It has to be downloaded from the game’s site.
It has to be downloaded from the game’s site.
The trial comes as part of the MMO's first major update.
Walking in a winter wonderland, in August.
Her Dual Knives allow her to get up close and personal.
The event is free, but you’ll need to reserve your space.
It hasn't been all sunshine and roses so far, but the RTS opens up to a larger audience tomorrow.
The new system coming in The War Within will grant players all appearances from non-cosmetic item rewards, no matter class.
An interesting change for a game that gets very few "new" eyes on it lately...
The goal is to “give players a changing experience”.
We're sure there's a "power" joke in here somewhere.
Not a lot of details on this one yet, but there's reason to think at least one could be multiplayer.
While we've known about Unleashed for a while now, I didn't know this part of their founder's story.
Survive a plague-ridden, war-torn Europe.
The new system will take into account player performance on different roles.
The exploit dumped 300B gold into the game’s economy in just a few days.
If you don’t have your feathery mounts already, now’s the time to get them.
"Early Access Is Not A Soft Launch For Us"
So far the focus has been on major issues and bugs, but now it's time to turn to adding content.
Nope, they won't be fixed.
The block follows a report from Bloomberg showing that Roblox reported over 13,000 incidents involving children.
And by party we mean completing event challenges to earn titles and rewards.
There’s also an anniversary event inspired by Ancient Greece.
Are the changes enough to make you consider playing again already or will it take more?
It only took about two years.
Revenue is up more than forecasted for the second quarter and they expect the same in Q3.