Throne And Liberty Acknowledges They Needed To "Do A Better Job" At Communicating New Gear Info

Solo dungeons that some have found too hard will also receive changes tomorrow.

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:


Now that we're a few weeks removed from the official launch of Throne and Liberty's Wilds of Telandre expansion, feedback has started rolling in regarding many of the MMORPG's newest features. The primary pain points for players seem to be the new gear (and where to find it) and the difficulty of the new Solo Dungeons. In a new episode of "Tico Talks," the team breaks down upcoming changes and acknowledges that they may not have communicated some information in the best ways.

Global Design Manager Tico says the team distributed new gear similar to the way Tier 1 gear was distributed at launch. However, he recognizes that this may not have been communicated well and players wound up frustrated at not exactly knowing where the new gear they wanted came from, and if it was even in the game yet.

Tico apologizes for this and reminds players that comparing their version of the game to Korea's isn't totally accurate, since Korea also releases gear over time...they're just ahead of the western version. All remaining gear will be released by April 17th. Some players do still seem to be annoyed that gear doesn't always drop from the same place as it does in Korea, however that point was not addressed.

Solo Dungeons haven't been as "relaxing" as the team originally thought. The entry tiers are apparently too difficult, the rewards aren't worth the time, and final bosses are too difficult if you're on a class with little or no healing ability.

These items change tomorrow, March 27th. First, difficulty of Tier 1 and 2 will be reduced. A new "life steal" ability will be in all tiers (except 5) to compensate for non-healing classes. Tier 1 gear is being removed from the reward pool and replaced with Tier 2 tokens. Artifacts and runes can drop as rewards, too, and Tier 5 could even drop a Nebula accessory for you. All in all, these are probably very welcome changes.

Field bosses will get a slight change, too. The team wants to increase the kill rate a bit. A debuff will be introduced tomorrow that ticks away at boss health until the boss is at 10% HP. This will replace the previous reduction in boss health, which was a "quick fix" at the time.

The new Trait Resonance system, which was slated to arrive tomorrow, has been delayed until late April.

Check out the full episode below for additional changes to some abilities and PvP content. Don't forget about the Starbloom event which is now live.

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About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

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