Stars Reach's Latest Blog Post Details What The Game Offers Players As First Testers Will Hit Servers Soon

They want players to know it’s “about living in another world”.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Stars Reach Dev Post

Playable Worlds posted another piece on the Stars Reach website today, wrapping up the series of posts that are intended to offer information on the “high-level goals of the game”, titled “Who is Stars Reach For?” If you’re expecting a post that explicitly says, “This MMORPG is for this specific set of players, no others need apply,” you’re going to be disappointed. Rather, the post emphasizes what kind of game Stars Reach will be.

The TL;DR of that is that it is a sandbox game with open goals for players to pursue. It isn’t a theme park game with a focus on leveling and gear accumulation. As they note, “there is no single goal that a player can pursue, except perhaps to work together with other players to try to solve the large scale thematic problem the game presents.” However, it doesn’t seem like there’s anything saying you have to do that if you don’t feel like it.

The post goes on to list things players can do, based on the game’s early design documents. The list is effectively a series of character archetypes ranging from adventurer to xenobiologist to more mundane things like farmer. Also discussed is the dev team’s need to be practical about development time, noting that while the game will have quite a few features, they’re small and build on each other to provide the game’s depth. That means that ideally the amount of features should not hurt development time.

That said, there’s also a section that specifically addresses the need to choose what features to do rather than do them all.

Whatever the outcome of this process, it’s about to be tested. This weekend, the first players will be hopping in for testing. However, the devs think it unlikely that they’ll see much as the devs expect the client to crash repeatedly. We shall see.

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In this article: Playable Worlds, Stars Reach.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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