Nostalgia in MMORPGs: 5 Classic Games That Still Capture Hearts
These games bring a heavy dose of nostalgia for many players.
In this list, we're looking back at the good ol' days of MMORPGs. These games not only give us a hit of nostalgia for days gone by, but are actually still playable to this day. So sit back, relax, and let's take a look at 5 MMORPGs that give us a huge dose of nostalgia.
Ultima Online
Since its release in 1997, Ultima Online has been considered one of the great MMORPGs in history. Many still look back fondly on their time in Ultima Online, while others still spend their free time playing. The immersive world and extensive systems in the game have kept the game alive for much longer than many would have anticipated. Considered by most to be the granddaddy of all MMORPGs, it's not hard to see why so many people have such fond memories of this game.
Released in 2001, Runescape remains a very popular MMORPG to this very day. With a multitude of updates over the years, Runescape has continued to be a relevant game many years later. For many players, Runescape tugs at a nostalgia string that no other game can match. It was the first MMO many players ever tried.
EverQuest I & II
EverQuest is turning 25 in 2024, while EverQuest II turns 20. That's a long time to remain relevant, and the name alone would mean a great deal should a new EverQuest MMORPG ever come to fruition. Both games have released dozens of expansions and updates over the years, with both still dropping updates to this day. Once again, these are often cited as the first MMORPGs many players ever tried.
Lord Of The Rings Online
Set in Tolkien's Middle Earth, Lord of the Rings Online exists in the fantasy world most often cited as one players would love to visit. The epic war for the ring is raging in the background of your journey through LOTRO, and you get to meet and help most of the main characters from the books along the way. Given how beloved the Lord of the Rings books are, it's no wonder the MMORPG is so beloved by players past and present.
Dark Age Of Camelot
Often imitated for its 3-faction PvP system, Dark Age of Camelot is remembered fondly by its players as an original. DAOC has its roots in text-based games like I used to play in my dorm room in college (man, I'm old). Dark Age of Camelot has received its fair share of accolades over the years, but perhaps games like The Elder Scrolls Online and Guild Wars 2 pay it the highest compliment when imitating the three-faction PvP system.
Is there an MMORPG that makes you nostalgic? Perhaps one that many wouldn't associate with being nostalgic right away? Let us know what MMO it is and why in the comments!
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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