Latest On E3 2013

Best of E3: My Excellent Entertainment Experience

E3 2013 was just over two weeks ago and while it certainly was a console-fest, some interesting Free-to-Play news did emerge from the heaps of media and PR bodies stacked on top of one another within the expo center. We pulle...

By Michael Dunaway -
Warframe Video Interview - E3 2013

MMOBomb catches up with the developers from Digital Extremes creators of Warframe, to find out just what the company has been up to with the MMO.

By Michael Dunaway -
Infinite Crisis Video Interview - E3 2013

MMOBomb meets up with Turbine the developers behind Infintie Crisis to find out just what makes this Superhero MOBA different from all the others.

By Michael Dunaway -
Black Gold Video Interview - E3 2013

We sat down with Snail Games Producer Tyler Rawlings to discuss the upcoming Steampunk/Fantasy MMORPG Black Gold.

By Michael Dunaway -
Killer Instinct For XB1 Is Free-To-Play... Kinda

If you're a fan of the mid-'90s fighting game Killer Instinct, then you were probably jumping out of your seat when Microsoft, in conjunction with Double Helix Games, unveiled a new incarnation of the game for the Xbox One at it...

By Michael Dunaway -
World of Tanks Headed to Xbox 360 - E3 2013 CEO Victor Kisyli took to the stage early in Microsoft's Xbox panel at E3 on Monday to announce that World of Tanks would be coming to the Xbox 360 this summer.

By Michael Dunaway -
