Server Signups And Character Creation For Aion Classic Server Opens...Right Now
Well, this was a bit unexpected and might seem a bit early, but it seems that now that they've announced the launch date -- which, admittedly isn't that far off -- for Aion Classic, they're really ready to get things rolling. So, starting today, following standard Aion server maintenance, those interested in getting a taste of old-school Aion can get a jump on things by picking out their server, creating a character, and reserving their name.
Classic doesn't officially launch until June 23, so technically, there's a good amount of time to get character creation done. Of course, we have no idea how popular the classic server is going to be. So there is a chance that you won't have to do early character creation at all and still get your preferred server and name. (I'm pretty sure I'm the only one at MMOBomb who's even a little excited about it.)
As noted in the earlier announcement, the Classic Aion server will be a bit different from other classic MMO offerings in that it will have a free-to-play option. So those interested can try it out and not have to worry about any lost money if they don't like it.
As for the rest of the work being done during today's maintenance, players of the main game can expect the following changes:
- Fissure of Oblivion event will end.
- Summer Vacation event will begin.
- Frosty Fever event will begin.
- For the next 4 weeks, players will not lose Renown during the weekly deduction.
- Adjusted the reset time for Crucible Spire (Middle)Classic
On an additional note. It seems the Asmodians are as popular as ever and NCSoft is already restricting character creation to encourage players to roll some Elyos characters. It took me a bit, but I just by bouncing back and forth between servers, I was able to create an Asmo. So, if you don't want white wings, be patient.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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