. Much like Maplestory. I stopped after Lancea was out coz shit was getting out of hand. Mob models are being recycled, just changing color and stats of the mobs and passing it off as a new enemy. Designs have clearly ran out of ideas, so they starts throwing whatever shit they can think of and hope it sticks onto the wall.
Verdict: 6/10 (Being Biased and lenient)
Is a solid game, yes it is, UI, music/voice, Systems, Crafting, Skills are all there and working, well most of the time. It has a few bright spots that got me addicted for very long, and I was willing to overlook some of its flaws. However, very cash oriented. Almost unplayable without cash. For something that claims to be free to play, this is fatal, and unfortunately I have to say the overall experience was way less enjoyable than it could have been.
Thank you for reading.
Final Rate: 1/5 (Poor) Bad game
+ 9 Character Classes
+ Costume, Mount , Pets, Farm Barn System
+ English Voice Actor
+ Challenging Dungeon
+ Great Storyline
(- Con)
- Gender locked Character
- Limit Progress (Heavy limit Progress at Max Level Cap) Stamina system
- Cold Community
- Decline Player base
- Bugs
- Old Graphic style may turn off player
- Lack of Customer Support
- Gold Seller
- Unbalance PVP
Stamina System List of games
1. Dragon nest
2. Elsword
3. Skyforge
4. Dungeon Fighter online
5. Hero Dungeon
If you a Pve player that like to play for the storyline. Don't bother with this game.
it has become nothing but a elitists Community that want more power in the game and not teamwork anymore in dragon nest same for the classes role as well. The character are based on the storyline so it may not be for everyone who don't like gender locked character plus the PVP system in dragon nest is a complete mess with player who will abuse their skill to get a win in PVP which goes that there is no challenge in pvp. (PVP Server Connection unstable badly)
Final Rate: 2/5 (Fair)
Reason why dragon nest went downhill completely:(Small Playerbase), (less Support),
(Nexon Bad Company), (Less GM)
+ 9 Character Classes (Gender locked)
+ Pets
+ Mounts
+ Farming
+ Fishing
+ Raid boss
+ Guild wars
- Dark Community
- Server issue
- Bugs
- Gold Spammer
- Class discrimination
- Gender locked
- DDos Hacker can ruin the game
- Unbalance PVP
- Pay to Progress
- Very Bad Community and enlists Community
- Lots of Server issue
- Bad management
- Unbalance PVP
- Bugs
- Lots of gold buyer and Scammer
- Heavy Limited Dungeon Stamina bar (maxed Capped level 80 or higher Character)
- Low playerbase Server
- Pay to win
Dragon nest is no longer fun to play any more due to the community behavior problem with classes that they don't like in the game. it based on tier damage for class in this game so if your not on high tier list rank damage board. the player will not take you in their party group for raid bosses or event raid too. it is really sad that this game has a good playerbase connection but it has disappear from nexon bad management. (Not Recommanded) Bad Community, bad business
Does dragon nest run on the middle east
Easy to download and very fun to play
you will have so much fun playing it
Gigard>lvl.34>looking for a guild
On EU I was close to being one of the best snipers/illumias (smashers) on the server but the game got too repetitive and I had to stop playing it.
As long as you don't get too used to the game, it is fun. The endgame, however, is annoyingly repetitive. You keep doing same dungeons and raids over and over again and if you get to cap everything in the first few days after reset, you have only 1 thing to do, and that's pvp. Which isn't anything special as ladder becomes more and more unpopulated the longer the updates exist. On lvl cap 40 ladder was practically dead on EU a month before the update, with lvl 60 it's no different.
