SoulWorker Open Beta Kicks Off Today

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

SoulWorker, the anime-style co-op ARPG from Lion Games and Gameforge, entered open beta today. Players can create accounts on the game's site or download it via Steam.

During this particular test phase, the developers are looking to fine tune the game's balance as well as test server stability. So, of course, they warn players to expect potential server issues. They also note that there is a chance they may have to reset all accounts but don't go into too much detail on that... yet. For those of you wanting to check out the game's store, it will be available during open beta. However, it will only contain free test items for now.

Of course, the dev team has arranged for a selection of in-game items to reward those participating in the test period. These include:

  • 1x Exclusive open beta title: 'Active Beta Tester’ (in-game character title)
  • 1x Darling Outfit (for the character of your choice)
  • 1x Hellanko Akasha Card (rare version of the normal Hellanko card)
  • 10x Bonus Keycard
  • 3x Power Vitamin
  • 5x Respawner

Players interested in joining the open beta can create an account on the game's site or download the game via Steam.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Gameforge, SoulWorker, Lion Games.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (8)

Shintarox 7 years ago
WEll gameforge .. u didi again... (Sea and South america get ip block)

CM threea 7 years ago
Hey guys!

We are sorry that you experienced these issues. There are serious load problems, true. The maintenance yesterday eased it quite a bit and we will continue to improve. Hopefully a patch today will go another long step in the right direction. :)

CM threea

Rufinus 7 years ago
I'm using the gun class but i have to stay 2 feet from the monsters to hit them, Feels weird.

IsamiOni 7 years ago
Saw "Gameforge" => remembers Aion and Tera...shivered..
Downloaded anyway => created character => 'start game' button doesn't work [even Universe is against this]
1h later: 'Start button' worked => completed Tutorial => game crashed
late evening: appeared in town => completed 2 'dungeons' => finished side-quest in town => opened inventory => crashed
in the morning: launched game=> pressed 'start game' => "server was disconnected (-35)"

Typical Gameforge

Lel 7 years ago
Servers are laggy at this point lol

Rock 7 years ago
This will be a good time to give back feedback and idea for game-forge open beta game.

Todoran 7 years ago
i stoped reading at Gameforge..... nope

Tyrrion 7 years ago
Gameforge? Im out.

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