Jade seems to be a common theme amongst the rewards.
Jade seems to be a common theme amongst the rewards.
Tip back a pint in either MMORPG.
The Queen of Love returns.
Where did your favorite Daybreak title rank?
EverQuest's 32nd expansion and EQ2's 22nd expansion both arrive in December.
Let's break it down for every game, including EverQuest.
The expansion launches today.
Whether you're looking for a new game, some new DLC, or even just some cash shop cash, there's a lot on sale this weekend.
Sometimes you're willing to put up with a lot of issues if the friends you make are worth it.
Some rewards are in the original EverQuest, too.
If you're a bit behind the current PC top-tiers, here's a few MMORPGs you can still probably enjoy.
Whatever you play, there’s an event for you.
Lots of puns and lots of scary rewards are up for grabs.
Pre-orders are available now as well.
Look, if a dragon says, "No thanks," maybe it's just time to call is quits, right?
Even DCUO is getting some D&D love.
It includes a brief preview of what to expect through September.
The size of bag rewarded depends on the servers you play on.
The six hour video includes several panels on the game’s history and development.
Celebrating 25 and 20 years in the market, these MMORPG's have quite the show planned.
Here's what you can expect from the Teek and Tormax servers.
There's other things happening as well in May 2024 for both MMORPGs.
If you have lots of playtime, you get priority!
Celebrating 25 years of EverQuest and 20 years of EverQuest 2.
It takes place this June in San Diego, California.
Cups, shirts, posters, mousepads, they've got it all.
From Zero to Hero! These players became famous (or infamous) in their MMORPG of choice.
These two game have been around for a hot minute.
Damn...you're really about to feel old with some of these big MMORPG birthdays!
There's loads of activities to do and stuff to get in the MMORPG, as well as EverQuest 2.