I recommend this game but warn you that endgame is repetitive and reaching level cap can be done in about 1 days of non stop entering the same dungeon on abyss/master in a party. Gears are too cheap and too easily obtained. So yeah, gameplay wise it's a great game but it still lacks in content to keep players interested in endgame.
the PVP is the best thing in this game.. you dont need to be geared or items to pew pew pew the enemies.... you can just PLAY NAKED on pvp.. and focus on your skills sequence and combos.. coz the damage is same as everyone.. the is really intense fast pace flashy game! especially the EX version skills of your specified class is purely awesomeness <3.. and the 8v8 or 1v1 clash team fight is really great and so epic rumble as soo good wooooo.. dota,lol or other focking BORING POINT TO CLICK GAMES has so far beyond this unique awesome gameplay!! im looking forward to dragon nest 2 which is rumored to be open world, pk ,and more realistic graphics <3
And to those who have problems in the community, dont worry about it. You'll meet your fair share of annoying and frustrating players. I also have to comment on the PvP. I can't get enough of it. Last year, I stayed up all night on DN just because I wanted to PvP. I know, its not healthy and I shouldn't have done it, but that's just how much fun it is. I seriously recommend this, and I feel like this game is going to be coming up with some new stuff in the future. I just want to say AWESOME JOB GMs. You guys are really doing a great job. Im looking forward to some more things.(doesnt matter if you dont see this post)
My laptop is currently getting fixed and I should be getting it back in the next week or so. So, if you need some help:
Lexis-Wind Walker
Virsa-Elementalist(Lvl 41)<-----Future Saleana
Diaspro-Mystic (Lvl 40) <-----Future Force-User
And I do have my jump character who is still Lvl 45, she's an Elestra, but I cant remember her name.
In at least a week Ill be able to enjoy the game I love ♥◇♥/》
Well, see you in the game !!!~
P.S.-Cant wait for assassin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its awesome
The storyline is silly, amusing and inticing. It varies depending on which class you pick and the storyline quests help you level up through the entire game. Raid bosses and dungeon bosses are serve a particular challenge however anyone can solo anything with any amount of gear if they're skilled enough. (For example the highest skill cap class Acrobat has many invis frames and evasion moves but extremely hard to control for a novice)
Combat wise this game boasts the most satisfying/challenging combat system I've yet to encounter in 11 years of gaming. If you do some research, every class has various sorts of "Chain combos" or strings of skills you can use to juggle opponents in pvp or to burst a dungeon boss. Skills that give that nice "crunch" kind of satisfaction from 50 of the same sound effects playing at the same time when you hit 50 different mobs with one skill
PvP ladder games is EXTREMELY challenging, don't expect to roll your keyboard and waste all your cancels/recoveries and hope you win. Winning in a ranked pvp match is about exploiting cool downs on recoveries/cancels of your opponent and knowing what they can do, not your regular run off the mill bash each other till you're dead.
The community can be stinkers too, but it's still one of the best games I have ever played.
Dragon Nest is definitely no game which you have to cash to even kill monsters. Although that cashing might give you that little more edge over others, it relies more on your skills. With that said, this game requires a little bit of experience in other MMORPG and you actually need a good set to clear dungeons, be it solo or party, in higher difficulties and dungeons.
Dragon Nest is a more involvement based game which requires one to actually use their own judgement and skills to win the game, rather than those click and attack types. However, it is very often you see a handful of players who can't really play well and gets really frustrating in dungeons as well as PvP.
Other than the PvE in dungeons, I would say that the main reason I played this game for so long was the PvP. The game itself is a rather fast-paced game and combined with pitching yourself against another skilled player makes it have some difficulty. Combining your skills with your normal attacks to make up combos as well as the ability to really dodge attacks, it's no anymore the normal spamming of 1-4 keys and the character still stays there.
Dragon Nest is truly a unique game and although there are many other ARPG games out there I would say that it will truly appeal to those who like anime-styled characters and the graphics is unparalleled. The last thing that makes me keep coming back to this game is the smoothness, I have never ever seen any game which makes your turning so smooth! This is what puts me off in most ARPG games,especially in PvP. But if you aren't the kind of guy who hates laggy controls, then you might not really like this feature.
A word of caution before you play though, Dragon Nest has its own difficulty. It is a game where you get better as you gain more real-life experience in the game, if you are going to play this game, then don't be put off at the first day or second, because that's when you still have yet to really understand the whole game.
Error Code -40 is a Nexon Game Manager (NGM) error that typically occurs when the installation process is blocked or interrupted by an external program. The first sets of numbers within the parentheses are assumed to be the file number identifier where the installation process failed, but this has not been confirmed.
Happened to me wen I was a little click happy at install trying to play the game try reinstall.. The game launches from inside the browser.. Hope that helped.. Google error 40 obvi...
Now the most important thing, IT IS A LOT OF FUN.
