World of Tanks Headed to Xbox 360 - E3 2013 CEO Victor Kisyli took to the stage early in Microsoft's Xbox panel at E3 on Monday to announce that World of Tanks would be coming to the Xbox 360 this summer. The game will be free-to-play for Gold subscribers on Xbox LIVE.
The console version of the game already has its own website, offering up tips and advice for new players (and maybe people who like the game but are really bad at it... not that I know anyone like that). The new incarnation also has its own newly dedicated Twitter and Facebook pages.
Also revealed in the trailer for the big news were some new statistics on the game, including 60 million registered players across 200 countries. Although some gamers undoubtedly own both a PC and an Xbox 360, over 77 million 360s have been sold worldwide since its 2005 debut, bringing WoT to potentially tens of millions of new players.
The move also seems like a great way for to gain a foothold on consoles and learn the ins and outs of the platform to pave the way for World of Warplanes and World of Warships on the next generation of consoles. Unless League of Legends makes its way to consoles, it's not hard to imagine we'll see a press release in the coming months trumpeting as having the “biggest F2P games on consoles.”
Actually, come to think of it... why hasn't Riot ported League to consoles? Sounds like a license to print money.
What's your take on the news? Granted, most of you reading this are probably PC gamers, so it doesn't affect you directly, but if a sizable company like can take its gameplay to consoles, will this open the doors to a new wave of F2P console gaming?
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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I personally would have thought if you preferred consoles over pc, chances are you'd have a pc anyway of which if nothing currently catered for this type of game on console, you'd just play it on pc.
Haven't touched WoT for a long time, got bored, also sick when the tanks (classes in other games) constantly get tweaked. Absolutely hate this when it happens, grind away a tree for a certain tank, get there and they change it for the worse.....
Not to mention that they are already struggling to keep the pc version of the game running anyways.