This game is everything anyone would want, you should definitely try it!!!!
Grinding isn't necessary in this game, since you gain exp by clearing Dungeons and Quests. Item durability dies often, so don't forget to repair. Skills are wide ranged and hugely affects the gaming depending on your range and location between the player and the mobs.
Think the level is too hard? Don't worry, before starting a Dungeon, you can choose your difficulty ranging to Easy to Abyss.
HOWEVER, this game and most mmorpg's share one thing: the battle system will soon be repetitive. Honestly, many of you choose the best skills to use during battles with monsters. And skill use in Dragon Nest is a major mana killer. Throughout the game, you might notice yourself killing monsters using the same skills over and over again until you get to tryout a new skill. But the excitement of using different skills allows the player to use different combination of attacks. Please do notice that all skills have a certain cooldown time.
For those players who like to travel around big maps and have social lives, this game wouldn't be very suitable for you. Dragon Nest's system is Dungeon based, so there wouldn't be much freedom to do whatever you want like in all-round games such as Mabinogi. This is clearly a "fight, fight, fight" mmorpg game. It holds a lot of action, though it lacks social elements between players. Don't get me wrong, it does have some social elements, but it doesn't really have any activity that you can do with other players on a large scale other than running through dungeons together.
But there's always things to expect in the future.
Thus, it is reasonable to give this game a 4/5 or a 7.5/10 - 8/10
I Can Say that Dragon Nest has the Best Intense, Fast paced, Action Packed, Epic PvP battles… As of August 28, 2012, Dragon Nest SEA just patched up to level 50 cap including new 3rd jobs! (Yeah!!)
Ok, so as of this moment, we have 5 basic classes, 10 second Jobs, 20 3rd Jobs branching from their respective basic classes (additional 1 basic class soon to come! I just spoiled it.. XD):
So Here are the Characters you can make:
Sword-Master Mercenary
Gladiator | Moon-Lord Barbarian | Destroyer
Acrobat Bow-Master
Tempest | Wind-walker Sniper | Artillery
Paladin Priest
Guardian | Crusader Inquisitor | Saint
Elemental-lord Force-user
Elestra | Saleana Smasher | Majesty
Engineer Alchemist
Gear-master | Shooting-star Adept | Physician
Just choose what you think that goes with your personality, and you will enjoy a lot! ^_^
I will never ever give my ID or Sofi number to some random site to play a f2p mmorpg.
I don't even understand why Anyone would do that.
Game is highly repetitive too. You will be doing some of the same dungeon instances like 3 or 4 times, whether it be to level up or to get better gear drops from the higher difficulties. And going back to my previous point, it's annoying trying to find people with common sense, but you have to, because the higher difficulty dungeons are either impossible or will take an incredibly long time to clear solo.
TL;DR - Typical kiddy playerbase, mediocre customization and gender-locked classes, and highly repetitive gameplay. The only good thing I have to say about the game is that its combat was fun. Everything else just couldn't keep my attention. So if you're looking for a game that has really nice combat, but crappy everything else, go for it.
Mystic forever >:3
...I just typed another novel.
Dragon Nest SEA = All the world except usa and canada.
can I play this game on video card: intel gma 3100 (not x 3100)
please some 1 reply
and thanks.
Btw: Nexon's DN costumer service is crappy, like always. I recommend the SEA version even if you are from the NA
mn... one comment is that, unlike other mmorpgs, this one has instance dungeons and a party has the capacity of 4 people which makes it a bit dull because there's something fun with raiding a dungeon with your whole guild or whatever.
At least pvp battles in the arena can have 16 players.
the quests are very entertaining though. :D .-.
T ^ T there's a limit to the number of times you can die which is good... but quite annoying when you want to finish a dungeon and you can't get ressed anymore.
It's pretty light, and the plot isn't too deep. character creation aside (since it's pretty limited >.>), it's a good game~
The game feels pretty cool, but at the same time you wonder if its ultimately just a light show... I think they should force new players into a group it would help you appreciate the MMO aspect...
anyway I recommend this one,
So I don't know pls tell me I always thought SEA was "South East Asia" it is right or ?? ^^
Or can Europe play this version (SEA) ??
Can sum 1 help me ?